Sunday, March 27, 2011

"that new 70s show"

from alexis mabille fall 2011 prêt-à-porter

note: this dress actually has very interesting details located at the parting of the pink fabric; a light-weighted material with bohemian prints. you should see the model during the move.


one day she got accepted by l'École de la Chambre syndicale de la couture parisienne. it was raining very lightly the time she walked home. the air carried a melancholy scent, but it wasn't enough to dissolve the happiness in her heart. she walked. and walked. and walked. she dreamed of reaching the sun. and dreamed. and dreamed. and dreamed until the wings of her reveries started growing silver edges. she was still the girl every one used to know, but had since long ago lost track who she really was. her footsteps carried an unlikely rhythm. it was a dance. a dance with breaths and live in itself. a dance as light as the clothes she wore that day she walked home.