Wednesday, May 11, 2011

i love u pictures

i love u pictures. music launch of Love U..
  • music launch of Love U..

  • gregor.hoch
    Apr 6, 11:32 AM
    13" MBP uses SV chips, i.e. standard voltage (35W). Before it used MV (medium voltage, 25W) chips but Sandy Bridge does not offer CPUs like that. LV (25W) and ULV (17W) chips have not been released yet but will be released shortly like the article says.

    If the clock speed and other specs are the same, then the performance is the same. ULV and LV chips are only separated by the TDP which causes the ULV to have lower clock speed. Otherwise they are the same chips.

    So is that also true for the difference between SV and LV? If that is the case, the Core i7-2649M you cite above (2.3 LV chip) should be faster compared to the 2.3 i5 in the low end Pro 13?


    i love u pictures. Love u RasoulAllah
  • Love u RasoulAllah

  • bibbz
    Jun 14, 07:21 PM
    I called all 3 corporate stores in my county and none of the managers knew about the conference call and none of them know how they're going to handle pre-orders tomorrow morning. They ASSUME it will be the way they pre-sold Evo phones which was with a $50 deposit. But they don't know anything about PIN numbers or anything else the East Texas administration or national is telling you. One manager reported there's a pre-opening conference call scheduled for California stores tomorrow morning. The other 2 didn't even report that to me. But just called my closest store and the manager says the 8:30 conference call tomorrow morning is a weekly event and nothing special for the pre-order instructions. :confused:
    My district had our 8:30 conf call for tomorrow at 5pm today. There was the normal RS stuff, then all about the iphone launch. Some stores may not get the info til tomorrow bc it was communicated so late in the afternoon.

    I just got off the phone with my local RadioShack. I was told that the PIN would not guarantee you a phone on launch day, but that the chances of getting one are VERY VERY good. I know the manager very well, and trust that whoever told him said the same thing. I'm assuming the calls were done on a regional, if not district level, as opposed to company wide to give people a chance to ask questions, so it seems that most likely personal interpretations came into play, causing the original message, whatever it may have been to get screwed up.
    The original call was Area specific and all dms were on it. Then my DM held a call with us immediatly after the big call. Some DM's might hold this info til tomorrow. I have no idea why.

    Why on earth would Radio Shack ask anyone
    to stand on line tomorrow to get a PIN just
    to stand on line again opening day to get a phone
    for which you are not guaranteed for?

    My point exactly. We wouldn't be doing it if you weren't guaranteed a phone. See my above text, and call your store again in the am.

    i love u pictures. quot;Eye Love Uquot; by Dutch film
  • quot;Eye Love Uquot; by Dutch film

  • mashinhead
    Jul 27, 11:48 AM
    Yes. I believe people who have gotten their hands on Core 2 Duo beta chips have put them in their mini's with no difference (except a massive speed boost)

    so cn you put it in a mb too?

    i love u pictures. funalso : Message: ~~-- Love U
  • funalso : Message: ~~-- Love U

  • crpchristian
    Apr 6, 12:29 PM
    Motion is the program I would like to see take a big step forward. I am also a heavy Adobe user and have the entire CS5 Production bundle...but NOT for Premier...I solely use PhotoShop and After Effects. AE has been my go to animated title compositor. Motion, while certainly behind the eight ball in comparison to Avid and AE for these tasks.

    I agree with this, I feel like motion is not really fulfilling it's potential, especially after the acquisition of shake. I do really like Motion, it's great in it's intuitive and straightforward approach, I feel like it's really fast for putting together certain projects. For higher end compositing projects or for just complex scenes in general I feel like there could be more powerful tools and the speed can just go down too fast when things start to get a little complex.

    I'd love to see Blu Ray support for DVD Studio Pro, I don't feel like it's necessary but Blu Ray, I feel, is easily relevant enough to justify it's implementation.

