Monday, May 9, 2011

Brief Magic Kingdom General Update

After our special Fantasyland Update (that you can find clicking HERE), we want to share with you some more photos from around the Magic Kingdom. Here we are... Moving on!:

The Town Square Theater:

A new sign for Tony's Town Square Restaurant:

Work continues on the Confectionery:

The new color scheme is very nice:

The covered path (or gallery) has now been removed. A good sign:

Grad Night stuff all over the place:

The new Adventureland Bridge really catches me every time I pass by it. It is much, much better than before:

Work continue on The Enchanted Tiki Room Under New Management Tropical Serenade (?):

The Enchanted Tiki Room sign will soon remove Iago and Zazu, hopefully:

Work on the pre-show area:

Tortuga Tavern also looks much better after its refurbishment:

The Liberty Square Riverboat Landing is under refurbishment... yet again:

Outside the park, work continues on the Bus shelters:

Here in Florida it is very easy to see lots of animals, including these nice rabbits:

Some more general pictures taken form the "Top of the World Lounge" at the Contemporary Resort:

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad:

Space Mountain:

A panoramic picture (click on it to expand):

And, that's all for now! A new Magic Kingdom update should be posted next Thursday. Stay tuned!