Thursday, May 12, 2011

hayley williams twitter incident

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  • milo
    Sep 11, 11:05 AM
    As for the movie store...I think I remember SJ in an interview awhile back saying, while he likes the purchase model for music, movies lend themselves to the subscription model because most people only watch a movie once or twice, Star Wars geeks notwithstanding. So I think the movie store is going to be like a true movie store. If you want to buy a movie you can, but the emphasis will be more on a NetFlix type model. A $15/mo sub gets you 3 movies at a time, unlimited d/ls per mo. Alternatively, you could rent a single movie for $4, viewable for a week or so. For people who don't have time to convert a DVD to an iPod viewable format that makes sense. Buying for $15 or $10 isn't going to excite anyone I don't think.

    I doubt a download service would be able to offer unlimited movie downloads, at least not for a price next to netflix. Netflix "unlimited" movies really aren't because they are limited by the speed of the post office (and artificially limited even more by Netflix if you watch too many).

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  • japanime
    Mar 29, 05:57 PM
    Sounds very subjective when you give no cost of living comparisons.

    The cost of living in Japan is very comparable to that of the United States. VERY. And I speak from experience, having lived both in rural and metro America as well as rural and metro Japan.

    And you are the one who brought up "happy" employees. How do you objectively measure "happiness"?

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  • Thunderhawks
    May 6, 06:25 AM
    [QUOTE=Cougarcat;12523836]Yes, Windows 8 will have ARM support (

    Whose idea was windoof8?

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  • iDemiurge
    Apr 23, 05:49 PM
    Doesn't OS X already support displays up to 2560x1600? Afaik that was the resolution of Apple's own (now discontinued) 30" display and the resolution of most, if not all, 30" displays available at the moment. 3200x2000 is nothing but the next rung on the ladder. This is just Apple future-proofing their OS a bit. If they release anything in the short term it will most likely be a big-ass iMac or a bigger Apple Display, NOT a laptop running that resolution. Just saying...

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  • johnqh
    Mar 29, 04:41 PM
    Most people here are missing the big picture. I'm pretty old and have witnessed the changes in the tech sector. Back in '01 a lot of laptops were made or at least assembled in the USA, and they were quality products, but with cheap foreign labor most global companies could not resist the couple of percent they could add to their profit margins by moving overseas. The company I worked for made laptops for a major name, but they closed the plant here to save between 3.00 and 6.00 dollars per unit, a very small percentage of the overall value. A company like Apple could easily, make and assemble products here, the profit margin on an iPhone is around 60%, but if they did that then there profit margin would only be 50%, corporate and political greed. There are companies here, that still compete, an example, American Apparel (, they manufacture clothing here competitively in a huge operation in California with good paying jobs and great quality. There are many others, it is all about balancing automation with traditional production, but it's impossible for anyone to compete with slave wages from companies like Foxconn.

    The cost for final assembly is minor.

    For example, the cost to make an iPhone may be 200 dollars. It probably costs $1 for the final assembly (or by your calculation, $7 if the assembly is done in US). However, if you manufacture all the parts in US, it will cost $1400.

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  • squirrellydw
    Apr 26, 03:45 PM
    Fiat owns 85% of Ferrari.
    Volkswagen owns 49.9% of Porsche.

    Right and what is your point?

    If they weren't making money they would be sold off or shut down. They are high end cars sold to the rich. But let me guess you are stupid to buy an over priced Apple or iProduct right? Just like anyone that buys a BMW, Ferrari or Porsche is dumb. What is dumb is thinking one product is better than another. What is better, the iPhone, Android or a Star Tec? I guess if the only thing I want to do is make phone calls my old Star Tec is the best if it still works. My point is it depends on what your needs are.

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  • SactoGuy18
    May 3, 07:38 AM
    There are a few places where metric measurements are now standard here in the USA:

    1. Soft drink bottles are now measured in one and two-liter sizes for the large bottles.

    2. Medicine are all measured in milligrams for the amount of medicine in each pill.

    The problem with the rest going metric is the ENORMOUS conversion cost for packaging sizes, home appliance settings, and changing road signs. Maybe the plan should be phased in over a ten-year period....

