Saturday, April 2, 2011

Athens, Greece - Letter bomb sent to Korydallos Prison claimed by Informal Anarchist Federation, Italy


01/04/2011 - Italian anarchist organization said it mailed booby-trapped letter to Athens prison
An Italian anarchist guerrilla group has claimed responsibility for a letter bomb sent to Korydallos Prison in southwestern Athens on Thursday that was defused by police before it could detonate.
Police said on Friday that, in the remnants of the bomb, they had found a proclamation written on a small piece of paper.
In the proclamation, written in Italian, the Informal Anarchist Federation claims to have sent the bomb in solidarity with detained members of the Greek guerrilla group Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire, who are on trial at a special court set up at the prison, and with jailed anarchists in Chile, Switzerland and Germany.
FAI also claimed responsibility for blasts on Thursday at a military facility in Italy and an office of Switzerland’s nuclear power industry which both caused injuries.