Friday, May 13, 2011

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  • spazzcat
    Mar 22, 01:38 PM
    Lack of Flash support is the achilles heel of iPad. I hope Jobs gets off his high horse and relents.

    Flash is dying fast, faster then I even thought it would...

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  • laidbackliam
    Aug 7, 02:34 AM
    this is me going out an a limb here.

    but do you think the desktop lineup could become this?

    Mac mini (2 models)
    the Mac
    Mac Pro

    "if" this happens, which i find unlikely based on pure speculation, the mac mini could keep yonah processors, the Mac could get conroe, the iMac could get conroe, and the Mac Pro could go balls to the wall with 3.0ghz woodcrests.

    the Mac would be the affordable tower that people have been wanting. yet another reason for people to switch. a unit that works, that has an upgrade path, but doesn't cost 1500+.

    again, i don't think this will happen at wwdc, but i do think it would be cool

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  • ictiosapiens
    Aug 17, 04:39 AM
    Could you give some evidence for that, except that they are underclocked on the MacBook Pro _when they are idle_?

    And the Macbook... Nearly 50% underclocked, like the 950 was so amazing that it could be crippled by half of its mindblowing performance...

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 27, 10:29 AM
    More like arguing about where the dessert forks and soup spoons go in the place settings. I don't think lifeboats have even entered into the conversation.

    I believe the 'long form' is rearranging the deck chairs. :)

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  • patrick0brien
    Sep 13, 01:37 PM
    I smell it an option for Rev. B.

    As Mac Daily News says: "Mac Pro Octo-Core. For when you absolutely, positively have to sequence the entire human genome before lunch."


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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 27, 08:32 AM
    I'm glad they're fixing this "bug"

    But their response is utter crap. They know it - and now everyone knows it.

    As reports came out over a year ago about this - it's only after this tremendous bad press that they "found" it. Mhhhmmmm sure.

    Even if one is "Apple friendly" when looking at this objectively that's a weak response.

    Don't really care whether that is considered tracking or whatever word you want to find. Also, don't care if Apple upload or not!

    When I turn something OFF, I need to be able to trust that it is OFF

    Yes, we all have to realize we are constantly "logged" with IPs, cell towers,
    EZ-pass etc. BUT there is no way they can make me believe this is a bug. We are almost at ios 5, so plenty of time to fix this.

    It's a bad judgement on Apple's part, thinking that it doesn't cause any harm.

    Well it does - to their reputation!

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  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:15 AM
    A lot of people are upset over this. But, no one seems to care that the US Government can snoop on any electronic communication it wants for well over 10 years now:

    Data transmissions, cell phone calls, you name it. I think we're trying to cook the wrong goose if you ask me.

    I think ALL the gooses should be cooked. No one should get the free pass.. so I don't think it's wrong to call Apple out on this.

    I thought looking at my location histories was interesting. I, too, have no delusions that I cannot be tracked (cell phone, credit card purchases, etc.) I wonder if all the paranoids realize that any GPS camera encodes that information in the image. Share that photo online and anyone can get the metadata with location of photograph.

    You wanna be connected, you can't be truly anonymous.
    You wanna be anonymous, sell you computer, smart phone, cut up credit cards, and move to an undocumented shack in the middle of nowhere with no utilities.

    Sharing a photo is actively giving out a location. Just like foursquare, tweeting and updating facebook. This issue is about giving out data which is involuntary, non encrypted and not being able to turn it off.

    And as for the latter half of your statement - it's a dangerous/slippery slope to start being apathetic about your right to privacy. Once it's all out there - it's that much harder to get it back.

    And again - there's a difference between voluntarily and involuntarily releasing of private information.

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  • CaoCao
    Mar 1, 04:11 PM
    You know how stupid that argument is? You are comparing physical defects to a different mental state. Physiologically, gay people are not any bit different from straight people. (IE one identical twin gay, one not cases...)

    Here is a much closer analog to your view:

    "I hate you for liking the color yellow. Your views are sick and your practice of having yellow things in your home is sick and wrong and immoral. A three thousand year old book written by some uneducated shepperds told me that people who like the color yellow are going to burn in Hell because someone hates them."