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  • milo
    Sep 11, 03:20 PM
    Should we really be so confidently predicting that there'll be no MBP or MB upgrades because they "take away" from the excitement of the Media announcements? Surely, 99% of the population couldn't care less when a chip is upgraded, and won't even notice the change. Sure, it might take away from the excitement for some of us geeks on here, but for a lot of people, won't it be a complete non-event, easily eclipsed by the shiny new media stuff?

    It's something the press would include in their story. If the laptops are updated separately, the story is 100% about "showtime" stuff.

    Movie service with 320x240 movies, Airport Express AV with compostie and s-video only.

    I don't think we'll get HD anything, but I think we will get at least 480. 320x240 is OK for iPods and tv shows, but Apple realizes that they'd get slammed if they try and pass off such a low rez in the living room.

    Oh really? So tell me what the Front Row G5 iMac and the iPod nano had to do with last years iTunes Phone Special Event.

    Those weren't at the same event, were they? The nano was with the phone, and later Front Row showed up with the iPod with video. And generally, apple hasn't been doing computer refreshes at events, just major updates (which lately has been intel, and not even all of those have had events).

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  • TBR
    Jul 31, 04:30 AM
    I would go for an Apple phone if they are as easy to use and featurepacked as a sony erriccson, but with that special apple-y goodness like a wifi voip mode or ichat voice and video hook up or something.

    That really would be very very cool.

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  • Don't panic
    May 5, 10:53 AM
    The system is solid and consistent between the villain and the heroes. I think you all are over thinking it. Ravenvii said early on in his explanation that it might be easier to think of the villains turns as points to avoid confusion. Basically during my round I earn 2 points to spend any way I choose. Some actions require one turn/point to accomplish. For example:

    - move to a new room
    - self heal

    Thus, if during my turn I choose to move or heal then in essence I've used one of the 2 points/turns to accomplish this task meaning for the rest of the round I only have 1 point/turn left. Setting traps or sending out my minions cost various points and thus I must save up points for some things. If I choose to save points then I'm essentially forfeiting action in that turn or for the entire round by choosing to carry over the point or points to my next round.

    Heroes actions work the same way they just aren't broken down into points for easier understanding. You could choose to think of it as getting 2 points at the beginning of your rounds as well and in turn it would cost you 1 point to do any of the following:

    - explore a room
    - move to a new room

    Thus, with your entire round you can take two actions or turns, each costing one point. The only difference is heroes can't save up points like the villain can.

    So, you see, the system is consistent on both sides.

    i see the point, and i am fine with it if that's what the GMs decided.
    i am just saying that it is not what was said before (or how i understood it), where the deployment of a trap/minion was portrayed as costing point previoulsy generated.

    for example, post #10
    For example: let's say a dragon costs 10 turns (or points). To be able to place the dragon on the map, the villain must forgo 10 turns. The fastest way to get the dragon is to skip both his turns for 5 rounds.
    with your interpretation, you'd forgo 9 turns, because on the 10th the dragon is deployed, instead of waiting 5 rounds and deploy the dragon in the next turn.

    i just want to make sure what the rules are, because it makes a significant difference in terms of keeping track of what might or might not be out there.
    for example, by my count, in one round you could deploy one goblin (one turn to get a point, one to deploy), by yours, you deploy two (point and deploy each turn).
    also, can you heal and deploy trap/monsters at the same turn, from the Lair?
    can you accrue points while moving/healing?

    it's the beginning of brand new game, so it's normal the rules are seen in different ways and need some fine tuning in how they are worded.

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  • learn your facts Butterfliesmay , may yelyahwilliams is twitter may how can Hayley+williams+twitter+hack , hayley williams apparently hacked,

  • ScoopOZ
    Nov 27, 12:37 AM
    I have just been told that on a Sunday from home, Todd Rutherford, Microsoft�s e-Home Program Manager at Microsoft in Seattle contacted an Australian Company that is working on wireless speakers for Apple asking them for information.

