Wednesday, May 11, 2011



Lol it's been a long time since I've used the straightener now and then, super lazy to do so and so troublesome hahaha. anyway I'm only heading to work!

Ok, took my full time pay for the second time and I always feel that my hard work always get paid off on this day, really. Though many have left, came and went but what else can I wish for? At least i've a bunch of colleagues whom I really worked well with and at least they're the reason for me to go to work feeling motivated. For your info, I'm only one of the 3 females who're working in this environment hahaha but maybe thats why they're always so helpful and in return always get bullied by me hehehe. They can be as old as 30+ but still can get along well with all the rubbish and all we always talk about in the office. Will be till end of June only, so mai hiam and just continue with work la hor? :)

Few more weeks and I'll see my poly mates again, I can't wait - though I'm reluctant to turn up for the grad ceremony, at least I can take photos with them for the last time!!!! I really hope everyone will turn up leh, not my group of girls but people like Priscilla ah Charlotte ah, missed yall! :)

You know what, I think I'm one who really value friendships as though like they're really important to me. Yes they certainly are. Almost all of us are working now and actually I really do miss talking to them. It really brightens up my day when receiving random texts because at least to me, I'm remembered by them. My working hours and the working environment I'm in doesn't really allow me to text much, especially when I'm having a busy day at work but I really do appreciate all this text msgs coming to me, even though its just gossiping or whatever rubbish we can talk about know. Maybe its not just about texting each other, its like... Just few days ago Siewyin came looking for me at work and I was so happy but I couldnt find a chance to talk to her. Alvin and Jasreel came too! :( I don't know how long all this people and I will keep in contact with but at least I wanna keep them in my life now!! I'm not just referring to my bestfs, really - you ppl know who you are ok. ;')