Wednesday, May 11, 2011

cod black ops prestige 15 emblem

cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. The Black Ops Prestige icons.
  • The Black Ops Prestige icons.

  • Dr Kevorkian94
    May 4, 08:02 PM
    Doing it through the app store mares it more advertised and more users will be able to just upgrade. Whereas before u had to somehow hear about it and then take a drive to the store. Now it's easier and more advertised but you now have these "problems". So it will probably be available in the app store but u can burn it to a disc if u want, or purchase it from a apple store. But apple wants the primary distribution point to be the app store.

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. Funny Black Ops Emblems 15
  • Funny Black Ops Emblems 15

  • EricNau
    May 3, 03:25 AM
    No, but 1.8 is a big difference when it comes to taking a baby's temperature or figuring out if your meat is done just right. For a child, 99 is considered a mild fevor and is 37.22. 98.6 is considered "normal" and is 37 flat in C. However, if you had a mother trying to keep track of her child's fever over a period of time, the small variations between those two temps would be a lot more important. The total variation between 99, 99.5, and 100 F is so small on the C scale (37.22, 37.5, 37.77) that it's a lot easier to make mistakes in recording or reporting the results. Sure it's easy to do when it's your job in a professional setting, but lay people make mistakes all the time. Using a scale that makes the number differences larger (and psychologically significant, because you can bet no mother is going to forget that her child has a fever of 100) helps reduce those errors.
    First of all, using two decimal places is not necessary for recording a baby's temperature, Fahrenheit or Celsius. 37.2 C is equivalent to 98.96 F, and 37.22 C is equal to 98.996 F. The hundredth's place is clearly superfluous. Therefore, your numbers reported to one decimal place in Celsius become (37.2, 37.5, 37.8), corresponding to 99, 99.5, 100.0 Fahrenheit. ...Plenty accurate for household thermometer readings.

    I see no reason why 99, 99.5, and 100 are easier to track than 37.2, 37.5, and 37.7. As you said, we accept body temp to be 98.6 and 37.0 in Celsius. If decimals are difficult to remember, then clearly we should pick the scale that represents normal body temp as an integer, right? ;)

    There are a lot of measuring cups and spoons that do come graduated these days (no, they're not in the "beyond" section of BBB), but it's not always possible to go by weight.

    Weight also doesn't solve much because it would add an additional piece of equipment that isn't needed for a lot of recipes.
    Perhaps your set of measuring cups is the additional piece of equipment. Indeed you wouldn't need them. For a recipe in SI, the only items you would need are an electronic balance, graduating measuring "cup," and a graduated cylinder. No series of cups or spoons required (although, they do of course come in metric for those so inclined).

    It's also impractical to keep weighing out ingredients, especially if their net weight is going to be in the few grams. You also probably wouldn't save any dishes because flour is usually added into other wet ingredients like butter and sugar separately, so a second bowl would be used regardless.
    It might seem that way to you, but the majority of the world uses weight to measure dry ingredients. For them it's just as easy.

    Plus it's more intuitive and more accurate to measure dry goods by weight.

    Other than that, any vessel marked "30ml" used for measuring would essentially be a tablespoon. A rose by any other name, really. Except that the 30ml rose is clunkier to say. In fact, you'd still need names for all of the common measures even using SI.
    Why would you need alternative names? A recipe would call for "30ml" of any given liquid. There's no need to call it anything else.

    Is everyone really going to go around calling a cup the "237ml vessel?"
    Well, no one would ask for a 237ml vessel because that's an arbitrary number based on a different system of units. But if you wanted, yes, you could measure that amount in a graduated measuring cup (or weigh it on your balance).

    Are people going to start calling it the "liter quartet of milk?" What would you do for the measures that have a secondary meaning? Will people still be able to call it a "pint" if it's sold as 500ml?
    I suspect people would call it a "quarter liter," much like I would say "quarter gallon."

    And no, you wouldn't call 500ml a "pint" because, well, why would you? :confused:

    ...But countries using SI do call 500ml a demi-liter ("demi" meaning "half").

    There are some (albeit few these days). For daily tasks, the composite numbers in Imperial units are easy to halve and quarter.
    This is the case with Si units as well. 500, 250, 125, 75, etc. Though SI units can also be divided by any number you wish. Want to make 1/5 of the recipe? ...Just divide all the numbers by five.

