Wednesday, May 11, 2011

central park map nyc

central park map nyc. exercise, Central Park is
  • exercise, Central Park is

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 24, 02:25 PM
    I'm not the one leveling unfounded, sweeping, non-cited accusations of racism, but I guess that doesn't bother you. Color me surprised.

    I'm not going to to hold up this discussion with it any further, and while I stand by my general assertion it was slightly rash for me to inject it here. Another day perhaps.

    central park map nyc. central park map new york.
  • central park map new york.

  • tk421
    Apr 5, 06:10 PM
    Really? And yet, it seems to be good enough for the top directors in the industry.... some of the recent Academy nominated films were all edited on Final Cut, including the Cohen Brothers' "True Grit", and "Winter's Bone". Also, David Fincher and Francis Ford Coppola used FCP on their last films... these are all people that have access and can afford cutting their films on AVID and yet, they recently choose Final Cut Pro... so why do people even question it? :rolleyes:

    It's good enough for a few top directors in the industry, but not very many. They are the exception, not the rule.

    Final Cut needs better media management, and also Avid-like support for multiple editors on a single project. I like Final Cut a lot, but Avid has some clear advantages for a feature film. Here's hoping this next version has some big new features!

    central park map nyc. New York City Central Park Map
  • New York City Central Park Map

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 6, 01:31 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Motorola doesn't "get" tablets yet, but the G1 didn't sell well either. Let's look at the market again in two years, I bet it'll look a lot different.

    In two years the iPad 4 will be trouncing whatever tablets are trying to top the year-old iPad 3s.

    central park map nyc. Our Central Park Loop is the
  • Our Central Park Loop is the

  • jmbear
    Nov 29, 12:39 PM
    See, that's the catch-22 for new artists. The labels are the ones that get tunes played on the radio. In the 50's and 60's they would strong-arm their stuff in, but I'm sure even nowadays they provide incentives (read: bribes) to get new stuff on the air. Especially if they think the band is really good and will make it in the long run. And don't fool yourself into thinking a new band can get huge without radio.

    The internet can become the new radio. I am quite fond of looking for pre-made playlists, I will get the songs on LimeWire, listen to them, the ones I like, I buy legally, the ones I don�t I delete them. You don�t get commercials, just music. I am not saying that radio is going to dissapear completely. TV didn�t kill it. But its importance will diminish.

    The problem is that the labels get the artists by the balls when they sign them up to ridiculous contracts. Your 1-4 examples look pretty good on paper, but in order to sell any significant number of copies of their music, anyone wanting it (but doesn't know it yet) has to wade through tons of (what that persons sees as) crap just to get any exposure to something they'll consider good. I'm sure there's a lot of music in the indie catalog that I would just love, but I don't have the time to wade through it all to find it. Instead, I'll listen to the radio and when I hear something I like, I'll try to pay attention to who it is. I may or may not end up buying it, or checking out what else they do, but without radio exposure, most good indie bands don't have a chance in hell of selling to anyone except those that happen to be in the bar where they're playing one weekend..

    iTMS could potentially change this. There are some people that will do all the research for you (as in what is good music), then ratings will allow you to get the good songs! It�s similar (and somebody will flame me for saying this) to researching a product on Amazon or CNET, you usually look for a LCD screen, all the results pop, and you will go for the ones with the highest ratings, read the comments and eventually make up your mind. Some day you will look up for electronic music (which I love), all the DJ�s will pop, you will pick the highest rated songs or playlists (because most people like a song because other people like it), listen to their songs for free (yeah, just like radio), and then buy them if you want.

    Now, if you take a look at already established and popular bands, that's a different story. Someone mentioned huge bands like Pink Floyd. Their last couple of CDs didn't need a big label to sell. People were going to buy it if they like Floyd no matter what. And in a case of that kind of popularity, the radio stations were going to play them with or without a major label. The same could be applied to other huge (classic) rock bands, as well as established artists in other music styles (country, rap, R&B, blues, etc...). Another example would be someone like Eric Clapton. He could put one out on "Clapton Records" and would sell nearly, if not exactly, the same number of CDs as he will on a major label..

