Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It feels great to be back in school again, minus the waking-up-at-7am part, plus having to go to work after school hours. Anyway, I've nothing to do after school hours so why not go to work just like how I went to teach tuitions last semester right? I'll stop by the end of this month and probably go back to my tuition....

No school today and I met up with the two girls for a mini shopping spree! The best thing was that I forgot to bring my wallet out, which was the most important thing of all items -.- Finally bought birkens! Was hesitating and yaaaaa they psycho-ed me to buy in the end so....

Before whatever drama that took place earlier on, I was one who don't appreciate who is true to me, who's been there whenever I need somebody and stay up for hours to listen to my rants on the phone in the middle of the night. I recalled how much tears I've fell for the past months, or rather a couple of years and I realised the importance of appreciating the real ones by your side.. Just by listening to me weeping on the phone, my rants over the night, you people kept quiet and tried all ways to make me smile the next few days, dropping texts that showed love and concern.. I hope its not too late to realise all this by now. I just wanna.. live on my own, not to be dependent on anyone and being happy, always.