    This has less relevance today with prepackaged food and digital equipment, but at one time it made practical sense for a lot more uses. The residual benefits are still present in home baking and similar activities where base 10 doesn't help, but those are the few things that still make heavy use of standard units anyhow. I don't think it's that onerous to know these days, especially with apps, Google, and conversion charts everywhere around us.
    No, but it is onerous for kids to learn SI units, which is a mandatory skill in this global world. Like I said, why teach kids two units of measure if one will suffice?

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • suwandy
    Sep 15, 06:13 PM
    So, how is MacShrine perceived in the rumor community? Do they have a sufficiently good track record for us to say, "this is it - the Merom MBP is finally coming", or is this likely to be just another rehash of all the Core2Duo MBP hype/frustration going around?

    Reliable or not, I guess this is a good news for many of us waiting for the C2D MBP. If it proved reliable, I think MacRumors should pay more attention to check their updates in the future. ;)

    I was about to think of that as "another crappy site?" but then I thought, hey, everyone have their own sources that you could never imagine, like one of the posts right before Sept 12th event claiming to know the entire agenda, and he's pretty accurate, no?

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. in Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • in Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • Don't panic
    May 5, 10:53 AM
    The system is solid and consistent between the villain and the heroes. I think you all are over thinking it. Ravenvii said early on in his explanation that it might be easier to think of the villains turns as points to avoid confusion. Basically during my round I earn 2 points to spend any way I choose. Some actions require one turn/point to accomplish. For example:

    - move to a new room
    - self heal

    Thus, if during my turn I choose to move or heal then in essence I've used one of the 2 points/turns to accomplish this task meaning for the rest of the round I only have 1 point/turn left. Setting traps or sending out my minions cost various points and thus I must save up points for some things. If I choose to save points then I'm essentially forfeiting action in that turn or for the entire round by choosing to carry over the point or points to my next round.

    Heroes actions work the same way they just aren't broken down into points for easier understanding. You could choose to think of it as getting 2 points at the beginning of your rounds as well and in turn it would cost you 1 point to do any of the following:

    - explore a room
    - move to a new room

    Thus, with your entire round you can take two actions or turns, each costing one point. The only difference is heroes can't save up points like the villain can.

    So, you see, the system is consistent on both sides.

    i see the point, and i am fine with it if that's what the GMs decided.
    i am just saying that it is not what was said before (or how i understood it), where the deployment of a trap/minion was portrayed as costing point previoulsy generated.

    for example, post #10
    For example: let's say a dragon costs 10 turns (or points). To be able to place the dragon on the map, the villain must forgo 10 turns. The fastest way to get the dragon is to skip both his turns for 5 rounds.
    with your interpretation, you'd forgo 9 turns, because on the 10th the dragon is deployed, instead of waiting 5 rounds and deploy the dragon in the next turn.

    i just want to make sure what the rules are, because it makes a significant difference in terms of keeping track of what might or might not be out there.
    for example, by my count, in one round you could deploy one goblin (one turn to get a point, one to deploy), by yours, you deploy two (point and deploy each turn).
    also, can you heal and deploy trap/monsters at the same turn, from the Lair?
    can you accrue points while moving/healing?

    it's the beginning of brand new game, so it's normal the rules are seen in different ways and need some fine tuning in how they are worded.

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. Black Ops Prestige All 15
  • Black Ops Prestige All 15

  • mscriv
    May 4, 09:38 PM
    And so it begins. Heed my words and remember them. For it is only a matter of time until the rest of you suffer the same end as your friend.

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. Call of Duty Black Ops: Prestige Badge/Emblems Revealed? 1-15. Call of Duty Black Ops-Prestige Emblems 1-15. 63950 shouts
  • Call of Duty Black Ops: Prestige Badge/Emblems Revealed? 1-15. Call of Duty Black Ops-Prestige Emblems 1-15. 63950 shouts

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 9, 06:06 PM
    Vote for "Undecidable because of the rubbish typography".


    To avoid the 'implied' multiplication, it should be shown as below.

    The answer is then obviously "2".