    Do you see just how stupid this whole thing is?
    Well my other options were paedophilia, incest, bestiality etc.

    Your analogy does not make sense because I do not hate homosexuals.
    I made it quite clearly. If you don't get it, I can't help you any further.

    Good to hear. Can we now assume you support marriage rights for gay people?
    You have made it quite clear you suffer from a dearth of cogency.
    That is their problem, not yours.

    You could say the same about the Catholic church. My link was specifically in reply to being asked for evidence - actually proof - that Plato was a homosexual. As for supporting bad stuff, the US Constitution was once quite content to support slavery and the subordination of women, and so were many of the founding fathers, both of the early church and the USA.

    What absolute bollocks! Homosexuality does not need treatment, since it is not a disease.
    Ah, let us define slavery, does: "slavery is the condition of involuntary servitude in which a human being is regarded as no more than the property of another, as being without basic human rights; in other words, as a thing rather than a person" work for you?
    Why not? Whether gays are treated equally under the Constitution has absolutely nothing to do with how you feel about them. Whether you grant them the human dignity of being treated equally has absolutely nothing to do with your Catholic dogma. You are making excuses.

    Another red herring: nobody is asking you to be a caregiver, simply to stop pontificating about something you clearly know very little about. You are simply broadcasting your prejudices to no useful effect: you are not going to make anyone heterosexual by trashing their feelings and their very nature, you are just going to add to their discomfiture.

    What a pity you did not learn from her to keep your own counsel.

    Feeble. Do you pontificate about sky-diving too?

    I have read many of Plato's dialogues, in Greek, and studied - and continue to study - Ancient Greek culture in depth. Your Dr Gould is bringing his own prejudices to the table. He should know better.

    Homosexual friendship. Right.
    But they are treated equal, any gay man can marry a woman and any lesbian woman can marry a man just as any heterosexual man can marry a woman and any heterosexual woman can marry a man
    @CoCo & Bill: Please, just stop arguing with bogus reasons. The Catholic Church has everything wrong and upside down and only to control its followers. You two are a perfect example thereof.

    CoCo, heterosexuality is not the norm, at least not outside our social understanding. In ancient Greece and Rome, sexuality wasn't even up for discussion. You followed a certain social conduct and explored your sexuality as you saw fit and didn't question it or that of others. When Christianity started taking over the laws and moral standards, they made it so they could control everything people do. Your reasoning comes from the same source as those who wrote the medical journals that condemn homosexuality as a mental illness. They did so out of fear of the unknown - the very essence th the Catholic Church uses to control its followers.

    And Bill, please go out and live a little. Get a nice girlfriend and explore your and her sexuality a little and see how much more relaxed your attitude about the world can be. There's more to life than waiting for God's instructions. He certainly wouldn't want you to waste your life on such trivial things like analyzing other people's sexuality.

    You two need to expand your world view and accept that there are plenty of things that make you uncomfortable, but there is no reason to condemn them so exhaustingly. You cannot reverse progress and you certainly cannot control the lives of other people.

    There are plenty of folks in Northern Africa that can vouch for that.
    Nay, the Romans and Greeks failed, they are retrogress

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  • milatchi
    Mar 22, 07:00 PM
    When will RIM realize that nothing they can create, have created, or ever will create can be as good as something created by Apple? Some companies: Google, Microsoft, and RIM will just never learn.

    Steve Jobs = Genius

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  • topgunn
    Jul 20, 08:20 AM
    THIS is why IBM was given the boot.

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  • kiwi-in-uk
    Aug 7, 06:51 PM
    ... as of present the trash can will not allow you to selectively undelete a file?


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  • BRLawyer
    Aug 19, 07:08 AM
    I wonder if there is still any Winblows fanboy out there willing to justify the purchase of a PC...horrible OS, slower machine, more damn way. The Quad MacPro is THE most powerful desktop in this world...period.