    I'd also LOVE to see some things tweaked with bugs and performance with Soundtrack Pro. I think the program is fantastic in many ways but once a project gets to a certain level of complexity / size it can be game over. Not just crashes but bugs that actually destroy work and can render a project unusable. You can just segment projects, which is fine, but it'd be a really nice work flow bonus to not have to do that.

    i love u pictures. quot;i love uquot; button. redraw an concept done long long ago. : ) Will be sold on ETSY soon!
  • quot;i love uquot; button. redraw an concept done long long ago. : ) Will be sold on ETSY soon!

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 10:05 AM

    feel free to point out how difficult it is to see any similarities...

    You're talking about the Trademark claims for the icons, which as I've pointed out in the other thread, Apple must pursue. I've never made any claims as far as the validity or lack thereof of this claim over the icons.

    My point was about the trade dress claims about the device, specifically, the screen bevel, shape of the phone, position of buttons, "icon grid". Again, not all models of Galaxy S seem to be infringing on the iPhone and thus it is quite bizarre that Apple is including all them in their claims, and also quite handy that the Apple biased media is only using pictures showing the "similar" models.

    The particular model I posted does not look anything like an iPhone.

    Feel free to discuss the same things I am next time so that we can actually have a meaningful debate about it.

    i love u pictures. Love u RasoulAllah by ~EGYweza
  • Love u RasoulAllah by ~EGYweza

  • DaveN
    Apr 6, 08:07 PM
    ULV CPUs (17W) will go to 11.6". The TDP of 320M is not known but 9400M has TDP of 12W so it is quite safe to assume that the TDP is similar to that. That means current 11.6" MBA has TDP of 22W (includes CPU, GPU, chipset) while SB 11.6" MBA would have a TDP of 21W (17W for the CPU and ~4W for the PCH).

    13" will go with LV CPUs (25W). Again, currently it has 17W for the CPU and 12W for 320M. That's 29W. 25W CPU and ~4W for PCH gives you the same 29W.

    11.6" - Core i5-2537M (option for Core i7-2657M)
    13.3" - Core i7-2629M (option for Core i7-2649M)

    Let's add a third model

    15" - Core i7-2629M (option for Core i7-2649M)

    That would give extra battery room, running time, and room for an extra port.

    I'd go for that as I could use a little more screen area.

    i love u pictures. Black Love u!
  • Black Love u!

  • sconnor99
    Apr 11, 09:05 AM
    Anticipating an exodus, Avid are now offering FCP users a huge discount on Media Composer Software

    i love u pictures. love everyone “I love U”
  • love everyone “I love U”

  • 63dot
    Aug 18, 09:26 AM
    i'm in
    we can start today

    you take everything east of kansas and i will take the western region of the usa

    when we have enough money, i can go raid asia and australia/new zealand for old G5s and you can go after europe and the middle east

    when we are done we will be rich and could sit on the same oil board as bin laden, dick cheney, and several of the bush family members

    and based on who is taller, one of us could be dr. evil and the other one will be mini me

    sound good?

    i love u pictures. I love U-Tern.
  • I love U-Tern.

  • freeny
    Aug 7, 04:25 PM
    I really dont give a cr@p who made what first or who stole this or that. All I care is that it works....

    i love u pictures. quot;Love U Mr. Kalakaar!quot;
  • quot;Love U Mr. Kalakaar!quot;

  • nxent
    Jul 14, 09:27 PM
    don't see why people are voting negative for this, aside from the imminent demise of the G5. anyone notice with intel's batch of processors it takes a fair amount of research to know which is faster. merom? conroe?? that 'thing' that merom has that conroe doesn't. or is it the other way around...? is it marketing? who knows. one thing i will definitely miss with powerpc is the fact that it was obvious which was faster. G4's beat G3's, G5's beat G4's. G4's and G5's have velocity engine or some vector equivalent, G3's don't. And that's about as complicated as it got. i formally surrender trying to follow intel's processor updates... swear they have one every week. not that i'm complaining, of course...

    oh, and one drive for blueray, one for dvd. i think the current casing is fine, just needs that additional drive bay

    i love u pictures. music launch of Love U..
  • music launch of Love U..

