Sunday, July 29, 2007

My New Black Parenting Blog...

Black.Family.Love 167, originally uploaded by blackoutloud.

Like little C.E.O. (my son), I've got alot of things to ponder these days. As a stay at home new mommy I am constantly trying to juggle the boy, the hubby, and this blog - I should say blogs. I've got quite a bit going on online, but these last few days of carefree websurfing and exploration have got me all fired up to revamp what this Black Parenting Blog is all about. Soooooo... in between showcasing Black Family Content and spreading alittle link love, I'm gonna babble a bit about what's going on with my mahogany fam. I figure this will be a good way for me to balance out the work and fun - even though for me this kind of work is fun. Well anyhoo, I hope to blog more regularly now and hopefully reach more parents interested in some of the information I'm trying to put out there.

Well Ladies and Gents,
Lets get bloggin...