Mar 31, 06:29 AM
Sounds just like some bloke from Apple. Snow Leopard's the last of the true desktop OS's.
Really? In what sick and twisted world are you living? What's so very different in Lion that it's "not true desktop OS"? Launchpad the end of all?
Really? In what sick and twisted world are you living? What's so very different in Lion that it's "not true desktop OS"? Launchpad the end of all?

May 6, 03:15 AM
So many negative opinions but you may not know that ARM architecture is much more advanced then x86. Why do you think Windows 8 will support it? Because it's a future of home computing. And I'm not suprised that Apple considering it too.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a macbook pro twice as slimmer then 2011 model and that runs as long as iPad no matter what tasks you do?
And after all - why end users even care about CPU architecture? Do you think of your existing computer "Good, that the CPU is x86 based" every day? :)
Wouldn't it be nice to have a macbook pro twice as slimmer then 2011 model and that runs as long as iPad no matter what tasks you do?
And after all - why end users even care about CPU architecture? Do you think of your existing computer "Good, that the CPU is x86 based" every day? :)

Mar 29, 01:38 PM
...obviously, is the rollout of a "Kindle Tablet" running Honeycomb.
The custom Amazon front end would have icons for:
Kindle Reading App (and Kindle Store)
Amazon Music Player (with cloud storage) and MP3 Store
Amazon Prime Streaming Video (and the Amazon Video Store)
Amazon Android App Store
Cloud Storage Manager
Some sort of Web Browser
And underneath that is Honeycomb. Maybe they throw in a free Amazon Prime subscription with purchase (free 2-day shipping on Amazon purchases).
Here would be Amazon leveraging all their strengths into a physical device that could seriously challenge the iPad in ways that no other vendor can, because it creates an Amazon "ecosystem" with the worlds biggest store for physical goods attached.
People like to shop.
The custom Amazon front end would have icons for:
Kindle Reading App (and Kindle Store)
Amazon Music Player (with cloud storage) and MP3 Store
Amazon Prime Streaming Video (and the Amazon Video Store)
Amazon Android App Store
Cloud Storage Manager
Some sort of Web Browser
And underneath that is Honeycomb. Maybe they throw in a free Amazon Prime subscription with purchase (free 2-day shipping on Amazon purchases).
Here would be Amazon leveraging all their strengths into a physical device that could seriously challenge the iPad in ways that no other vendor can, because it creates an Amazon "ecosystem" with the worlds biggest store for physical goods attached.
People like to shop.

Apr 26, 02:30 PM
Well Apple doesn't sell its software for use on any other phones (or computers), so how is it competing with software-installed numbers on all hardware types?
Apple isn't forced to allow iOS only on their own devices.
Besides, Apple is doing the same thing with OS X, it's made for Macs only, and people have always been comparing their sales against Windows.
Seems to me you're just bitter about it.
Apple isn't forced to allow iOS only on their own devices.
Besides, Apple is doing the same thing with OS X, it's made for Macs only, and people have always been comparing their sales against Windows.
Seems to me you're just bitter about it.

Mar 30, 01:18 AM
Who cares? There are greater things to worry about than iPods at the moment..

May 6, 07:37 AM
Microsoft isnt switching over to just ARM. They're just making Windows compatible on ARM. For their Windows 8 Tablets most likely.
Bingo, surprising it took 10 pages for someone to point out the obvious. It was starting to get funny reading about "Windows 8 on ARM!" as if that points to anything as far as laptops/desktops go.
It's not like Windows running on something other than x86 or x86_64 is surprising anyhow. Windows NT had ports to PPC, MIPS, Alpha and more recently ia64 during it's long history (that dates back to 1993).
Bingo, surprising it took 10 pages for someone to point out the obvious. It was starting to get funny reading about "Windows 8 on ARM!" as if that points to anything as far as laptops/desktops go.
It's not like Windows running on something other than x86 or x86_64 is surprising anyhow. Windows NT had ports to PPC, MIPS, Alpha and more recently ia64 during it's long history (that dates back to 1993).

