Wednesday, May 11, 2011

real madrid vs tottenham hotspur 2011

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  • TimUSCA
    Apr 28, 07:57 AM
    It will be. This is just barely scratching the surface.

    I don't want a full OS in a tablet like the iPad. The beauty of iOS that you don't ever need to worry about file placement. Limited functionality might be nice, but a full OS like OS X on a tablet is the wrong way to go.

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  • okboy
    Apr 8, 11:10 PM
    Velly Intelrsting. Did they start out making games from rocks?


    Cards games, man... they had more than rocks 122 years ago... wow.

    Why doesnt Apple allow you to plug a controller in the 30 pin adaptor? Wouldnt that be the best of both worlds?

    I don't see why you couldn't. There's always Bluetooth ones anyway ( ). Apple Stores also sell the Fling analog sticks now.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 27, 08:37 PM
    Surprised to see this thread come to a grinding hault after only 145 posts. I pledge right here and now to be one of the first to buy a NEW 8-core Dual Clovertown Mac Pro as soon as it becomes available. I will not wait for them to go refrub although I will probably wait for them to come with iLife '07 if they are added to the BTO page before the January 9th SteveNote.

    I turn 60 on January 12th. :) Happy Birthday to me it will be. :eek: :D

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  • Warbrain
    Oct 8, 07:52 AM
    Not sure if this is linked yet but it's a good read:

    I personally don't see Android coming anywhere near Apple or RIM because their focus is so splintered and erratic. You're going to end up with the same issue as before - different interfaces on different devices. The only upside will be the uniform system.

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  • spicyapple
    Sep 25, 11:36 PM
    Did anyone listen to TWiT? Someone mentioned 80 cores. Clovertown, your days are numbered. ;)

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  • r1ch4rd
    Apr 22, 09:48 PM
    I don't believe in God. To me, I haven't seen anything to convince me of his existence and it just seems way too convenient of a way to explain away difficult questions. I also don't think that religion would add anything to my life - it's just not an issue for me, I don't even think about it until asked.

    I am interested in this thread, just because I am not used to people questioning my viewpoint, or even really caring about how big the atheist population is. In the UK, it just doesn't seem that the issue is that important.

    Is this a bigger issue in the US, and do atheists abroad feel pressure to at least consider the idea of a God?

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  • Sydde
    Mar 14, 12:20 PM
    This here page, fwiw (, says the carrier RR was exposed to thirty days radiation in an hour. There are more than 700 hours in a month. You do the math.

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  • Kid Red
    Sep 12, 06:33 PM
    Wow, a TON OF YOU totally miss the iTV purpose, to stream content FROM YOUR MAC! That's why no tuner, no storage, no anything!! Does Airport Express have storage, an antenna, etc?!? NO!!!

    I love this! I want one today! I'm going to get a huge HD, maybe two of them and start my stored media collection on my G5 that I can wirelessly access in my HT room from the iTV's wireless remote!! I love it!! Music, Family photos in a slide show, eyegato to record HD programs!! Awesome!!!

    This so rocks and will make a ton of money for Apple! I can't wait, this is truly what I've been looking for as there's no HDMI out on my G5!!

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  • MattInOz
    Apr 21, 09:57 AM
    So you can't watch the Wizard of OZ and listen to Dark Side of the Moon at the same time? Get a real phone. :D

    No but I can listen to Radiohead and read the wizard of id. :cool:

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 28, 03:10 PM
    Has any one installed a Western Digital Raptor X WD1500AHFD 150GB 10,000 RPM 16MB Cache Serial ATA150 Hard Drive in one of the current systems to use as their boot drive?What's your best price on that puppy? I've been wanting to do that for a while. But my 500GB boot drive is almost full all the time. ;)

    Wish they made a 500GB Raptor. :p

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  • leekohler
    Mar 28, 12:41 AM
    Amazing. Not a word in response.

    Bill, all gay people want is to be accepted for what we are, not what you want us to be.

    Not so different from what you want, is it?

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  • mac1984user
    Apr 15, 10:03 AM
    For those saying this is an anti-bullying video, I think you're kind of missing the point. No one believes bullying is magically going to go away. This video was more focused on reaching out to the victims of bullying and encouraging them to access social networks that can help them cope and it attempted to put this time in a young person's life in perspective. It encouraged them to continue on and realise things 'get better'. No one is trying to end bullying, however nice that would be.