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. prestige black ops Skulldec
  • prestige black ops Skulldec

  • bboucher790
    Apr 20, 01:49 AM
    I'm on the 3GS > iPhone 5 > iPhone 7 upgrade sequence. I'm glad to be on it. I don't like to be a Beta tester. If there is an unseen design flaw (antennagate), it will give Apple a full year to "hopefully" fix the issue. I plan on using this phone without a case, so I don't want any antenna issues. I'm doubtful the iPhone 5 will have a better antenna. The Verizon iPhone has the same issues as the ATT iPhone. If Apple was going to fix it, they would have fixed it then....

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. lack ops xp hack Call of Duty
  • lack ops xp hack Call of Duty

  • digitalbiker
    Aug 11, 02:59 PM
    Im not saying its bad just sayin i prefer the present keyboard. i have actually used a macbook both in store and a friends who just recently got one. and i used that for a gd hour or so and i just couldnt get used to it but im sure i could over time i guess.

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. lack ops emblems prestige.
  • lack ops emblems prestige.

  • Eriden
    Sep 16, 06:00 PM
    If they souped up a 13.3" MB enclosure, wouldn't it require a serious overhaul of the appropriate internals, especially ditching the integrated graphics for a dedicated solution? (Not that Jonathan Ive & Co would have much of a problem making it happen.) Before I went to the recently opened Apple Store in Norfolk, VA, I might have considered a 13.3" MBP. But after having played around with the 17"... I'm in love. When Tuesday cometh, I'll be ordering a 17" MBP... merom or yonah. From all the shipping delays, merom is looking more hopeful all the time!

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. Call of duty: lack ops
  • Call of duty: lack ops

  • Don't panic
    May 3, 09:23 AM
    after reading the rules a couple of times:

    - secret powers: other than not knowing who is what, do we know what the secret powers are and how they work?
    - monsters/trap: do we know how many there are at the beginning? what is the range of their powers? why does the villain has two turns, isn't it the same as if he just gets 4 points in that double-turn? or does he get to move his minion. attack, heal, place new monsters/traps move monsters twice every round?
    - moving: move to door means open the door and get into the next passage/room? can monsters move and open doors once they are placed?
    - are attacks automatic? when do they occur in the turn?
    - can the villain/monster fall into the traps?
    - how/how fast does the villain move?
    - the villain stats are 16/16 plus 2/2 for each hero alive or 16/16 minus 2/2 for each hero dead?
    - does the villain knows where the treasures are?
    - can you toss dwarves?

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. 1-15. Call of Duty Black Ops:
  • 1-15. Call of Duty Black Ops:

  • Big D 51
    Apr 9, 07:26 PM
    this is the only way to do it, why is there even an other answer?

    That's what I thought.

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. lack ops prestige 15 emblem.
  • lack ops prestige 15 emblem.

  • adztaylor
    Apr 18, 03:01 PM
    Waiting for Samsung to counter-sue for some frivolous reason in 3...2...1...

    The merry-go-round continues.

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. Backround: 15th. Call Of Duty:
  • Backround: 15th. Call Of Duty:

  • borisadmin
    Nov 22, 07:19 AM
    Or it's just an Ipod with phone functionality (whatever the looks), and will cost 399.00. No contract, no lock in. Apple buyers already spend that money on hardware, and you can probably a pretty noce phone for that amount. So, why do you think it will be locked in with a carrier for x years? there is no need for, as they are not going after the commodity (100.00 and less) market on this. If they did, would be a big mistake.

    Exactly, they're a premium brand who have never been afraid to be expensive. Apple couldn't care less about the current practices of the network operators, they've been burnt by partnerships already. If they do an iPhone they will control the user experience and make sure it a) works for the user's interests, not the network operator; and b) looks as stylish as possible. Then they dare the network operators to exclude their highest-value customer segment who will want the phone no matter what the cost. If they crack the model the cheaper versions will come later.

