Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wales - Approx 150 held noisy demo outside Welsh assembly building to show support with the people of Libya

UK indymedia

There were also Egytians, Tunisians present .
This was received by one of the Libyans present and translated for me.
Tripoli friday 25-2-2011
I am trapped in house in Tripoli' no one is allowed to leave the area. Yesterday and today soldiers and mercanaries were clearing the streets of dead bodies and kidnapping the injured from hospitals and moving them to somewhere near Metiga.
A cleaning campaign has begun inTagurau and bloodstained wall are being painted to hide Gaddafi's crimes from the eyes of the world media, thousands of of peaceful unarmed have been killed or injured by french speaking mercanaries using heavy weapons. Gaddaffi has promised to clean every house of dissent against him in evey part of Liya. This will mean executions and thousands of injuries to people of Tripoli and rest of country. We will not back down or be repressed and thankful for support from demonstraters in uk to keep strong.