Wednesday, March 2, 2011

London, UK - 300 march on Camden Town hall in protest at cuts, and blockade crossraods on Euston Road

london indymedia

Around 300 people marched on Camden Town Hall from Mornington Crescent in protest at the £35 million cuts the council was due to vote through. As more people joined the demonstration it became clear that only a few people were being allowed inside. Chanting "let us in!" the crowd pulled away barriers and surged towards the entrance but were pushed back by police. In the end only around 15people were allowed into the public galleries (though they still managed to make their voices heard) whilst the seats for around 90 people remained empty.
Outside people made more attempts to talk or push their way inside until the crowd moved to blockade the crossroads by the town hall on Euston road for over an hour and a half in protest at not being allowed into the meeting. The councillors later voted for the cuts. Meanwhile around 200 people also protested outside Newham Town Hall.