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  • Black94TSi
    Jun 19, 05:54 PM
    Well with all my dropped calls on 3g I just decided to switch over to EDGE. Ever since I clicked 3g off, I have yet to drop a call. I do however get the random pauses/cut outs but never a dropped call.

    This works for me at my house because I have wifi here. But it gets annoying having to always switch it over when I'm outside of my area. Wish there was an app that would work like a widget and you can just click it for 3g or EDGE without opening up 3 different windows.

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  • jlasoon
    Apr 8, 10:28 PM
    Also, the next Apple TV will be...a fully fledged games console in disguise.:cool:

    My thoughts exactly. It almost has to be the next step for :apple:

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  • MorphingDragon
    May 2, 10:02 AM
    This is exactly the kind of ignorance I'm referring to. The vast majority of users don't differentiate between "virus", "trojan", "phishing e-mail", or any other terminology when they are actually referring to malware as "anything I don't want on my machine." By continuously bringing up inane points like the above, not only are you not helping the situation, you're perpetuating a useless mentality in order to prove your mastery of vocabulary.


    Stupid people will be venerable to malicious intent no matter what the form or operating system. I find *nix has no viruses tune wholly justified until reality differs.

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  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 10:14 AM
    You're a classic example of the bigotry that's so ominous within our own community.

    *Sigh* Think what you will about me. But I am not the one saying it is wrong for the media to project a positive message about being gay.

    In case you have forgotten, re-read your post ( which I responded to .

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  • !� V �!
    Apr 9, 09:11 PM
    I agree with another commenter regarding removal of default applications i.e. Game Centre, Weather. I believe you can deactivate YouTube via system preferences and it hides the application, why not the same for other default apps.

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  • Nermal
    Mar 18, 03:23 PM
    Does anyone know how to use the app? The readme file is empty :confused:

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  • bigcat318
    May 2, 08:52 AM
    I have noticed pop-ups about this appearing recently. It's usually the type where your only option is to click OK on a small window and then it opens a full window about 'MACDefender' and tries to get you to download it.

    Apr 21, 08:58 AM
    What's wrong with that? I may not own a particular product but like being in X products forums to learn about it.

    in your case 'learning about a product' seems to revolve around telling everyone how misguided they are.
    maybe you need to look up the definition of learning.

    Mar 11, 01:41 AM
    Scary. The videos they are showing are just incredible. Hopefully the worst of it is over and the loss of life is minimal.

    My thoughts and prayers are with everyone over there.

    Mar 19, 09:51 AM
    I'm wondering what's the big deal with this program. If i buy a CD from Best Buy, it doesn't have DRM, so why do they even bother doing it with Internet downloads.

    Apple will find a way to block this non-DRM downloading...and in turn DVD Jon will another way to get around this. It will go back and forward.

    Aug 29, 03:07 PM
    For those who don't know what the Precautionary Principle, it is a belief that essentially states that everything should be assumed to be harmful until proven otherwise. Therefore, it applies mostly to innovators and producers of new products that have not been made before. Apple, being an innovative company, introduces new technologies. Dell, on the other hand, copies what others have done. So, the only way that Apple could adhere as closely to the Precautionary Principle as Dell would be to become another Dell, and to only copy what other manufacturers were already making. So, including this principle in Greenpeace's analysis of the environmental friendliness of tech firms is laughable at best, conspiratorial at worst.

    Am I saying that Apple could not do better as a steward of the environment? No, but I suspect that Dell, which should be stopping its distribution of CRTs (which consume much more power than LCDs and contain lead) and designing products to have a longer lifespan, is more in need of improvement than Apple is.

    Sep 20, 04:52 AM
    Iger also indicates that the device does indeed contain a hard drive... a fact that was not entirely clear from the preview.

    actually... he doesn't indicate a HD... why? well the iTV (sorry, not really impressed with this name) streams media from your mac/pc trough wifi or ethernet... so if you buy an episode on iTunes... it will be stored in your iTunes library on the content-hosting mac/pc in your house and thus be available for iTV to play on your TV...

    since it has a USB port I guess it will be possible to attach a USB HD... and store files locally instead of on a remote mac/pc...