Saturday, August 25, 2007

Protecting Your Kids Online...

Kids love going online, and now that its Back To School Time you'll hear the ever popular reason for using the computer, "I've got to do my homework." *Sigh* And of course, in the interest of academics you give in, fully aware that chances are your kids will be doing more than just homework.

So, in an effort to monitor the computer time / safety of your little net explorers please keep the following tips in mind.

1) When at all possible, avoid putting a computer in your child's bedroom. This way you can cut out those un-monitored, late-night computer sessions.

2) If your children have a myspace page, make sure their page is private. This makes their page accessible only to friends and family. With so many predators on the net, you want to reduce the number of dangerous individuals that could be browsing your child's page.

3) Stay connected. Whether you do your own homework by staying on top of the latest computer products / lingo or simply choose to surf the net with your children every once in awhile make it a point to be aware of what your kids like to do online and what information is accessible to them. Don't use age as an excuse for Computer Ignorance and don't let your kids feel like they are more net savvy than you!

The more you know, the better you can protect your kids.

TTFN - Ta Ta For Now


Do tell me, do you know the latest net lingo. Like BRB - Be Right Back or LOL - Laught out loud? I am sure there are tons of new ones. Add a comment to this post and let the parents know which ones are most frequently used by your or your kids!