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • gadget1974
    Sep 11, 12:15 PM
    Yeah, that was prior to the invites sent out. Jobs from experience will be pitching the movie store hard..meaning the laptop updates have to take a back seat for now. I mean they announced a 24" iMac quietly just to give you an idea of how important this is to them. Laptop updates? i wouldnt count on least for now

    Agree with you! Also, people tend to forget that Apple split into two divisions - one media and one computers (not the official titles, but that's basically how it works). Anyone who has worked in a large company knows that those two divisions will not cooperate because that's what always happens. Expect only iPod related stuff this week because it's the iPod group's big event. Why would they give the glory away to the other guys? :rolleyes:

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. Call of Duty: Black Ops – A
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops – A

  • ucfgrad93
    May 6, 07:08 PM
    Com'on lads! we are waisting precious time.
    i just need one volunteer to split off, or one volunteer to lead the group so i split off.
    it really is worth to do this as it cuts down on unproductive turns, which means lees varmints to soil our weapons with.

    I'll volunteer.

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. Funny Black Ops Emblems 15
  • Funny Black Ops Emblems 15

  • greenstork
    Aug 4, 01:02 AM
    Never buy an apple product!!!
    As soon as you do something new and better comes out!!!
    I am typing this away on my new Macbook, Core 1 Duo; which i bought under the self-brainwashed reasoning that the MBP alone would see 2x2. Why you ask? Cuz I figured hey, the MB JUST came out, why refresh it every 2 months! The MBP has been out like 8 months, that makes sense.
    I can only PRAY I am right.
    No that my Macbook will be instant crap... I just COULD have waited until september.
    Damn you apple...

    What doesn't your Macbook do fast enough?

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • TequilaBoobs
    Nov 25, 09:19 PM
    i hope apple comes out with a shoe phone, something the pink panther or inspector gadget would use.

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. Black Ops Prestige Emblems
  • Black Ops Prestige Emblems

  • adbe
    Mar 29, 02:51 PM
    I agree. Given the last Ford we purchased leaked and after 6 months of trying to fix it, the Ford dealer said "well, everything leaks" and said they'd give a good deal on it to trade it in if we wanted. And the last GM we had stalled every morning when you were pulling out on to the road and the dealer said that it was "just the way the car was made," and could never fix it I wouldn't buy an American made car unless they started getting good reports both for quality upfront (they just sound cheap compared to a Honda, Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche, or Toyota) and for quality over 5-6+ years of ownership. And the previous American made cars we had were of similar low quality.

    To be fair (and way OT) Ford really do seem to have upped their game, and GM are at least trying.

    I'm actually seriously considering the new 2012 Focus, or the Fiesta as a second car. I wouldn't even have looked in Ford's direction two years ago.

    cod black ops prestige 15 emblem. call of duty black ops emblems
  • call of duty black ops emblems

  • UrsaMajor
    Mar 30, 01:40 AM
    Only a few people here mentioned the bandwidth issues.

    Cloud storage is a great idea but will only work if we have unlimited flat rates to access it. You have to pay for storage, but then you need to pay for access either thru you 3G cap or the ever increasing ISP caps.

    ISPs are cracking down big time with people using stuff like Netflix around the clock.

    I can't see how any of this mobile stuff will get better with AT&T and t mobile going together. Feels like the aol per minute days.

    Apr 21, 02:56 PM
    wow! a redesign to the mac pro would be great :D

    Apr 5, 01:56 PM
    I hope Apple gets Toyota to pull that crap back. Jailbreaking shouldn't be legitimate nor supported in any way.

    Why not. It's your stuff.

    If I want to mod my TV would you say that is not legitimate.

    If I want to modify my thermostat to talk to a computer, is that not legitimate?

    Reprogram my roomba. . .

    Why do you think people aren't allowed to modify the crap they BOUGHT!

    Apr 18, 04:37 PM
    The side by side shots look like Nike Air Jordans next to some fake-ass Jordan ProWings. :)

    Aug 11, 10:53 AM
    Could Apple technically squeeze a Xeon proc into the MBP?

    Apr 7, 01:09 PM
    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.

    And for some reason you think that monopolies are bad for consumers.

    They are not. At least not 100%. Just like they are not 100% good.

    What is good or bad is how the companies got to that monopoly and what they do with it.

    Apple has a monopoly on consumer tablets simply because they are the only ones to release a tablet that folks want to buy. Nothing bad about that.

    Now if it is found that they are using that monopoly to strong arm component suppliers with tactics like demanding they accept way under value prices or can't ever do business with other companies, then you have a 'bad' monopoly. Or say they decide to hell with any support for non Mac computers and if you want to use an iOS device you must get a Mac computer, that's a 'bad' monopoly. And so on