Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Magic Kingdom Update - March 1st, 2011 (PART 1)

Good morning, and welcome to another special photo-update of the Magic Kingdom!
Let's see what's new, and what has changed since our last visit. The Magic Kingdom is receiving a lot of love, and a lot of work is going on inside. Let's begin:

We were surprised that the park hours were extended yesterday, as we noticed that it was pretty empty:

Work on the Town Square Theater:

Work on the Confectionery:

See? Pretty empty:

Television? Radio? Who are they?:

The sidewalk near the central hub is receiving some work:

Brand-new... Well, these:

Work on the Adventureland bridge:

It looks nice:

It's always 40 minutes this meet-and-greet!:

Spring is here!! Well, it began on January 20 or so...

Another look at the new stroller parking:

The Tiki Room... is still under construction:

The pre-show doors are now closed once again:

El Pirata y El Perico Restaurante Tortuga Tavern looks much better now:

The new sign:

Very nice touch:

They still need to change this:

Nothing new inside:

Bathrooms still being worked on:

More work on the side of Pecos Bill:

Splash Mountain was closed:

It was also drained... What happened?:


Only 10 minutes:

A stroller parking on the bridge?? This is certainly news to me:

Work on Tom Sawyer Island's bridge:

This shop might be going away soon:

As this would too:

It was a bit windy: