Monday, May 9, 2011

Hot Girl Wallpaper

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  • ChrisA
    Aug 7, 06:25 PM
    It seems to me it would make some older versions available on your HD, but then you would want to make a copy to an external HD for space reasons and for backup in case of failure. But I'm just speculating of course

    I suspect what happens is you get to specifiy _where_ the backup copies are kept. I hear Steve say that it "could be either an external disk or a server". The "Or a server" part is the most interresting. That server could be in another building or even across the Internet. and then how is that server backed up???? I can imagine a small home system would use an external disk but a network of computers would share 2 or 3 backup servers with at least on of the backup servers in a remote location.

    Here in the office our big file server is kept sync'd of to two other servers that are each several hundred miles away. This protects against an Earthquake or building fire. This type of automated backup was not invented by Apple. It's been done for decades but it appears Apple has made is easy, cheap and universal.

    "Tinme Machine" would also have value even if there was only one disk on say a notebook. It would alow you to recover from the common problem where to make a bad edit and then saved your work and then the next day want to recover the version you maked four days ago. Now I simply make multiple copies that clutter of the folder but now Mac OSX would in effect back these for you. Then if you add an extrnal disk you are protected from a disk fairue then if you add a remote server you are protected from a house fire or theft of the system. I think it will be very configurable but have a reasonable out of the box configuration.

    Next I want to see if this is integrated with software RAID

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  • Stridder44
    Aug 7, 04:14 PM
    ...You can also lock specific applications to specific Spaces, so you�ll always know where, say, Safari or Keynote is at all times.

    Do you realize how awesome this would be at work???

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  • mwswami
    Jul 23, 01:03 AM
    Given the change in Clovertown schedule, I expect that at WWDC Apple will release 2 "lower end" Mac Pro configurations both with dual Woodcrests. The higher end configuration with two Clovertowns will ship early Q1 (maybe around MW'07).

    I expect it will be 2.33GHz and 2.67GHz Woodcrest models with 3.0GHz as a BTO option. Conroe in Mac Pro is looking highly unlikely.

    Anyone care to speculate on Intel's pricing for a 2.67GHz Clovertown? I am thinking $999.

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  • wPod
    Jul 27, 10:11 AM
    With things like this, my rule is: If you have to ask, then you can't do it :-(

    It is one thing to try these things with a cheap MacMini, especially if your goal is not to have a faster MacMini, but an impressive webpage. Risking a $2000 MacBook Pro is quite another thing. Better to sell your MacBook/MacBook Pro on eBay and buy a new one.

    i cant wait to do this to my mac mini. i bought the core solo with the intention of upgrading the chip myself (once i heard core 2 was pin to pin compatible) but my question now is does anyone know if the version shipping is still pin to pin compatible???!?!?!

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  • LARQ1
    Jun 13, 12:40 PM
    Hello Guys!!

    I posted my 3gs 32GB White IPhone on CRAIGSLIST and sold it to the 1st guy that called me
    for $425 ...why are people settling for the Price that Radio Shack is offering ?????

    I had over 10 calls in about 15 mins on my way to sell the phone...I am in Miami FL.... G O O D L U C K all !!

    BTW ...I feel naked :eek: now w/o my IPhone and cant wait for FeDex to knock on my door on the 24th :D !

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  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:15 AM
    A lot of people are upset over this. But, no one seems to care that the US Government can snoop on any electronic communication it wants for well over 10 years now:

    Data transmissions, cell phone calls, you name it. I think we're trying to cook the wrong goose if you ask me.

    I think ALL the gooses should be cooked. No one should get the free pass.. so I don't think it's wrong to call Apple out on this.

    I thought looking at my location histories was interesting. I, too, have no delusions that I cannot be tracked (cell phone, credit card purchases, etc.) I wonder if all the paranoids realize that any GPS camera encodes that information in the image. Share that photo online and anyone can get the metadata with location of photograph.

    You wanna be connected, you can't be truly anonymous.
    You wanna be anonymous, sell you computer, smart phone, cut up credit cards, and move to an undocumented shack in the middle of nowhere with no utilities.

    Sharing a photo is actively giving out a location. Just like foursquare, tweeting and updating facebook. This issue is about giving out data which is involuntary, non encrypted and not being able to turn it off.

    And as for the latter half of your statement - it's a dangerous/slippery slope to start being apathetic about your right to privacy. Once it's all out there - it's that much harder to get it back.

    And again - there's a difference between voluntarily and involuntarily releasing of private information.

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  • Thex1138
    Apr 19, 07:37 PM
    It's a Samsung Galaxy Tab.

    Ridiculous nit-picking. it's in Korean, but I'm sure you get the idea.

    @kdarling: look up.. up... 4 posts up.. There you go.

    I saw that too.. a chick in our office loves her GaxTab... but that's a definite iBooks cloner...
    I also had to joke about her reason for buying it,.... to back up her PC files and transport them from office to home n vice-versa... ;)

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  • FF_productions
    Jul 14, 04:14 PM
    2003: "In 12 months, we'll be at 3GHz".
    Mid 2006: "I want to talk about 2.66GHz" although 4 cores running at 2.66GHz (Yum! :D ).

    Steve Jobs really must have been embarassed after claiming we'd have 3 ghz when we still can't even pass 2.7 ghz without a huge unstable liquid cooling system. Maybe Intel will bring us 3 ghz next month, a quad 3 ghz Xeon, does that even exist?

    My problem with having 4 cores at 2.6 ghz is what will the other Mac Pro's offer? One more month...

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  • puuukeey
    Sep 13, 12:32 PM

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 03:16 PM
    How can any government meet armed internal rebellion without qualifying as "slaughtering their own people"?

    The UN resolution has determined that the Libyan government's response to the opposition uprising has been "aggressive", and furthermore that Libyans need to be protected from their own government's military and security forces. The implicit judgement is that Gaddafi no longer has a mandate to rule, and that by fighting to maintain power he his fighting an aggressive war against a legitimate political movement.

    How would you characterize the situation? I don't want to jump to intervention when other options are available, but so far the NFZ has reduced Gaddafi's capacity to bombard population centers - though he is still doing just that.

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  • RMDI
    Apr 27, 09:22 AM
    Does Apple really think this double talk, where they say they keep a database of location but don't log the location is going to fly?

    But it is true! They didn't log that I was at this date and hour in this restaurant and next hour I was at position xyz, but it was a cache of something related but also different. For example for every celltower-data there is only one timestamp. So you can't even determinate when a place was first (or even last) visited. For real location tracking this data is really inaccurate and useless. Location tracking was not the purpose of this cache and not the intention of Apple. I think it is legitim and important when they emphasize that in their Q&A.

    What this data is useable for is drawing nice circles on a google map and visualizing a path of traveling between cities if you have physical access to your personal computer. And all this points are adressed in a software update.

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  • gekko513
    Jul 15, 01:24 PM
    The only reason I see Apple going all Woodcrest is to justify their high markups , while insulting you Mac Loyalist on price they also offer you less performance for your money.

    Look here at the current woody pricing at Newegg

    So apple is going to charge you guys $1799 for a Desktop with a 2.0ghz CPU , when everyone else will charge $1199 for a Conroe E6600 2.4ghz based desktop.

    This is not looking good apple.
    There's a good point here, but it's not the one you're pointing at. If Apple continues as they have with the PowerMac pricing, the Mac Pro will not be an insult if you compare it to Dells, HP and other vendors' pro offerings. Historically they have all been at very comparable price levels for comparable products. There are other differences between the lines than GHz. Quality standards for the pro/expensive lines are higher than for the consumer line, for one thing.

    The point is that Apple doesn't have an option for potential buyers that want a high performance, customisable and upgradable consumer level product (not all-in-one). There are no Apple product to compare those $1199 Conroe PCs to. The closest thing is the iMac.

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  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Aug 5, 05:32 PM
    I like the BitTorrent idea, would make downloading software updates very fast, could also be cool if its used for that movie store we have been hearing so much about :p

    For legal uses, BitTorrent is awesome. I tried to download NeoOffice from their website, i was getting 20K. Over BitTorrent..... almost my max bandwidth. It was sweet. BitTorrent in an OS has many great possibilities.

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 10, 10:11 AM either way, there's only 4 versions of the game out. at over 57 million copies sold
    No, there has been 8 Gran Turismo games totaling 56M. If you only count the 4 full release titles, you get 46M.
    mario kart is a different type of racing game, geared towards a different audience.
    So, I guess you aren't going to count the Need For Speed series either, are you? As a series, it is already over 100M sales.
    i'm not saying sales are the only factor, but when you get to the level of Gran Turismo, that's when vendors start making real cars just for the game...
    Name for me one real car that was created just for GT. Not a concept car, a REAL car.

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  • carmenodie
    Mar 22, 01:12 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Please who the hell would take a step way back by going with Samsung. Yeah them tablets look cool and very thin but so damn what. Apple has the ecosystem and the customer service. Also the fit and finish of the iPad is so much more awesome then those Sammy tablets. I don't hate but come on! Samsung doesn't even control the effing software. All they can do is skin the Honeycomb OS. I'm not impressed.

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  • studiomusic
    Nov 29, 11:12 AM
    Here's my take.
    I started a small record label with 3 signed artists. 2 have gone nowhere and probably won't. 1 has finished her debut release (look for Kyria -Whispers In The Dark on itunes!) and we are working on a follow up.
    I write/perform the music and she writes lyrics and sings. We split ANY money coming in 45/45/10. 45% for her, 45% for me and 10% for the label.
    We've sold a few hundred songs on itunes and have made a few hundred bucks from it.