    I agree record labels + good music = superstars like Calpton, Floyd, U2 etc... But these bands became popular in a different time (before the internet). Internet is changing the record labels� business model, and that is what they afraid of. The new wait of creating bands and distributing their music is not as profitable for them as it used to.

    Unfortunately, the number of artists (of any type of music) that could dismiss the labels and still sell as many CDs and get the same radio exposure are limited. And any new band is going to go nowhere without radio (or MTV/VH1) exposure.

    Internet is offering them exposure. Right now MTV and VH1 are still popular. But YouTube, Yahoo!, MSN could become the new MTV and VH1.

    Not really relevant, but interesting to think about is that most of you have probably seen the video of the ruma ruma guy (I can�t link it because I am at work and the proxie does not allow me to visit YouTube). But how many have actually seen the video for the song? YouTube made that fat kid a star, and most people probably know his face better than the guys that sing the song. Exposure.

    In the end, I don't see the labels going away totally any time soon. They're in cahoots with the big FM music stations and in general, they do a good job of promoting new good bands that sign up. It's just a shame that there's really nothing to keep them from raping the artists. If there were just some way for new bands to get exposure to the masses without having to sell their souls to the labels then things would be better. Unfortunately, the Internet can only go so far in helping a new band with this.

    I agree, they won�t go away anytime soon, but change is coming, and change will be good for artists and consumers, not for the record labels.

    Sorry for my weird grammar or mispells, I am not a native english speaker, I don�t have a spell checker on this computer (in english at least) and I am too lazy to proof read what I wrote lol :)

    central park map nyc. Park Central New York Map
  • Park Central New York Map

  • bedifferent
    Apr 12, 10:02 AM
    Difinitely not. I won't say where I'd agree and disagree with for the rest of it, but that last sentence isn't right. Thousands implies a rather low number. Not nearly enough revenue for Apple to keep working on FCS. ;)

    Ha ;) I love, too true. Those "thousands" could become a larger number, and not just editors but professionals in general as well as high end consumers who would strongly benefit and pony up for a mid range Pro tower as well as the prosumer grade programs.

    Slightly off topic, I always wondered about Apple's initial venture into the mobile market, especially given Apple's failed attempt in partnering with Motorola for the "ROKR" (anyone recall the 2005 TV ads with Madonna shamelessly promoting her "Confessions on a Dance Floor" for a cool $5 million?).

    Two years later came the iPhone. Makes you wonder why Apple "tested" the mobile market with the ROKR knowing the iPhone wasn't far away.

    central park map nyc. Central Park Map
  • Central Park Map

  • infidel69
    Apr 11, 11:33 AM
    Big mistake if true.

    central park map nyc. central park map nyc.
  • central park map nyc.

  • Multimedia
    Sep 13, 11:44 AM
    Yes, that's true.

    It's also true that most of the time, most people aren't even maxing out ONE core never mind eight.

    And when they do, their program won't get any faster unless it's multithreaded and able to run on multiple cores at once.And it's also true that those people are not here. Get a clue who we are - Core Hogs!

    central park map nyc. aerial map of Central Park New
  • aerial map of Central Park New

  • RedTomato
    Aug 11, 09:31 PM
    Apple won't put GPS in unless they can create a whole new 'Apple' interface for it.

    I'm no GPS expert, but I'm not sure how they could do that with a simple candybar phone. It would need to be some sort of smartphone / pocketPC thing.

    central park map nyc. Bike Central Park | New York
  • Bike Central Park | New York

  • Peace
    Aug 5, 03:53 PM
    This roundup is missing:

    *New Cinema Displays with iSight - Widely Anticipated
    *xServe - Almost definitely in my opinion, because without these, Steve cannot say that "the transition is complete".
    *"Maps" application in Leopard - according to AppleInsider

    There is no way in the world Apple will be putting iSights in the Cinema Displays.

    xServe will be updated at WWDC2006.Thats a given.
    OS 10.4.7 Server sold with each new xServe.
    There will be no standalone DVD sold.

    central park map nyc. Central Park (see map)
  • Central Park (see map)

  • MacRumors
    Aug 5, 03:23 PM (

    With the 2006 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) quickly approaching, the Mac rumor scene has been buzzing with rumors and reports. As usual, MacRumors provides this Rumor Roundup as a summary of major rumors circulating around the Mac Web before the big event. In last year's WWDC roundup, we summarized the possibility of an Intel-based Mac ( Readers should remember that it was only a year ago that Apple first announced they would be switching to the Intel platform.

    Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

    Apple has already announced that Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) will be discussed and demonstrated at WWDC 2006. In fact, a recent slip-up ( on Apple's developers pages indicates that Apple will be distributing a Developer's Preview of Leopard at WWDC.

    Detailed information about Leopard, however, has been very limited. Very few reliable sources of information have come forward. The earliest rumors ( pointed to Virtualization software to be built into Leopard, but this was flatly denied ( by Phil Schiller.

    Job postings (, Patent applications ( and Page 2 rumors ( point to a focus on updating Finder with extensive and improved integration with Spotlight. This has even been the topic of some presumed fake ( screenshots.

    Perhaps the most corroborated claims are ones of Apple's iChat 4.0 ( Appleinsider claimed that iChat 4.0 will incorporate the ability to call traditional phone lines much like existing Voice over IP services, with similar reports elsewhere on the web.

    While MacOSXRumors have offered a list of other possible features: virtual desktops (, collaborative features (, tabbed iChat (, the reliability of this source is not entirely certain.

    Mac Pro

    The Intel-update to the PowerMac line remains highly anticipated. The first hints at a name-change came in January 2006 ( when Apple was revealed to have trademarked the term "Mac Pro". This was largely dismissed until Steve Jobs revealed the plan to change the name of the existing PowerBook and iBook lines to "MacBook" and "MacBook Pro". Meanwhile, we received early confirmation in May ( that the Mac Pro was indeed targeted for release at WWDC 2006.

    In July (, Appleinsider felt confident that Apple had chosen the Woodcrest (dual-core Xeon) process for use in the upcoming Mac Pros. While similar to the recently released Core 2 Duo (Conroe) chips in architecture, the Woodcrest processors allow for multi-processor configurations which have been a feature of the high end PowerMacs. Meanwhile, ThinkSecret believes ( that the Mac Pro will instead use the Core 2 Duo (Conroe) chips that were recently released. One Page 2 rumor ( claimed Apple would incorporate both Conroe and Woodcrest into different Mac Pro models, but the validity of this information has been cast in serious doubt.

    Other features also rumored include substantially different ( enclosures, dual optical drives ( and an Intel-designed motherboard (


    Despite ongoing unsubstantiated claims ( that the iPhone will be released soon, there has been very little credible evidence that the iPhone will be seen at WWDC.


    iPod rumors are more difficult to pin down, as iPod rumors have been circulating in full force for months. Rumors of a full video iPod ( started in early but peaked ( in late March due to Apple's impending 30th anniversary. Subsequent rumors of video iPod delays ( and difficult Hollywood negotiations ( have pushed off the release further, with one analyst ( believing September-October to be a more likely timeframe. In July, however, ThinkSecret ( had mentioned the possibility of iPod nano updates at WWDC.


    Steve Jobs will present the Keynote address starting at 10am Pacific Time on Monday August 7th. will provide live text-transcript coverage of the event on ( The MacRumorsLive system uses the latest web technologies to efficiently provide dynamic text updates.

    Stay tuned, as last minute leaks are not unusual in the final moments before an event.

    central park map nyc. Location of AKA Central Park
  • Location of AKA Central Park

  • tekmoe
    Sep 19, 07:38 AM
    apple store isn't down yet. I don't expect it today like a lot of people do

    i agree. i think the store would have went down already. next monday has got to be it.

    central park map nyc. Central Park, New York City If
  • Central Park, New York City If

  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 27, 10:20 AM
    correct. wasn't sure how long it would take for people in general to get up in arms about location privacy on the idevices... what did people think was going to happen??

    such it is, our electronic tethers are really leashes.