Nov 25, 10:46 PM
All this talk about Palm needing to modernize their OS, or it is outdated, or needing to re-write is absolutely hilarious.
On a phone, I want to use its features quickly and easily. When I have to schedule an appointment, I want to enter that appointment as easily as possible. When I want to add something to my to-do list, I want to do it easily and quickly. And first and foremost, I want to be able to look up a contact and dial it as quickly as possible.
A phone is not a personal computer. I couldn't care less about multitasking, rewriting, "modern" OSes (whatever "modern" means). "Modern" features and look is just eye candy and/or toys. A mobile phone is a gadget of convenience, and it should be convenient to use. Even PalmOS 1.0 was convenient. It was just as easy to use its contact and calendar features as any so-called "modern" OS is today.
I would really like to know how "modernizing" the OS on my phone would help me look up contacts, dial contacts, enter to-do list entries, and entering calendar entries any better that I could today.
Again, I repeat: a phone is not a personal computer. There's no point in treating it as such.
The same point could largely be made about cars, but I don't think either of us would want to be driving a Model T or Model A Ford these days, would we?
The term "Modern" as applied to operating systems has little to do with the interface per se. It primarily concerns the underpinnings of the OS and how forward-looking and/or open-ended it is. Older operating systems, if you want to look at it in this way, were very geared to the hardware of their times, and every time you added a new hardware feature or some new kind of technology came out, you wound up making this big patchwork of an OS, in which you had either an out-dated or obsolete "core" around which was stuck, somewhat unglamorously, lots of crap to allow it to do stuff it wasn't really designed for. Then, you wound up having to write patches for the patches, etc., ad infinitum.
Apple tried to go the internal development route, but that didn't work because their departmental infrastructure was eating them from the inside out at the time and basically poisoned all of their new projects. They considered BeOS because it was an incredibly modern OS at the time that was very capable, unbelievably good at multitasking, memory protection, multimedia tasks, etc. However, that company was so shaky that when Apple decided not to go with them, they collapsed. One of the products which was introduced and sold and almost immediately recalled that used a version of BeOS was Sony's eVilla (you just have to love that name -- try pronouncing it out loud to get the full effect).
Ultimately, they went with NeXT's BSD- and Mach-Kernel-based NeXTStep (which after a bunch of time and effort and -- since lots of it is based on Open Source software, there were a healthy amount of community contributions to) and hence we now have Mac OS X.
I'll leave it to actual developers and/or coders here to better explain and refine (and/or correct) what I've said here, should you wish greater detail beyond what I am able to -- and therefore have -- provided above.
The whole point of going with a modern OS implemented for an imbedded market (i.e. "Mac OS X Mobile") is it gives you much more direct (and probably better implemented and/or better-grounded) access to modern technologies. Everything from basic I/O tasks that reside in the Kernel to audio processing to doing H.264 decoding to having access to IPv4 or IPv6, are all examples of things which a modern OS could do a better job of providing and/or backing.
From what I understand, PalmOS is something that was designed to first and foremost give you basic notepad and daily organizer functionality. When they wrote, as you say, PalmOS 1.0, they happened to implement a way for third parties to write software that could run on it. This has been both a benefit and a bane of PalmOS's existence. First off, they now have the same issues of backwards-compatibility and storage space and memory use/abuse that a regular computer OS has. I said it was both a benefit and a bane; but there's actually two parts to the "bane" side. The first I've already mentioned, but the second is the fact that since apps have been written which can do darn near any conceivable task, people keep wanting more and more and more. And this then goes back to the "patchwork" I described earlier in talking about "older" computer OSs.
Then people want multimedia, and color screens, and apps to take advantage of it, and they want Palm to incorporate DSPs so they can play music, and of course that brings along with it all of the extra patching to then allow for the existence of, and permit the use of, an on-board DSP. And now you want WiFi? Well, shoot, now we gotta have IPv4 as well, and support for TCP/IP, none of which was ever a part of the original concept of PalmOS.
And even if you don't want or need any of those features in your own PDA, I'm sorry but that's really just too bad. Go live in a cave if you like, but if you buy a new PDA, guess what: you're gonna get all that stuff.
And at some point, all of this stretches an "older" OS just a bit too far, or it becomes a bit absurd with all the hoops and turns and wiggling that PalmOne's coders have to go through, so then they say, "Aw **** it, let's just re-write the thing."
Apple comes to this without any of *that* sort of legacy. Doubtless there will be no Newton code on this thing anywhere, but what Apple's got is Mac OS X, which means they also have the power (albeit somewhat indirectly) of an Open Source OS -- Linux. And in case you weren't aware, there are already numerous "imbedded" implementations of Linux -- phones, PDAs, game systems, kiosks, etc. -- all of which are data points and collective experience opportunities which ALREADY EXIST that Apple can exploit.
So no, having a "modern" OS is not a bad thing. It's actually a supremely awesome thing. What you're concerned about is having something that is intuitive AND efficient AND appropriate to the world of telephone interfaces for the user interface on the device you'd go and buy yourself.
All I can say, based on past performance, is give Apple a chance.
Now, here's a larger picture thought to ponder...
If Apple goes to market with the iPhone, then this is going to open up (to some extent) the viability of a F/OSS community cell phone. And this is a really good thing as well because it represents a non-commercial, enthusiast entrance into what up until now has been a totally proprietary, locked-down OS-based product world. It has the potential to do to cell phones what Linux has inspired in Mac OS X.
