Saturday, February 26, 2011

London, UK - Haringey council chambers occupied, riot police called. Two arrested

uk indymedia

February 25, 2011 - Several hundred people protested outside the budget meeting at wood green civic centre tonight. The building was occupied, and more than twenty people managed to break through a small police line and enter the council chamber, where they delayed the council meeting by nearly two hours. Two were arrested after 3 van loads of TSG officers were called in to clear the building. A solidarity vigil was quickly organised outside hornsey police station where they were taken.

on February 23, Lambeth town hall in Brixton was taken over and occupied by protestors as the council met to vote through budget cuts of tens of millions of pounds. Hundreds of people gathered outside the town hall (as they'd done previously two weeks ago) and at around 7pm took over the chamber chanting "This is what democracy looks like" and "No ifs, no buts, no public services cuts!", before holding a people's assembly.