  • (marc)
    Apr 27, 03:39 PM
    The right wing has once again demonstrated to what extent it's pathetic. Obama once again acts like the only grown up amongst a crowd of children. Nothing new.

    i love u pictures. ​First look: Love U..
  • ​First look: Love U..

  • jmgregory1
    Mar 22, 03:42 PM
    Everyone is trying to get a piece of what Apple created - and not suffer the same fate that all those that tried to compete with the iPod faced.

    Without figuring out how to differentiate from what Apple is doing AND show the consumer how they can really USE the tablet, none of these players will do much more than get a small, very small, piece of the [Apple] pie.

    Those people that want the iPad to do what a computer does or what a smartphone does, are not looking at the iPad the way it was intended - as something new and different. Why should it have to do what a laptop does or how a computer or phone does it?

    I'm guessing that what Apple is really working on is a way to tie together all devices that isn't just a wired interface (think their data center).

    i love u pictures. love everyone “I love U”
  • love everyone “I love U”

  • Nuck81
    Dec 23, 07:39 PM
    well im a little stuck. my zonda r isnt fast enough for a lot of the top races, and the newly appointed online dealership has nice cars, but it doesnt rotate between them. so im really waiting for a nice car to come up in the used garage. either that or ill have to save up like 4M for a dealership car

    Zonda R is one of the better cars in the game. It will win any race you enter with it if you are able to drive. Add some downforce and lower the throttle sensitivity and it's a little easier to handle.

    i love u pictures. I love to love u love,
  • I love to love u love,

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 6, 05:17 PM
    Sources inform me that it is going to be blue.

    No way! :p Well looking back, it seems to get swooshier as time goes on, maybe that's a pointer ;) But what if... there's something radically different? :eek:

    i love u pictures. Black Love u! Long sleeve
  • Black Love u! Long sleeve

  • dernhelm
    Mar 31, 05:46 PM
    There they go, building their own little walled garden...

    i love u pictures. I Love U; How Beautiful job,
  • I Love U; How Beautiful job,

  • bushido
    Apr 11, 11:33 AM
    "analyst" needs a new meaning in the dictionary right next to "source"

    i'm now an analyst and say it'll come out at some point before iPhone 6

    i love u pictures. with love and compassion.
  • with love and compassion.

  • canucksfan88
    Mar 26, 03:44 PM
    does anyone else thing launchpad is the worst idea yet?

    i love u pictures. Orkut Myspace I Love u
  • Orkut Myspace I Love u

  • Virtualball
    Apr 19, 02:13 PM
    According to Wikipedia It was released in Feb before the iPhone was released..

    Please stop spreading FUD. If you knew anything about the history of the iPhone, you would know that it was announced and previewed at MacWorld 2007. That means they showed the world the interface, the phone, and most of the features in January 2007.


    "Samsung is also trying to one up its competitor [link leads to Apple] with one specific feature... a slide out full-QWERTY keyboard."

    Seriously, this is all FUD.

    i love u pictures. 6 months : Of course I love U.
  • 6 months : Of course I love U.

  • kresh
    Aug 26, 04:41 AM
    If you haven't been reading the comments, it would appear MOST people are complaining about the more recent models. I would agree with most that the Powermac G5's have had serious issues and now recent macbook's... Apple needs to do one of the following ... Higher Quality Assurance testing OR better support cause right now they're missing both.

    I'm 40 years old and literally can't remember how many computers I have purchased for personal use. I normally only keep a computer for 5 or 6 months before getting something newer. I know I had to have purchased 50 or 60 computers for personal use.

    My very first Apple product was a 1.25GHz G4 Mac Mini. (March 2005 I think) On advice from a friend, I purchased this computer and he helped me over-clock it to 1.58GHz and upgrade to 1GB ram.