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  • nefan65
    Apr 25, 02:08 PM
    They're suing...doesn't mean it'll go to court. They may find there's not enough grounds for suit, and deny...

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  • Unspeaked
    Nov 29, 12:59 PM
    For starters, it's not illegal to download music freely. There are quite a few artists that allow free downloads of their music, so the first part of your statement "it's illegal to download music freely" is not correct. The second half of your statement ".... people are doing it....", assumes that everyone is guilty until they prove themselves innocent. Which is wrong.

    Of course not all music is illegal to download, but for the sake of the conversation, which is full of 10 pages of posts concerning Universal's copyright protected cataloge, I assumed a qualifier wasn't necessary in my post.

    To make myself clear, it's illegal to download copyrighted music which the artist and/or label has not explicitely made available as a free, promotional download.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 19, 05:04 PM
    One of the three basics that must be proven in order to win a trade dress case, is the likelihood of confusion.

    In other words, would someone think they're buying one thing but really getting another, such as might happen with shoes or pills or whatever.

    Does anyone think that a normal person would actually confuse a Samsung Galaxy (especially with that huge "Samsung" on it) with an Apple iPhone when they're buying it?

    I mean, is Apple going to claim that they're losing sales because the Galaxy is so close to the iPhone that people can't tell the difference? If so, that sure doesn't say much for the iPhone. Or it says a lot for the Galaxy.

    That is not the case. The user can know they are buying a product that is a rip off of another and it is still wrong.

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  • bedifferent
    Apr 12, 10:02 AM
    Difinitely not. I won't say where I'd agree and disagree with for the rest of it, but that last sentence isn't right. Thousands implies a rather low number. Not nearly enough revenue for Apple to keep working on FCS. ;)

    Ha ;) I love, too true. Those "thousands" could become a larger number, and not just editors but professionals in general as well as high end consumers who would strongly benefit and pony up for a mid range Pro tower as well as the prosumer grade programs.

    Slightly off topic, I always wondered about Apple's initial venture into the mobile market, especially given Apple's failed attempt in partnering with Motorola for the "ROKR" (anyone recall the 2005 TV ads with Madonna shamelessly promoting her "Confessions on a Dance Floor" for a cool $5 million?).

    Two years later came the iPhone. Makes you wonder why Apple "tested" the mobile market with the ROKR knowing the iPhone wasn't far away.

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  • Earth Day Coloring Pages

  • srxtr
    Mar 22, 01:28 PM
    What's with all these tablets being advertised in landscape??

    I've had the first ipad since it came out last year and I'd say my Portrait to landscape usage ratio is like 70% portrait / 30% landscape.

    I view webpages, read the WSJ, NYPost, books, ipod etc.. all in portrait.

    Landscape is for tv shows / movies and some games.

    Why are these tablets all designed as if the user is going to hold them landscape 90% of the time? Are magazines designed to be held landscape? I don't get these horizontal tablets.

    I think the majority of the people use landscape (but don't quote me on that).

    Most activities (websites, emails, documents, etc) require scrolling top to bottom, not side to side, so landscape will usually give you a greater view usually.

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  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 10, 01:17 PM
    Oh boo hoo about the companies being "booted" from sponsorships. The company I work for goes to trade shows. The time invested is actually quite small and most of the materials are in inventory anyway. The presentations are usually based on the same script. I bet the companies aren't that disappointed. In fact they would like to be there and see what Apple is up to more than anyone else. So I bet they'll send the same presenter staff there to view and record anything of note to send back to their company.
    Maybe NAB is a different beast than what you and your company typically deal with? The big players at NAB can spend millions and take the better part of the year getting ready (both from a marketing and product development standpoint). At least that's the gist of what I read when Avid and later Apple, bailed on NAB in years past citing a lack of ROI for all the money, man power and artificial product deadlines it took to present at NAB every year.

    I used to come to Macrumors to read about Mac news, but now its all anit-apple crap.
    You come to Macrumors to read about Mac news...:D

    This is a little more out there but my friend has a theory that Apple has let Kevin Smith use the new Final Cut to cut and make his new film that is coming it.
    That would be kinda weird since Avid brought in Kevin Smith to talk at NAB this year.

