Friday, April 1, 2011

Santiago, Chile - Bombing near Santiago television studio claimed


27/03/2011 - Through this e-mail, we claim responsibility for the explosion that took place on Friday, March 11 at a location next to the Television studios on San Cristóbal hill. Said action was painstakingly and prophetically covered on Sunday, March 13 by El Mercurio, as is their custom, as an explosion related to the judicial decision extending Pablo Morales’ preventive detention period. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reason for Friday night’s bomb detonation was to send a message to one of the pillars of the system of domination: the official press, specifically television. We haven’t forgotten how those representatives of power insulted us. Especially cruel was TVN’s Special Report, which showed comrade Mauricio Morales’ lifeless body and has become the mouthpiece for Prosecutor Peña and his mob. In case they haven’t already realized it, that’s the reason why the press was attacked during the last September 11 march, with special attention given to TVN’s mobile reporting unit. To us, the situation is not settled, and we will no doubt have many more encounters with those reporter-cops. Additionally, March 11 marked the first year of the Piñera government, which represents a strengthened alliance of Capitalist and State interests, the likes of which Chilean history hasn’t seen before. Clearly, the haute bourgeoisie no longer needs the military or the hack politicians of the concertación.

The intent of our action was to neither help nor hinder the situation of anticapitalist prisoners. We think that would be impossible. Nevertheless, while we recognize those prisoners as part of a wide anticapitalist spectrum that certainly isn’t limited by the number of houses it squats, our knowledge of or relationship to them has nothing to do with the science fiction movie that BIPE (Police Special Investigations Squad) and DIPOLCAR (Carabineros Police Intelligence Department) sold to Peña and his prosecutors, who are hungry for success, fame, and TV cameras. However, we are well aware that, no matter what, they’ll try to smear the prisoners and link them to any actions that take place. If there are no actions or bombings, they’ll say the prisoners are guilty and that’s why the bombings stopped. If there are actions and explosions, they’ll say it’s only to show that the prisoners are innocent. In the end, the new subversion and the new diffuse autonomous guerrilla war can’t be guided by what power thinks.

Finally, we call on everyone to fight more fiercely and take the streets on March 29, Young Combatant’s Day, to remember our dead and show with fire in the streets that we do not fear Piñera or Hinzpeter’s fascism. We end with a few words that get louder and louder each time rebels shout them in the streets and the prisons:
Wake up, it’s time to fight!
While there is misery, there will be rebellion!
For the spread and multiplication of autonomous anticapitalist cells in $hile and the rest of the world!
To the streets on March 29!

the full commuique can be read at: