Wednesday, January 12, 2011

five fathoms deep,

a tale of personified affection.

vinda sonata,ph by devina wijayavinda sonata,ph by devina wijaya

it was like defending a heart far away, this link. it was something close to a big humor, a joy of life, a heart that's red inside me. through the line of passing time and the hollow arch of heaven, i left my heart to me. it was a joy in the stomach, a joy contained deep inside. i breathed in the shade of deep indigo, the depth, so sinking it dyed my lungs with the same shade of blue. the amourousness, the continual blasting, the wildest flame, and the silver moon that shone behind my close eyelids, i slided into reverie, my head under the sea of wine. i drank, i took the spirit into me.

never to be sober again.

vinda sonata,ph by devina wijayaphotography by devina
@VindaSonata on twitter