    I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a power user, but I absolutely love this little computer. It's the best piece of electronics I have ever purchased, and it's the longest time I have ever kept a computer. I just can't imagine using any other operating system, for ANY reason.

    My whole household is now all macs, my wife and 4 kids each have one. The 6 mac mini's that we have in our house are unconditionally flawless.

    I was going to put my Mini on eBay this weekend and get a MacBook Saturday at the Apple store in Raleigh. I was assuming the MacBook was a Mini in a notebook case, but now I'm scared of doing so. If the MacBook is not as nice and reliable as my mini, I would be extremely upset.

    Sorry to ramble on so, but it is really rare for me to find a product, or anything, that has impressed me as much as my Mini has.

    After the long story, would any of you really recommend the MacBook vs my Mini (knowing that I love it so)?

    Apr 6, 04:21 PM
    Isn't it amazing that so many of these XOOM owners also, coincidentally, "own" an iPad/iPad 2, or their spouse/mom/dog/significant other does?

    Either there's a lot of exaggerating (astroturfing) going on, or someone's spouse/mom/dog/significant other has a lot more sense. ;)

    Why, I own an iPad and a XOOM and a Galaxy Tab and that HP Windows 7 Slate thingy and a Nook and a prototype PlayBook and I can tell you from personal experience that the iPad is like 100x better than all of those! :rolleyes:

    I own both currently, and the reason is because I just like all technology. I give everything that looks interesting to me a fair try before dismissing it. I dont mind people talking about their own experiences with their own iPad, i just hate the people who comment on other hardware have NEVER used it at any length.

    I like what the iPAD offers hardware wise and 3rd party accessory wise. If I could stick Honeycomb on a iPAD 2 hardware... I would be in heaven.

    Aug 5, 08:15 PM
    Don't like it. I don't want a new keyboard - I just want FR. Besides, anyone with an older laptop would not be served by that. Just put a USB dongle in the case and sell it with the software!

    I'd like a USB dongle too ideally, but I was responding to the specific Mac Pro /IR+FR issue really. I think the problem (from their perspective, and so for the likelihood of it happening) with Apple also doing a dongle would it could eat into the [presumably more profitable] IR keyboard sales.

    A keyboard could still be used on any USB laptop, and if you were hooking it up to a TV or large monitor you wouldn't need the lid open - which would also mean the laptop's integrated keyboard would be inaccessible, if you did want to use it for any reason while hooked up to an external screen.

    They might just do a dongle on a USB cable, but that doesn't seem very Apple to me.

    Mar 31, 04:32 PM
    That's ridiculous.. If It was for HTC, my Hero would have it's support blocked in a 2.1 buggish system with a daylong battery life.. Thanks to "cooked" rom I've 2.3 Gingerbread with an overclocked phone, terminal access and 5 day of battery...

    Stupid.. stupid move indeed...

    Aug 5, 04:49 PM
    WWDC = World Wide Developer Conference.

    = Not Consumer Stuff.

    It's been mentioned before... :rolleyes:

    BREAKING: ThinkSecret reports ( that new iPod nano's/iTunes movie downloads have been pushed back to September!

    ThinkSecret has a track record of being vaguely right, but messing up the details of reports. I'd bet they have the iPod announcements right, but the order messed up. Or something like that. Movie downloads would probably be shown along an iPod that could play movies... duh. As in, the new true video iPod. I'd put my money on iPod nano/iMac Conroe/Price-dropped Mac mini at one event and True Video iPod/iTunes Movies/MBP Merom at another. Or something like that.

    But I'm off topic. Point is, I think we can forget about new iPods monday.

    Aug 17, 09:37 AM
    Won't Adobe use Core Image when the Universal Binaries come out? If both Quads had the same high powered graphics card, the benchmarks may show them to be the same with Core Image tasks.
    doubt it. because having core image would mean a totally seperate windows version. developing 2 totally different codebases would take forever.