    I think that itunes is a boon for the music biz. But, now you have to have good songs and good artists to succeed. People will not buy 1 hit and 9 loads of crap anymore. Make the very best music, and people will buy it.

    I don't want any tax on what might happen with something. What if the State gave you 25 speeding tickets and 40 parking tickets when you bought a new car? We all know that cars are just used for speeding and parking violations.

    NOW, if Universal get's a cut from every ipod sold, we would want a cut too (not as big of a cut, but still). Not to be greedy, but to be fair to my artists.
    This is why it won't work. Too many independents that would want their piece too.

    Oh ya, go buy Kyria's album on itunes! (If I was a big label, I could charge her for the time I took to post that as advertising expenses... broken is the music industry!)

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  • Feynman
    Apr 5, 06:27 PM
    I'm willing to bet there will be a price drop and only available on the Mac App Store.

    Didn't Aperture go from 499 to 299 to 99 now currently at 79?

    I see Final Cut Studio 4 dropping to 499, hoping for 299 but that's getting my hopes up high! lol

    I'm also hoping a new iMac is released next week as well, to put Final Cut Studio 4 on of course!

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  • Maccus Aurelius
    Sep 19, 12:14 PM
    I'm finding it hilarious that you can put yourself into Stevie's reality distortion field even after the Intel switch. Maybe while Apple had PPC, you could have said that. But now that direct hardware comparisons can be made, don't you think it's stupid that sub-$1000 PC notebooks have better processors than the best Apple has to offer?

    And yes, the MBP is a top-of-the-line laptop. Apart from 2'' thick behemoths, it was one of the fastest portables around, and it was priced accordingly. Now it's still priced as such, but times are moving, technology is advancing, and if you compare pound for pound, the MBP is behind.

    I don't see too many laptops that are sub $1000 that offer Core 2 Duo at the moment. Alienware has one that costs just about that much. Dell's XPS is the only laptop line with C2D, which are generally more costly than the Macbook Pros, even the 17". At the very least, apple has already equipped some of their computers with 64-bit support where it would probably benefit the most. The Mac Pro will obviously be the most likely to see great benefits from it. The imac, too, will see more benefit. but seeing as how macbooks and macbook pros are just coming out of their hardware glitches, i think its better to iron out those issues before stuffing new chips into them.

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  • manu chao
    Apr 25, 01:49 PM
    Ah, the perfect storm! A (probable) bug that does not clip the data the way Google does it,
    Natually this leads to stupid lawsuits. This is America, dammit!

    And Google occasionally stores random data from any unsecured WiFi network its StreetView cars come by.

    I now there were rumblings about government investigations into Google's data grab (which was transmitted and stored onto Google's computers) but was there also a lawsuit?

    Not that Apple should not have fixed this presumed bug when it first was reported last year. Either nobody at Apple was really paying attention to what other people managed to extract in terms of 'forensic information' or they were not organised (or motivated) enough to get fix done. I cannot help myself but thinking that a scenario in which Apple knew about this but decided to fix it only with iOS 5 is not that unlikely.

    Mar 25, 11:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

    If this is a standard $129 upgrade I don't see anything here worth that price sadly. That is unless somehow my 2009 mac pro will run 2x as fast but I am not keeping my fingers crossed.

    Aug 5, 05:59 PM
    According to my last chat with Steve Jobs, we're gonna have the following:

    - MacPro with Woodcrest, 3 configs;

    - updated XServes with Woodcrest, 2 configs;

    - updated MBPs with Merom;


    - NO iPods

    - NO iPhone

    - Leopard Preview

    That's all, folks...

    Jun 23, 12:41 PM
    If the whole Region down here for Florida only got 139 I doubt Radio Shack got many iPhone 4s at all. Either that or all of them went to the huge Markets like New York and other areas like such.

    Jul 29, 04:03 AM
    Update this august... not likely. It will be all pro. Any consumer will be Paris Expo. The imac G5 was launched there. why not a Core 2 Duo iMac?
    Of course, the problem with waiting until Paris for consumer upgrades like MacBook is that Apple will entirely miss the educational buying season, losing one of the largest markets for its consumer products...

    Jul 28, 12:50 AM
    I'm hoping for Merom news at WWDC but Fujitsu announced Merom laptops that will only be available sometime in Q4 I hope the same isn't true for the MBP.
    at least they made an announcement.

    do you think apple will try to release core 2 duo notebooks as soon as possible, before Leopard? so that once Leopard is released, more users have to buy it separately. the longer the wait, chances are there are less users that will switch from their current MBP to the new MBP knowing that Leopard's release date is soon.