On a phone, I want to use its features quickly and easily. When I have to schedule an appointment, I want to enter that appointment as easily as possible. When I want to add something to my to-do list, I want to do it easily and quickly. And first and foremost, I want to be able to look up a contact and dial it as quickly as possible.
A phone is not a personal computer. I couldn't care less about multitasking, rewriting, "modern" OSes (whatever "modern" means). "Modern" features and look is just eye candy and/or toys. A mobile phone is a gadget of convenience, and it should be convenient to use. Even PalmOS 1.0 was convenient. It was just as easy to use its contact and calendar features as any so-called "modern" OS is today.
I would really like to know how "modernizing" the OS on my phone would help me look up contacts, dial contacts, enter to-do list entries, and entering calendar entries any better that I could today.
Again, I repeat: a phone is not a personal computer. There's no point in treating it as such.
The same point could largely be made about cars, but I don't think either of us would want to be driving a Model T or Model A Ford these days, would we?
The term "Modern" as applied to operating systems has little to do with the interface per se. It primarily concerns the underpinnings of the OS and how forward-looking and/or open-ended it is. Older operating systems, if you want to look at it in this way, were very geared to the hardware of their times, and every time you added a new hardware feature or some new kind of technology came out, you wound up making this big patchwork of an OS, in which you had either an out-dated or obsolete "core" around which was stuck, somewhat unglamorously, lots of crap to allow it to do stuff it wasn't really designed for. Then, you wound up having to write patches for the patches, etc., ad infinitum.
Apple tried to go the internal development route, but that didn't work because their departmental infrastructure was eating them from the inside out at the time and basically poisoned all of their new projects. They considered BeOS because it was an incredibly modern OS at the time that was very capable, unbelievably good at multitasking, memory protection, multimedia tasks, etc. However, that company was so shaky that when Apple decided not to go with them, they collapsed. One of the products which was introduced and sold and almost immediately recalled that used a version of BeOS was Sony's eVilla (you just have to love that name -- try pronouncing it out loud to get the full effect).
Ultimately, they went with NeXT's BSD- and Mach-Kernel-based NeXTStep (which after a bunch of time and effort and -- since lots of it is based on Open Source software, there were a healthy amount of community contributions to) and hence we now have Mac OS X.
I'll leave it to actual developers and/or coders here to better explain and refine (and/or correct) what I've said here, should you wish greater detail beyond what I am able to -- and therefore have -- provided above.
The whole point of going with a modern OS implemented for an imbedded market (i.e. "Mac OS X Mobile") is it gives you much more direct (and probably better implemented and/or better-grounded) access to modern technologies. Everything from basic I/O tasks that reside in the Kernel to audio processing to doing H.264 decoding to having access to IPv4 or IPv6, are all examples of things which a modern OS could do a better job of providing and/or backing.
From what I understand, PalmOS is something that was designed to first and foremost give you basic notepad and daily organizer functionality. When they wrote, as you say, PalmOS 1.0, they happened to implement a way for third parties to write software that could run on it. This has been both a benefit and a bane of PalmOS's existence. First off, they now have the same issues of backwards-compatibility and storage space and memory use/abuse that a regular computer OS has. I said it was both a benefit and a bane; but there's actually two parts to the "bane" side. The first I've already mentioned, but the second is the fact that since apps have been written which can do darn near any conceivable task, people keep wanting more and more and more. And this then goes back to the "patchwork" I described earlier in talking about "older" computer OSs.
Then people want multimedia, and color screens, and apps to take advantage of it, and they want Palm to incorporate DSPs so they can play music, and of course that brings along with it all of the extra patching to then allow for the existence of, and permit the use of, an on-board DSP. And now you want WiFi? Well, shoot, now we gotta have IPv4 as well, and support for TCP/IP, none of which was ever a part of the original concept of PalmOS.
And even if you don't want or need any of those features in your own PDA, I'm sorry but that's really just too bad. Go live in a cave if you like, but if you buy a new PDA, guess what: you're gonna get all that stuff.
And at some point, all of this stretches an "older" OS just a bit too far, or it becomes a bit absurd with all the hoops and turns and wiggling that PalmOne's coders have to go through, so then they say, "Aw **** it, let's just re-write the thing."
Apple comes to this without any of *that* sort of legacy. Doubtless there will be no Newton code on this thing anywhere, but what Apple's got is Mac OS X, which means they also have the power (albeit somewhat indirectly) of an Open Source OS -- Linux. And in case you weren't aware, there are already numerous "imbedded" implementations of Linux -- phones, PDAs, game systems, kiosks, etc. -- all of which are data points and collective experience opportunities which ALREADY EXIST that Apple can exploit.
So no, having a "modern" OS is not a bad thing. It's actually a supremely awesome thing. What you're concerned about is having something that is intuitive AND efficient AND appropriate to the world of telephone interfaces for the user interface on the device you'd go and buy yourself.
All I can say, based on past performance, is give Apple a chance.
Now, here's a larger picture thought to ponder...
If Apple goes to market with the iPhone, then this is going to open up (to some extent) the viability of a F/OSS community cell phone. And this is a really good thing as well because it represents a non-commercial, enthusiast entrance into what up until now has been a totally proprietary, locked-down OS-based product world. It has the potential to do to cell phones what Linux has inspired in Mac OS X.

