Sunday, February 27, 2011

The more we get together...

Been wanting to blog but couldn't find time for it especially I spent the whole of Sunday sitting in front of my laptop watching Dream High (Very nice you know!?) Now left 5 more episodes!

But decides to take a short break from the drama anyway! Hhahaa!

Shall update on some gathering I had. Boy oh boy! I am getting lousy in blogging now! hahahah!


First ever Mumbo Run organised by Jun Wu and Veronica. It was held at Clark Quay. A total new experience to run so early at Clark Quay!

We have free 100plus too! =)

Michy's 21st

Went over to Michy 21st Birthday. A pity that not all attended.

Her Birthday cake. Not a fan of dough cake because it's terribly sweet! But we didn't get to eat it too as we had to rush for last train.

Drew a Hello Kitty on her Guestbook err, I meant Guest Board. LOL! CUTE RIGHT?

Instax with the birthday girl!

Birthday girl was thrown into the pool and it just happened to be when we going back home.

Nova and Ming Yue with the door gifts; Hello Kitty Cookie.

Geylang With Army Friends.

Supposedly that Saturday was to meet up with IT1A gang but all were busy so in the end, met up with army friends to have some famous food (that's what they told me...) at Geylang.

Went over to this stall which they say that their "Pi Dan Porridge" is famous but not a fan for it so I ended up ordering Frog Leg Porridge.

This is the Pi Dan Porridge.

The food I ordered.

They actually serves their drinks in plastic bowl instead of cups.

After which, we went around for a walk before setting ourselves for some soya beancurd at Rochor Beancurd House.

Random picture/Photo of the day that Zhao Sheng took.

We actually laughed over at the random photos that he took. Funny angle etc.

Secondary School Gathering.

Can't remember which day although it just happened not too long ago. Had a meet up with secondary school mates. Kudos to Serene for organising this outing, especially booking us one month in advance. Haha.

Made something for two of my best friend; Meiteng and Weiming.

However Wei Ming didnt attend the outing that day so only passed the gift to Mei Teng.

Mei Teng with the photo frame gift.

Unwrapping the gift.

We had our dinner over at TCC @ Central.

Random picture I took. Nice right?

Cam whored abit! :P

Choosing what to order for my dinner...

Yum! Yum!


Mei Teng with her food. Can't remember what she ordered but it sure look delicious...

I had Spicy Chicken Spaghetti.

Picture could be better if not because of De Cong's hand. -.-

Mei Teng and me!

After dinner, we went over to Yello Jello Retro Bar for some drinks.

Hit the dance floor with the ladies!

Last picture for the entry!

Yong Quan and me!

Oh! I really enjoy all these gathering! I want more! I want more! I want to have meet up with my other groups of friends! Taka Friends, Blogger Friends! IT1A with full strength and HEAVEN GANG!

Dear friends! When are you all free? :(