Thursday, June 28, 2007

Alone in library waiting fer Guo Wei to arrive and then boy and jeanette came and then i had no mood to study as i am so into those astrology book, plamistry, psychic batttlefield, witchcraft and Dreams (This tell you how to solve your dreams...) and guo wei also didnt study too as he was chatting with jeanette...boy was sleeping and then i called jason whether he wan to watch shrek 3 anot at yishun...then he come find us and i intro him to jeanette and gary and boy...then show him those books...i seriously dunnone library got this kind of books we had long john silver fer lunch and then go watch shrek and we were so high when we realised only five of us in the cinema and we were taking pictures and saying ghost in the jus when we are so high...some other ppl we are not alone...haiz...then watch the movie and there this GV staff keep coming in and look at us...and he look like gary sia...they thought it was after that homesweethome...on the way home, i nearly knock down by car...i see there no car but then that car just flashed infront of me just like as if its suddenly pop was so close night i reread all my testimonials and comments my friends gave and i keep laughing...and i realised the person who gave me most testi and comments was jasmin!

Woke up and prepare myself to go fer my ITE First class outing at sentosa...was late abit...and then wait fer han pei and fabian...we guessed what colour shirt they will wear...haha...and me and kelvin keep saying abt ppl passing by we took the tram to palawan beach...and settle ourself first...played a few games...

Picture 1: Going to take train

Picture 2: Say cheese!!

Picture 3: Sock Teng eating ice kacang

Picture 4: me threaten kelvin that i will throw his cigarette so that he will borrow his glasses

Picture 5: Getting started

Picture 6: Making long boobs

Picture 7: Bane gonna kill her!!

Picture 8: nice coconut!

We went to swim in the sea and yikes! its soo dirty...we even saw condom floating in the sea...and thomas still go and touch it and pick erxin sia!! and han pei even found underwear!! the sea is so dirty sia!!! walau eh until i dun dare to go the sea le and i keep on suntan...hehe...then they start to catch mudskipper, snails and fish! funny...then we help lin yan to make new body with big boobs and pei even got two coconut shell fer her!! then we dine in vivo kopitiam..and went shopping...i went to claim my one GB thumbdrive from canon shop but they told me at funan...wadthe? the cwp courts staff told me is at vivo now vivo ppl tell me is at funan...the funan ppl better dun tel me is at vivo i will get dulan de...then i went to find grace they all at the playground until i felt something hard cracked my i knocked into a big pillar and my head damn damn damn pain teeth shaky also sia...then we went to addidas and played the snake and ladder on the floor!! but we didnt clean up the dies and just go...then fabian damn funny...say bye bye to us and tell us he goin watch movie alone...then later on come back to us...then on train say drop off at outram but come back again...then there this uncle snatched seats and kelvin was laughing...and i say kiasu wah!! Then we alight at out station heading towards north-east line...when suddenly there this four guy whom speak good english just like ABC type (American Born Chinese) this yellow shirt guy asked kelvin friend raymond whether he is laughing at him anot...then that raymond go and reply yes...then arguement arose...then me, lin yan, qiao yun and fabian waited fer them then they come up and start to argue...and the yellow shirt guy so cocky...raymond start to say he from which gang and blah then the yellowshirt guy say he not scare if wan, one on one dun call ppl...then he make fun of the gang name...then he sia one go infront of raymond and keep calling him bitch! wadthehell?? then kelvin there keep trying to stop them say its small matter and he keep saying sorry to the four guy sia...but the yellow shirt guy like so not happy stil wan to find fault...until kelvin so pissed and shouted so loud then they start to be more angry and one of the yellowshirt guy friend started to take off his shirt and hinting he ready to fight...i was there like...hello? is there a need to take off shirt?? feel like punch his face cocky...then finally settle...then we on train keep talking about what had happened...i mean that guy is just sensitive...and i asked raymond why reply yes when he asked you got laugh at him anot..then raymond say he dunnoe what he talking so he reply yes...that how it happened and that friend of the yellow shirt like damn ridiculous...take off his really want to start a fight sia...but lucky kelvin is like hoping nth will happened...and keep saying sorry..but if its me, i wont say sorry i eman not my fault wah why say sorry? and then they also damn cocky especially the friend of the yellow shirt guy...wan to show off muscle izzit? he is small but quite fit but damn xia lan...there surely no needs to take off shirt wah...and we keep saying until me and qiao yun found out kelvin and raymond also know siao gao so small!!