Sunday, October 3, 2010


Opps! I am two days late to update my Passing Out Parade Post. But nevertheless, here it is!


It's incredible that I am already a 4-months old soldier already! Am now a Private *BEAM*

4 months in the army, I had learnt a lot of stuffs and endure all kind of shits! Can't believe I can actually complete 24KM Route March. Hhahaha! One of my army friend always said that my endurance level is very good and I guess I have to admit that fact! *Oie! I can tahan push up position longer than those fit guys hor!*

Very happy that my whole family was able to attend my POP and here is some photos taken on that day! Errr...I don't know how but the photos aren't really nicely taken...

One of the performance on that day. Showing the parents the physical trainings that we did during our Basic Military Training aka BMT.

And THIS is one of the better taken photo of me by my Dad during the parade.

Ya! Go ahead and laugh!

Took photos with some of the close army friends!

Wei Lie, Ting Heng and Alvin!

Individual shots with them!

With Wei Lie! One of the great guy I get to know!

Ting Heng!!!!

Alvin! He is our company hair dressers! He helped cut my last botak head! *honoured*

With my PTP/BMT Buddy, Hong Kai!

I was in a mess that day after the parade! All drenched in sweat and my smart 4 look like shit!

Took pictures with some of the Sergent's and officers!

With SGT Woon Wah! I looked damn terrible on the one I took with him so decided to post this candid shot instead! Ha! Why I look so pale beside him ah?

My section commander, SGT Jia Xiong!

And the cutest SGT of our company! SGT Jeremy. See! He trying to act cute! Hhahaha!

With Captain Fahmie

PC 4, Hafidz

And PC 5, Yu Heng!

Last but not least, my platoon Sergent! SGT Shaheeb!

Okay! Just want to update this post and announce that I have POP LOH!

Damn, I wish it was ORD. 20 more months! :(