Mar 28, 10:16 AM
Get the **** outta here. No iPhone till 2012.......HAHAHAHAHAH. Jokes on them

Sep 11, 12:53 AM
Dial-up. ...
And I'm in the 10th largest city in the country. My parents, who live in a little country town a long way from anywhere get quite decent broadband speeds. Go figure...:confused:
Common mate, the Gong isn't a city ;)
I get ~8000kbps so Movie downloads works for me - if the price and quality and DRM are right.
And I'm in the 10th largest city in the country. My parents, who live in a little country town a long way from anywhere get quite decent broadband speeds. Go figure...:confused:
Common mate, the Gong isn't a city ;)
I get ~8000kbps so Movie downloads works for me - if the price and quality and DRM are right.

Mar 28, 10:33 AM
I agree. If theres no iPhone in that mean Android wins the smartphone market for the year. Apple would also lose many of the customers to Android whose contracts are up in the summer and they would be locked into 2 year deals with their droids meaning no iPhone in 2012 for them either.
Most phone consumers do not get a new phone on the day their contracts expire. That's yet another geek misconception about how the world works.
I'd be shocked if Apple loses "many" of their customers to Android in 2011. Why on earth would they switch when they already have an iPhone that they love?
Most phone consumers do not get a new phone on the day their contracts expire. That's yet another geek misconception about how the world works.
I'd be shocked if Apple loses "many" of their customers to Android in 2011. Why on earth would they switch when they already have an iPhone that they love?

Dec 5, 12:04 PM
Here in civilized Connecticut we only pay 6%. LOL

Mar 29, 01:47 PM
In 5-10 years the iPod will become extinct. By then the touch will be hanging on a thin wire.
Lemme guess... it'll all be in the cloud, right?
Lemme guess... it'll all be in the cloud, right?

Jul 30, 02:20 PM
Blah Blah Blah..... how many times are we gonna hear about this elusive Apple iPhone???????

Mar 27, 10:49 AM
With the cloud computing stuff there is too much additional fees. I'm not interested.
I already pay for my hardware that sits in my house.
I already pay for my mobile hardware that goes with me.
I already pay for operating system and other software updates for both.
I already pay my ISP for connectivity.
I already pay my phone provider for connectivity (actually my ISP).
I already pay my web host company for bandwidth and disk space.*
I'm NOT interested in paying Apple another subscription fee on top of all that.
Access to my data from my mobile devices should be transparent and should be part of their shared OS. No need for more billing complexity.
*Why don't I self-host on my home machine? Bandwidth limits of my ISP and the fact that they are a monopoly. A server farm offers orders of magnitude faster connectivity.
I already pay for my hardware that sits in my house.
I already pay for my mobile hardware that goes with me.
I already pay for operating system and other software updates for both.
I already pay my ISP for connectivity.
I already pay my phone provider for connectivity (actually my ISP).
I already pay my web host company for bandwidth and disk space.*
I'm NOT interested in paying Apple another subscription fee on top of all that.
Access to my data from my mobile devices should be transparent and should be part of their shared OS. No need for more billing complexity.
*Why don't I self-host on my home machine? Bandwidth limits of my ISP and the fact that they are a monopoly. A server farm offers orders of magnitude faster connectivity.

