Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Advisory #2 - Animal Kingdom EMH changes

A not-so-pleasant advisory about Disney's Animal Kingdom's EXTRA MAGIC HOURS:

Beginning Wednesday, March 2, 2011, Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park will offer guests an additional Extra Magic Hour (EMH) morning every week. Instead of having one EMH morning and one EMH evening each week, the park will now feature two EMH mornings. The EMH mornings will be offered on Mondays and Wednesdays. Adjustments to the EMH schedule will offer guests additional opportunities to become immersed in the rich animal experiences available only at Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park.  This schedule is subject to change. Cast members are advised to check the EMH schedule on the Guest Tab of the Hub for the most up-to-date EMH offerings.


This is a very sad news, for a park that is already in need of A LOT of help! The EMH evening were the only real opportunities to see the park all illuminated. We've been only once during the evening, because of the fact that we can't ride anything (unless you stay at one of the Disney resorts), and it was unforgettable. The dark paths and the animal noises (yes, birds and some other animals stay awake until late) really make it much better than during the morning hours.

We really hope this is only a test (based on the park's opening hours, it will continue to be like this throughout the year), because we are absolutely not happy with this change (and, by the way, the EMH mornings are only one-hour long, the EMH evenings are three-hour long!!). What do you think?