    Really? So you're telling me that the location saved, of the cell tower 100 miles away, is actually really MY location?


    central park map nyc. Map of new york city new york
  • Map of new york city new york

  • maelstromr
    Apr 20, 10:34 AM
    Where did i say I don't like how IP works buddy? Where in my post does it read 'don't like the way IP law works' ? Wipe your tears and try again... Don't make $#!t up.

    the rest of your blurb about stuff in your head that I didn't event write isn't worth responding too...

    My anecdote premise was pretty straight forward...
    Two dudes who come from some place where they don't read tech feeds as often as the rest of us here... they go to a city shop and get sold phones that look like the ones they heard about...iPhones... the premise is not necessarily from the US... from any country on the planet where average Joes go to a tech shop to buy a smartphone... they look and feel and work in very similar ways which causes confusion.

    P.S. The whole point of Apple's patent leverage is that they have... patented everything about their devices... form factor, processes, icons and interface... When you read deep into the context and content of Apple's submission which includes these comparisons and that Samsung copied everything and then applying a slight-of-hand to make it look a little different...

    Like i say.. a bunch of Jawa's selling second hand Android's

    So maybe I misunderstood your fist post...or your use of ":rolleyes:". If you think suggesting that people could not possibly confuse Samsung products with Apple products is silly, then we agree.

    If I did misread, perhaps I should not have used your post as a quote - I stand by my point for all the other ridiculous claims that Samsung's products are not Apple clones or do not impact/infringe on Apple products/sales/market position.

    central park map nyc. Central Park#39;s not easy to
  • Central Park#39;s not easy to

  • ehoui
    Apr 19, 03:58 PM
    So True...

    Poor lost souls rely on Steve to think for them, bring them courage, and guide them in worship.

    Anyone who fails to fall in line, is immediately a threat to them.

    It's this weakness is laughable.

    I don't know what's worse:
    1) Poor lost Stevie souls who "fall into line" with everything Apple does; or,
    2) Poor lost anti-Stevie souls who "fail to see any good" that Apple does

    This is a debate about a topic which few of us are technically qualified to argue. That being said, ad hominem attacks should have no place here regardless of the bucket that one might fall into (1), (2) or other. So I respectfully ask you to knock it off. Thanks.

    central park map nyc. Central Park, New York
  • Central Park, New York

  • Denarius
    Mar 24, 07:34 PM
    I believe a lot of the anti-Obama crap spewed by the Tea Party and Republicans is based more on his race than his party.

    Why? Being the same race as a prominent figure of another party has never stopped people attacking those figures viciously in the past. Such is the nature of politics.

    By all means correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't see much evidence of people crying racism on their behalf on the occasions that Condoleeza Rice or Colin Powell were being criticised by other parties.

    central park map nyc. 400 Central Park West 14J,
  • 400 Central Park West 14J,

  • Blue Velvet
    Apr 27, 02:22 PM
    1. You opened it in Illustrator, not InDesign.

    2. After I opened it in Illustrator like you did it did reveal some interesting things. It seems that fields #20 and #22 are on individual layers.

    They're not. The proper file is flat. I downloaded and opened the PDF from the White House. Flat in both Illustrator and Photoshop, just one group on one layer... and no security on the PDF. No embedded fonts.

    This is a fraud.

    central park map nyc. Map of new york city
  • Map of new york city

  • ianbailey
    Apr 10, 09:02 AM
    These are my predictions, based purely on idle speculation, same as everyone else:

    Bored with all this 'Ooh, it will be like iMovies' business. iMovie is for fun, FCP is for pros.

    As a pro editor you need to be able to preview and mark your clips before editing. Unless Apple comes up with some sort of compelling, Browser-based thingy, we won't be losing the Viewer window. The current FCP is flexible, you can close the Viewer if you want or have more than one Viewer.

    The pro tag would go out the window if we lost tape I/O, plenty of people shoot on HDV. I reckon all standard definition support will go. As will Cinema Tools, as someone has already mentioned. Issues for those who master to Digi-Beta and author DVDs.

    The possibilities of cloud storage are interesting, but there are obvious obstacles unless you're using low-rez proxies. A groovy control surface using the iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch? Bring it on!

    Although a new FCP is great news, I'm wondering if the new Motion is going to be equally exciting. It's about time it stepped up and challenged After Effects.

    central park map nyc. If we think that Central Park
  • If we think that Central Park

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 06:12 PM

    No white phone?

