Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It lasted about an hour or so when i speak with Mr Foo (Section Head) about Debarrment. Told him all from me retaking O and blah. Thanks to kaiwei fer helpin' me pack my stuff..and dagmar too. went to chill out at one of the wood table. Watch them draw as i wait fer the rain to stop. But in the end it get bigger and bigger.

THANKS WEI MING!! He went from the coffee shop back to school campus just to fetch me with umbrella but in the end both of us was soaked wet...damn wet...thank you wei ming!!! i wont ferget what you did today!!! thanks mann

So, i think i just get myself into a poly then care about what gonna happened..ya, thats probably my plan now...now that my backup seems to back fired unless miracle happened.

Still thinkin' whether want to go back sec sch not...wanted to talk with ms wong. But blah, maybe if many ppl go i will go then go study.

Dull weather