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)
    So Avid, Adobe and Canon spent 10 months preparing for a lecture at a FCP users group? And a FCP users group was going to be their main/only avenue for presentation? I think not. This is just another spot they will advertise at during NAB. I'm sure Avid will be at Adobe and Adobe at Avid user groups. FCP just decided to present at NAB at the last second and this was their only in.
    Main or only venue? No. Signature event to get quality face time w/their target audience away from the insane cattle call that is the NAB showroom floor? Yes. Avid hosting Kevin Smith is not an everyday occurrence. Canon presenting Philip Bloom was schedule for only the SuperMeet. Same with Alexis Van Hurkman's talk about color grading.


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  • Porchland
    Aug 7, 03:30 PM
    The side menu in the Mail (at least in the Quicktime demo on Apple) shows Notes and To Do. Wouldn't it make sense to finally bring Address Book and iCal into Mail along with these new options?

    I know that would make it very Outlook but Outlook 2003 is one of the (few) things Microsoft has managed to get right.

    I just don't see the need for Address Book and iCal to exist separately from Mail if they're going to be even more integrated with Mail.

    Sep 18, 02:19 PM
    The Thinkpad X40 I'm typing from Bluescreened on me no longer than three weeks ago. My crime? coming out of suspend mode.

    Windows Crashes.

    Believe it or not, Mac OS X can crash too. While it is prettier, it's still a crash.

    Pretty funny reading the last few pages, thanks for the laughs.

    Jul 21, 09:53 AM
    Before thinking about Apple competing with Sun in the Server market check out Sun's recently released x86 server products. They are very impressive and much higher up the "food chain" than what Apple is expected to compete in.

    Sun Fire X4600 ( It has 8 sockets with support for up to 16 Opteron cores today and 32 Q1 next year. It is designed to be easily upgradable - processors are on separate cards connected via HyperTransport backplane.

    Sun Fire X4500 ( A "hybrid" server (code name "Thumper") with 28TB directly attached storage and 2 Opteron Sockets (4 cores) in a 4U packaging. The storage density is at least 4 times traditional NAS/SAN - you can have a quarter Peta Byte on a 42U rack!!

    Sun Blade 8000 ( A 19U chassis supporting 10 8-way (now, 16-way Q1 2007) blades. This platform will also support Sun's Ultrasparc T1 (8 cores, 32 threads) and the upcoming UltraSparc T2 (8 cores, 64 threads) processors.

    Aug 17, 08:21 PM
    Lastly, OS X will always be superior to Windows based on the fact that it's built on a UNIX foundation. If I'm not mistaken, Windows code has just built on top of existing code year-after-year. :mad: I think the OS X was a fresh build.

    windows has been, in the past building on existing code for many years and the last incarnation was windows ME, which followed windows 3.x, 95, 98, and 98SE

    windows XP is built from windows 2000 which was built from windows NT which was written in what microsoft calls "NT" code, similar to UNIX but not as good, but more stable than the widely used windows 95/98

    and os x is superior, and easier to use, than anything from microsoft

    Mar 31, 06:43 PM
    Open doesn't necessarily mean "supported". All it means is that the source code is available and you can do whatever you want with it (as long as you keep that same source open as well). If some other group or company wants to take on and support an Android variant, they can do so and support it with updates. As far as I understand open source licences, Google can't prevent this.

    On the other hand, Google has no obligation to support every single variant out there, or put the Google stamp on something they don't approve because of quality, compatibility, consistency or any number of other concerns. That said, withholding the Honeycomb source may be stretching it.

    If you're going to licence your project as open source, then you do actually have to release the source. I know there's often a delay with commercial products. I suppose the tolerance of the open source community depends on the reason and the amount of time the code is held back.

    Sep 15, 06:40 AM
    And of course, NT started as a reimplementation of VMS for a failed Intel RISC CPU...
    A cancelled Digital RISC CPU.

    Although, some of the ideas for the cancelled CPU ended up in the Alpha chips.