Thursday, August 2, 2007

Entry No. 1 -- What My Blog is About

Welcome! Mabuhay!

This blog will be a mixture of personal and informational content. Our Order of St. Aelred website is all informational.

I’m not as old as Methuselah (who died at the age of 969), but while getting there, I have things to share which may not fit just right in our community website. I'm looking forward to having a good time posting my thoughts about a lot of things. You may know that I love to write, and so I was thrilled when I discovered this thing called blogging. Now it's not just writing for the sake of writing, but for the sake of sharing.

I’ve been hearing about blogs and blogging, but I really don’t know how to do it. Please forgive me if I don’t follow “the rules.” I’ll just use my blog to share. I’ve heard blogs can be interactive. I’ll try my best to keep up with my replies and acknowledgements.

Welcome! Mabuhay!