Saturday, September 25, 2010

IBM Day @ The Zoo

Awesome breakfast to start IBM Day @ Singapore Zoological Garden. Though Toastbox soft-boiled eggs can't be compared with Yakun's.

My soft-boiled eggs! :D

Can't remember the fillings. Erm, I think it's Kaya...

Hot milo.

Went to the Zoo with my aunt, family and cousins for IBM Day. Just a few weeks ago, I wanted to go to the Zoo because I suddenly feel like seeing the animals there and now I got the free tickets! Why not? I get to make full use of my camera! Heehee!

My cute cousins!

Show you some pictures of animals I took!


White tiger!

I think this one look like Wei Ming! If not, Mei Teng. :P

There was magic show performances, games for the kids to play and also free KFC for our lunch! But don't why no free goodies bag leh!!

I like this picture!

Yeah, I know right. I look like I work in the Zoo or what! Have been sporting this dressing for a few occasions liao! Need to change, need to change...

I am a safari guy! Hahaha!

Aunt bought this for 5bucks.

After which, I have to rush down to Serene's 21st birthday party while my family went to have their lunch at Ah Meng Restaurant. They told me the food there is fucking mad expensive!

Oh, before I went off from the Zoo. I went around and took more pictures!

This is flamingo.

This is a Stinky Rhinoceros!

This is a Smelly Zebra!

Giraffe! Honestly, I think I capture the giraffe nicely! See! Nice right? No?

Another nice taken photo of giraffes!

Wu Gui!

Oh ya! They actually closed down the "Close Encounter with scarly creatures." You know? The one where you get to go in and have close encounter with lizards etc? Not the Butterfly house or whatever it's called! :(

Lastly, macaws! One of my favourite birds!

Ok! Shall update soon! <3