Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Greece - A few words from the father of anarchist Yiannis Skouloudis

received by sysiphus

A few words from the father of anarchist Yiannis Skouloudis

“(“Terrorism” as an act of innocence…) Since when 20 year-old kids are called terrorists? Labeling you a Christian when you are 2 and a terrorist when you are 22, praising you for reading extra-curricular books and then producing them as evidence against you, making you wear white shirts at national parades and now white bullet-proof vests at the court…” Some thoughts for you…
It has been 7 months from the day my son Yiannis Skouloudis was arrested for the arson of a power company (DEI) car. His claim of responsibility for this action had as a consequence his remand in the juvenile correctional facility of Avlona, as the state wants to call these modern places of torment for human souls.
Seeing the war becoming sharper during all this time I felt the need to send a greeting, wanting to give strength and courage, to all who have stood by him, to all who resist, struggle and continue to fight within and outside the prison walls against this rotten system that wants us to be slaves. Against the logic of bow down, suck up and grab from wherever you can. Against respectability, the fable of an easy life and the modern way of life which promotes social peace, law and order as its ultimate ideal.
From my side as a parent I am proud of my son and his stance and of all the other kids fighting for freedom of thought and of individuals.
And a few words towards parents. We brought our kids into this world, we brought them up and now it is time to let them lead us into the future. Let us not try anymore to keep them bound to the past. Let’s stand next to them on the barricades and let’s now learn from them.
I send my solidarity to all the political prisoners and to all those who outside the prison walls continue to struggle, choosing the difficult path towards absolute freedom.
Yiorgos Skouloudis
May 5th, 2011
translation by: crossing-the-rubicon
find out more about Yiannis: