Saturday, February 26, 2011

East Jerusalem, Silwan - Molotovs against teargas of Israeli soldiers


25.02.2011 - Confrontations erupted on Thursday evening between Israeli forces and Palestinian residents of the East Jerusalem village of Silwan,
Violence was concentrated in the Baten al-Hawa area, where Israeli soldiers have been occupying the roof of a Palestinian residence for over six months now.
Dozens of residents suffered the asphyxiating effects of tear gas inhalation when fired by Israeli troops. Youths threw Molotov cocktails at soldiers in response.
This makeshift military base has been a point of contention and scene of violence on many occasions, with clashes erupting in the past when it had been previously set on fire.
Meanwhile in the Bir Ayyub district, which is also in Silwan, an Israeli military jeep was torched during clashes. Live ammunition has been used by Israeli forces and the atmosphere throughout the village is extremely tense.

Palestinian villagers attacked by settlers

For the second day in a row, a group of fundamentalist settlers of the Yitzhar illegal settlement, near the northern West Bank city of Nablus, invaded on Saturday at dawn Burin Palestinian village, and torched a vehicle that belongs to a local resident.
Eyewitnesses reported that the settlers torched the vehicle of resident Bashir Al Zibin, and also torched his front yard.
On Friday at dawn, the settlers invaded the village and torched a bulldozer that belongs resident Ibrahim Eshtayya.
The two attacks are part of a series of attacks carried out by Jewish settlers against several villages in the Nablus district.
Yitzhar settlement was built on Palestinian lands in southern Nablus, and were illegally expropriated by the Israeli government in 1983.
The settlement of Bracha was also built on lands that belong to residents of Burin village, north of Nablus. Israel confiscated 300 Dunams owned by residents of the village in order to build the illegal settlement.
Iraq Burin is subject to frequent attacks carried out by the settlers [often children] who are frequently protected by the Israeli army. Most of The village’s lands are off-limits to the residents due to illegal settlements and settlement outposts.