Sunday, August 5, 2007

Entry No. 3 -- Pink Feather Awards Highlight Queer Pride Mass

At the 17th annual Queer Pride Mass on July 1, 2007 for outstanding service to LGBT people of the Philippines the Pink Feather Award was presented to organizations and individuals by Abbot Richard Mickley at St. Aelred Monastery, Quezon City.

The Pink Feather Award for outstanding national political advocacy for LGBT people was presented to Ang Ladlad.

Aklanon Butterfly Brigade received the Pink Feather for its extensive program of health advocacy for LGBT people in Aklan Province.

Icon Magazine received the Pink Feather Award for distinguished media contributions to the betterment of the LGBT people in the Philippines.

EnGendeRights was recognized for its work of LGBT advocacy through the media.

Rep. Etta Rosales received the Pink Feather Award for her untiring sponsorship of the Anti-Discrimination Bill which bears her name.

Ging Cristobal received the 2007 Pink Feather Award for extraordinary individual service spanning more than a decade through her ceaseless work, guidance, leadership in several LGBT organizations.

In celebration of its founding anniversary, the Order of St. Aelred hosted a dinner for the nominees and members of the various LGBT organizations present at the occasion.

The citations for awardees, read in full at the presentation, are as follows:

Aklanon Butterfly Brigade

Whereas the Aklanon Butterfly Brigade
has provided outstanding health services
and human rights advocacy in Aklan Province
since 2001 for the LGBT sector of society,
setting up comprehensive
and wide-ranging programs
through its impressive network
of LGBT volunteers in Aklan Province,
providing a model for many other provinces, and

Whereas, these efforts, works, and contributions
are judged significant, substantial, and outstanding
in the area of health services
and human rights advocacy
in behalf of LGBT people,

Therefore, Aklanon Butterfly Brigade
is presented the 2007 Pink Feather Award.

Ang Ladlad

Whereas Ang Ladlad, a network of LGBT Filipinos,
has demonstrated outstanding effectiveness
as a national voice for the rights of all
who face discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation,
gender identity, or gender expression, and

Whereas Ang Ladlad,
under the wise and stable leadership of Danton Remoto,
is the first political party of and for LGBT Filipinos
and works for equality with extraordinary energy
through its platforms and nationwide actions
which focus on restoring
pride and dignity for LGBT Filipinos.

Therefore, Ang Ladlad
is presented the 2007 Pink Feather Award.

Icon Magazine

Whereas Icon Magazine continually depicts
LGBT Pinoys to be a well-rounded,
productive part of society
through their smart articles, stunning photographs and
relevant materials of exceptional quality; and

Whereas the content of Icon Magazine,
under the transforming and professional leadership
of Richie Villarin, editor in chief,
is inspiring and promotes self-empowerment
which has impelled a lot of its readers
to come to terms with their own sexuality; and

Whereas Icon is described
as the premier lifestyle magazine for LGBT Filipinos
and has set a new standard in Philippine publishing
and is judged the leader in the Pinoy pink market
with worldwide readership
featuring only the best content,
and is, indeed, a true icon;

Therefore, Icon Magazine
is presented the 2007 Pink Feather Award.


Whereas EnGendeRights
is an active legal NGO
with advocacy for women’s rights
and for equality of LGBT people
and their freedom from discrimination
under the leadership of Atty. Clara Rita Padilla,
lawyer, writer, feminist, and LGBT rights advocate;

Whereas EnGendeRights
actively engages in media campaigns
for its advocacy, and called upon
all candidates in the May 2007 elections
to file bills to uphold LGBT rights
and to act to end discrimination in the workplace
and to support the Anti-Discrimination Bill of Rep. Etta Rosales,

Therefore, EnGendeRights
is recognized with honorable mention
for the 2007 Pink Feather Award.

Ging Cristobal

Whereas Ging Cristobal has given her life in a crusade
for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights,
working tirelessly, year after year,
in Information Center: Womyn for Womyn,
Lesbian Advocates Philippines (LeAP!), Task Force Pride,
Lesbian and Gay Legislative Advocacy Network (LAGABLAB),
Ang Ladlad and more; and

Whereas, Ging Cristobal has made
distinguished and consistent contributions
to combat discrimination
and build a positive image of lesbians
and all in the LGBT community
through organizational, literary, media approaches,

Therefore, Ging Cristobal
is recognized as an individual awardee
for the 2007 Pink Feather Award.

Rep. Etta Rosales

Whereas Rep. Etta Rosales
has been Akbayan party-list's representative
in the House of Representatives since 1998,
where she is known as the Congresswoman who is everywhere,
tirelessly working on many issues
in behalf of the people, passionate about human rights; and

Whereas among the voluminous bills she has introduced
is her consistent and relentless sponsorship and promotion
of the Anti-Discrimination Bill that bears her name,
having first filed the bill in 1998
as an Act of Congress prohibiting discrimination
on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
and providing penalties for violations and,
in spite of homophobia and discrimination,
she unflinchingly fought throughout her years in Congress
for the passage of the bill into law
to make discrimination against LGBT people
illegal and punishable.

Therefore, Rep. Etta Rosales
is recognized as an individual awardee
for the 2007 Pink Feather Award.