    Can you verify bibbz?

    central park map nyc. Running Map - Central Park :
  • Running Map - Central Park :

  • Lone Deranger
    Mar 31, 05:30 PM
    To put it in Nelson's words:

    Dec 8, 01:37 PM
    {Feelings/ Thoughts on Damage}

    Coolio, I believe you. I haven't played much single player since the day it was released, actually haven't played much GT5 at all as I have been so very dissapointed... Been playing Nascar online though. I should be very ashamed. However it seems that people online FOR THE MOST PART can handle turning in one direction cleanly....

    Anyone notice that the last 1/4" inch of travel using the triggers on the PS3 controller is not used. It ramps to max throttle far before one is there. ALSO in this day and age, one should be able to adjust endpoints and ramping on triggers and sticks. Ugh. I should stop being used to my $500 RC car and helicopter transmitters.:cool:

    Jun 14, 06:34 PM
    I hate Radio Shack.

    Salesman have their heads up their butts
    or corporate does not know what to tell them.

    The 4th store I called said if you have a PIN
    you are guaranteed a phone.
    I understand your frustration, but apple kept us all in the dark until the very last minute. Before 3:30 no body knew anything. It will take it a little while to roll down hill.
    I think we all know how secretive apple is don't we?

    I just manage a store in the best region in the company. We have a very effective chain of command here in E. Texas.

    Apr 6, 03:45 PM
    Never heard anyone say "I want a Xoom!" :rolleyes:

    Sep 19, 01:04 PM
    It's more along the lines of "We see all these other laptop manufacturers releasing new CPU's in their products. We see that Apple has already recieved these chips. We feel that it is extremely likely that Apple's laptop lines will be updated with these CPU's, and soon. Finally, We don't want to buy a product that will be outdated in just a month or two.
    As for "needing it yesterday", that is a product of the hype; but I think, for the most part, we feel that the laptops could have been ready earlier - and certainly would have liked Apple to have come out and said "MBP updates soonish" (of course that makes no business sense for clearing inventory though).

    Absolutely. I don't disagree with you one bit. i'm waiting patiently too, as I'm one of those that could stand for a new machine -- my 1 GHz Powerbook G4 is starting to feel sluggish for dealing with the volumes of photos and video I throw at it. It is, however, still doing the same job as it did 3 years ago when I bought it, so my desire for a new machine is tempered by the fact that I don't realistically NEED a new machine in the immediate future.

    There are those who post in these threads who, without having any kind of photo as a reference, I imagine are sitting at their keyboards frothing at the mouth! These are the folks who exclaim that they NEED 64-bit computing RIGHT NOW, 32-bit is CRAP and they just can't stand it any longer, Yonah SUCKS now that Merom is out, and Apple BY GOLLY had better deliver or they're buying a Dell tomorrow. You'd think that all the previous-generation machines suddenly stopped working or slowed down when Merom was announced.

    Jul 27, 01:19 PM
    How about a new Mac at WWDC?

    Lower Model:
    CConroe E6300 - 1.86 GHz � FSB1066 � 2 MB cache - ($185)
    1GB RAM
    160GB Serial ATA hard drive
    Double-layer SuperDrive (DVD+R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)
    One open PCI-Express expansion slot
    One open Optical drive slot [maybe] (i.e. for 2nd DVD drive)
    Graphics Card with 128MB SDRAM
    Built-in AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth 2.0, USB/FW800
    Remote [(?] I think this box will still be small enough to fit into home entertainment setups.]
    Keyboard, Mighty Mouse...................................................... $999

    Some Options:
    Conroe E6600 - 2.40 GHz � FSB1066 � 4 MB cache � (+$100)
    Wireless Keyboard/Mouse +$60
    Add DVD/CD ROM drive (in 2nd slot) + $50
    250GB SATA hard drive +$75
    +1GB RAM (2GB total) +$100
    +3GB RAM (4GB total) +$300
    Slightly Better Graphics Card with 256MB SDRAM + $50
    Much Better Graphics Card +$200+

    prepare to be disappointed.

    and your prices are $500 to low anyway.