    He claims that Microsoft is "keen to get everything they can on Apples e home activities including media centres, wireless initiatives and tablet PC initiatives.

    Does anyone know of any third party Companies in the US that have lodged patents for Apple related home entertainment technology?

    I know who to talk to in Taiwan but I am keen to chase down the US firms that are working with Apple on new home entertainment automation.

    I am also told that Apple is working on an open standard type technology for the home that other Companies can license.

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  • wrldwzrd89
    May 7, 10:08 AM
    I doubt the truth of this rumor, but it is still interesting nonetheless. One question it raises: How will Apple handle paying customers' subscriptions that expire after the point this takes effect?

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  • bedifferent
    Mar 31, 12:47 AM
    Yes, it's the government's fault, together with corporate America. Easy ain't it, blaming politicians and greedy CEO's? How about taking a long hard look at your own (aka The Consumer) behavior?

    A) Don't make ASSumptions. I don't shop at BestBuy, Walmart or Target. I patron my local stores, I vote with my dollar. If the facts upset you so much, perhaps you should point that finger of blame and judgment around (or better yet, stop vehemently judging people period).

    B) I stated WE shot ourselves in the foot, and that WE vote with our dollars

    I didn't read past your first two sentences as they wreak of pretension and you took no time in reading mine but rather wrote a lengthy paragraph about how well you know me and my political beliefs, cause, well, you certainly seem to believe you do (unless, of course, you're paying Ms Cleo for information, and that would be bad, cause, well, you're voting with your dollar to a corrupt and jailed CEO). Before you judge and assume, engage in civil discourse and respect.

    This is beta/unfinished software. What the hell do you expect?

    'MacPilot' is a mess of multiple functions that do not replicate native API's that are always enabled for use. Wow you have to click accept? Good. Why would you want the possibility of a bunch of random garbage sent to you without your consent?

    Cool story bro, I was never talking about the actual UI elements.

    Wow, the level of arrogance and lack of respect on MacRumors never ceases to amaze me. Every thread, and I mean every, turns into a free for all of personal attacks and insults. Interesting that I never once insulted or disrespected any one individual, yet two responses attempt to personally attack me. Do you know me? Why is this a personal matter for you?

    This is about opinions and civil discourse, not about trying to prove how smart you are or to put someone "in their place". That says more about you than me.

    Last time I will address this matter unless you wish to discuss the topic without rolling eyes, assumptions on my intelligence, and overly dramatic misinterpretations on my comments (that had NOTHING to do with you - and this relates more so for the first comment quoted).


    hayley williams twitter incident. Sixteen-year-old Hayley
  • Sixteen-year-old Hayley

  • MacbookSwitcher
    Mar 29, 03:14 PM
    I avoid most american made products, half of them are crap. Prime examples are the cars made by Chrysler and GM between 2000-2008. This however are drastically improving though, not sure if we (Americans) could produce all of these things with taxes, restrictions, trade barriers etc. I am sure there are very good reasons why the parts are made there and not here. Plus there is a plethora of unknown pollution aspects of producing tech products. Tree hugger's would freak

    What a stupid statement. Are you aware that Apple is an American company? So is Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, GE and other world-leading companies.

    What's your alternative? Can you even name more than one world-class Chinese company?

    *rolls eyes*

    hayley williams twitter incident. hayley williams twitter
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  • Don't panic
    May 4, 11:48 AM
    BTW, DP serves at the discretion of the Wizard.

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  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 01:18 PM
    Well it is an equation as it is the same as as saying x=48/2(9+3)

    Well the OP said it is an equation. Guys you are failing the reading questions also.

    Now if we said it is like stated by dukebound85.

    What will the value of X in order to obtain 48 on the right side of the equation, please take your time and move all the numbers to the left side of the equation.

    Have fun.

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  • rdowns
    May 6, 11:57 AM
    If you told the average American male that his 5 inch penis was 13 centimeters, we'd be on the metric system a week from Thursday.