Aug 11, 03:22 PM
I find it incredibly hard to believe that Apple intends to maintain the closeness in specs that are currently present between the MacBook Pro and MacBook. It makes more sense for Apple to move the MBP to the Core2 Duo and leave the MacBook to the Yonah. This leaves two more speed bumps for the MacBook. First 10 2.16, then to 2.33, all the while leaving the MBP time to advance with the Merom so it can gain momentum against the MacBook.
I also think Apple will leave the MB with Yonah. They will want product differentiation and price differentiation.
So I think they will drop the price to <$1000.00 for MB and re-design MBP to provide enhancements similar to MB but with faster Merom CPU's and higher price than MB.
I also think Apple will leave the MB with Yonah. They will want product differentiation and price differentiation.
So I think they will drop the price to <$1000.00 for MB and re-design MBP to provide enhancements similar to MB but with faster Merom CPU's and higher price than MB.

Apr 5, 03:09 PM
Yeah, I wouldn't be on these forums, I'd have a life, a job, and a smile.
If only... :(
Same here man , same here:(
It could be worse though, we could be the "ex jock who wasnt good enough to play professionally so he got a business degree at a community college and works as a Best Buy Manager". I choose Geekdom...Always a silver lining my friend :)
If only... :(
Same here man , same here:(
It could be worse though, we could be the "ex jock who wasnt good enough to play professionally so he got a business degree at a community college and works as a Best Buy Manager". I choose Geekdom...Always a silver lining my friend :)

Sep 11, 12:26 AM
IF that TiVo rumor is true, it will be a dream come to life!
Proud owner of a Mac....and a Tivo w/DVD burner.
Proud owner of a Mac....and a Tivo w/DVD burner.

Aug 4, 10:23 AM
I think we will see the Core 2 Duo in the iMac, Mac Pro and MacBook Pro line and before Xmas in everything else.
If this does happen it is certainly an excellent turn for Apple and the consumers getting the latest and greatest.
If this does happen it is certainly an excellent turn for Apple and the consumers getting the latest and greatest.

Nov 22, 02:55 AM
Apr 18, 04:08 PM
There are several ways to lose a patent. One way is not to defend it. Another ways is trying to defend bogus patents and have the court invalidate it.
That's true, but in this case the similarities are so close I'd hardly call it bogus.
That's true, but in this case the similarities are so close I'd hardly call it bogus.
Apr 20, 07:49 AM
How about glass that doesn't get scratched when a piece of hair lands on it?
I like this idea about the glass haha.
Im probably going to wait out this version as long as iOS5 runs fine on the iPhone 4. If the release date is September than this version will be even more disappointing to me as it seems to be a spec bump. I dont play games on my phone so the A5 and graphics chip probably wont impact my usage significantly.
I really hope iOS5 is good, but im prepared for the worst ha!
I like this idea about the glass haha.
Im probably going to wait out this version as long as iOS5 runs fine on the iPhone 4. If the release date is September than this version will be even more disappointing to me as it seems to be a spec bump. I dont play games on my phone so the A5 and graphics chip probably wont impact my usage significantly.
I really hope iOS5 is good, but im prepared for the worst ha!
Sep 16, 12:38 PM
That would be nice, but it seems unlikely. Apple seem to consider the black MacBook the small "professional" laptop. Maybe it'll get a descrete GPU though, that would be pretty good, no?
This could happen, too...a new MB with better GPU for the "quasi-pro" users...the rest is OK with the MB, I think...but with backlit keyboard would be even better.
This could happen, too...a new MB with better GPU for the "quasi-pro" users...the rest is OK with the MB, I think...but with backlit keyboard would be even better.
Dec 5, 11:41 AM
Magellan is doing something good, they are providing a 20 dollar voucher towards their carkit if the app is bought between 12/4 and 12/8 I believe. Such great marketing. I won the thanksgiving day contest so I may just use that voucher if the tomtom car kit does not ship before Jan 5
Apr 5, 07:01 PM
soooo weakk...I hope Toyota doesn't give in. (Most likely will *sigh*)