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  • iSee
    May 6, 08:00 AM
    I doubt this, but here's why it could happen:

    1. It's very likely that Apple is maintaining OS X (at a certain baseline of functionallity) on alternative CPUs -- including ARM. They clearly have a history of this and it has proven to be very valuable when they've had to switch.

    2. ARM processors of 2013 or 2014 might be significantly more competative with intel than the ones being used in phones and tablets today. I think a lot of the disbelief on the idea of this switch is focusing on the idea that current ARM processors running full OS X, but that's not how it would be.

    3. Apple has proven several times that they are willing and able to pull off this kind of architecture switch smoothly. When 68000 CPUs stagnated they moved to PPC. When PPC processors stagnated and intel CPUs jumped ahead they moved almost seamlessly to Intel. If any company can figure out how to do this without a hitch, it's Apple.

    4. Cocoa-based apps will move over fairly easily. They're aren't too many important Carbon-based apps left, with some major exceptions. I think Office & iTunes will be Cocoa by then; Apple doesn't care about Adobe.

    But realistically, Apple will only do this if there is a significant long-term win.

    And I don't see it what that could be... certainly not by 2013.

    If there is *anything* to this rumor (which I doubt -- how do a bunch of barely literate idiots get inside info on Apple's long term plans?), it's just Apple keeping their options open as usual.

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  • Hype2k2
    Mar 26, 09:30 PM
    At least, according to TechCrunch, it is.

    Why am I not surprised there?


    Apr 7, 01:54 PM
    It's sad but it's starting to sound like that's exactly what anti-Apple people want. They're making it sound like Apple regularly colludes with suppliers. Maybe it does, but there's no proof, or at least Apple buying up the supply of touch panels certainly doesn't constitute proof.

    Apple legitimately amassed a large cash reserve. Apple is using that massive hoard of cash to secure the best possible deals with component suppliers. If that's called anticompetitive, then I don't know what to say.

    +1 its not anticompetitive, its smart. Apple actually MOVES these things and people buy them. It would only be anti-competitive if they bought a ton of them on purpose and never used them.

    The amount of anti-apple on mac rumors is sickening anymore. Its like going to engadget.

    Apr 11, 07:31 AM
    Nobody uses / when writing down by hand (they do when programming on a computer- fine), or at least they shouldn't.

    This wasn't written by hand, it was typed out on a computer. You can save any other arguments you have on the subject, because they don't apply here based on your flawed premise.

    Apr 18, 06:46 PM
    I feel like I'm just repeating myself. I've already addressed that capital gains is not necessarily income.

    Yet you haven't convinced many here. Doesn't that indicate that perhaps you need to address it again, and perhaps find other ways to illustrate your point? It's not like I'm unwilling to be convinced. I just haven't heard a good reason to accept your argument.

    Apr 18, 09:20 PM
    You clause is a great idea, but we all know that taxes never go away.

    You might need to question that notion, considering that Americans today are taxed at the lowest level in over 50 years.

    From the Orange County Register, April 17, 2011 ...

    Taxes reach historic low (

    For the past two years, a family of four earning the median income has paid less in federal income taxes than at any time since at least 1955, according to the Tax Policy Center. All federal, state and local taxes combined are a lower percentage of per-capita income than at any time since the 1960s, according to the Tax Foundation. The highest income-tax bracket is its lowest since 1992. At 35 percent, it's well below the 50 percent mark of much of the 1980s and the 70 percent bracket of the 1970s.

    So let me recommend something. It's basically a reversal of your clause. The clause would allow a taxation adjustment (which would be predetermined) once 20% of spending has been cut (or some other amount).

    I could go for something along those lines too.

    Apr 18, 02:49 PM
    Ridiculous. Nothing is at all similar, aside from the bezel. But then if that's an "infringement" then all those digital picture frame makers can sue Apple for copying their "user interface". Honeycomb itself, the actual aspect ratio, none of that is similar. Get a grip Apple.