May 4, 07:01 PM
So what is a third of 13/16th of an inch? :)
Easy. 13/48ths of an inch.;)
A child's mind is amazingly attuned to learning language. Given the fascinating cultural and linguistic diversity in the world, I am envious. I would love to have learnt more than one language as a kid. It's so much harder to learn as an adult.
But I am not at all envious of you having to learn two systems of measurement. That kind of cultural diversity I can do without! Sure, your kids will be able to handle it, but why should they have to? Because your generation was too stuck in its ways to embrace positive change?
I really don't see much functional difference between a language and a system of measures. Both express specificity using prearranged syntax and values.
The one point you may have is that most households don't teach both to their kids because most households only use one or the other.
Even beyond that, if we were to adopt the metric system 100% starting tomorrow, the transition would have to last for decades not only to encompass those who are too old to be educated, but also to deal with the infrastructure changes that would have to take place. At the very earliest it would be my grandchildren who would see a fully metricized US.
The long-term advantages are:
1) Less freaking-out of kids who are weak in math. "If you have a stick that is 3' 7 13/16" and need to divide it into 3 equal sections, what is the length of the each section to the nearest 1/64 inch?" as opposed to "If you have a stick that 1233 mm long....." - and no, I didn't check to see if they are the same -
2) Same idea as above.... "If you have a tank filled with 450 cubic yards of water, and it is flowing out at a rate of 3 gallons a minute, how long does it take to empty?" as opposed to the metric system where 1000 litres of water is 1 cubic meter which is 1 tonne (approximately - since altitudes and temperatures affect the density of water).... but it's close enough for horseshoes....
This isn't an economic gain. It's a purely convenience gain for kids who probably should do some "difficult" math so they can get a strong grasp of the basics. They can use calculators and apps when they need to use their skills for larger applications.
3) Manufacturing. As the last industrialized country in the world still non-metric, do people really believe that there isn't a cost when a US factory has to retool to provide a product for export? Or understand that the cost of goods being imported from off-shore includes the cost of retooling for an non-metric customer? Do people not think that some small factories in the US have lost contracts to off-shore customers because they couldn't afford to switch to a metric size? And that some US factories have probably been forced to retool anyway when the sole supplier of a component wouldn't make a special run of non-metric fasteners?
And I don't dispute this element of the argument. Many manufacturers have already done this (why just yesterday I purchased cereal and chips in metric quantities), and they should keep switching to improve their bottom line.
Easy. 13/48ths of an inch.;)
A child's mind is amazingly attuned to learning language. Given the fascinating cultural and linguistic diversity in the world, I am envious. I would love to have learnt more than one language as a kid. It's so much harder to learn as an adult.
But I am not at all envious of you having to learn two systems of measurement. That kind of cultural diversity I can do without! Sure, your kids will be able to handle it, but why should they have to? Because your generation was too stuck in its ways to embrace positive change?
I really don't see much functional difference between a language and a system of measures. Both express specificity using prearranged syntax and values.
The one point you may have is that most households don't teach both to their kids because most households only use one or the other.
Even beyond that, if we were to adopt the metric system 100% starting tomorrow, the transition would have to last for decades not only to encompass those who are too old to be educated, but also to deal with the infrastructure changes that would have to take place. At the very earliest it would be my grandchildren who would see a fully metricized US.
The long-term advantages are:
1) Less freaking-out of kids who are weak in math. "If you have a stick that is 3' 7 13/16" and need to divide it into 3 equal sections, what is the length of the each section to the nearest 1/64 inch?" as opposed to "If you have a stick that 1233 mm long....." - and no, I didn't check to see if they are the same -
2) Same idea as above.... "If you have a tank filled with 450 cubic yards of water, and it is flowing out at a rate of 3 gallons a minute, how long does it take to empty?" as opposed to the metric system where 1000 litres of water is 1 cubic meter which is 1 tonne (approximately - since altitudes and temperatures affect the density of water).... but it's close enough for horseshoes....
This isn't an economic gain. It's a purely convenience gain for kids who probably should do some "difficult" math so they can get a strong grasp of the basics. They can use calculators and apps when they need to use their skills for larger applications.
3) Manufacturing. As the last industrialized country in the world still non-metric, do people really believe that there isn't a cost when a US factory has to retool to provide a product for export? Or understand that the cost of goods being imported from off-shore includes the cost of retooling for an non-metric customer? Do people not think that some small factories in the US have lost contracts to off-shore customers because they couldn't afford to switch to a metric size? And that some US factories have probably been forced to retool anyway when the sole supplier of a component wouldn't make a special run of non-metric fasteners?
And I don't dispute this element of the argument. Many manufacturers have already done this (why just yesterday I purchased cereal and chips in metric quantities), and they should keep switching to improve their bottom line.

Apr 24, 11:14 AM
This is good news with the new imacs on the way this should tie everything together nicely.

Sep 16, 01:27 PM
Well i just gave in an ordered my MBP15" so i would get it before uni starts and well its going to ship on monday and delivered by wednesday UK store still has 24hrs shipping on all MBP's.
Still i cant wait for it to arrive. im like a 4 year old at christmas when i get a new mac :P
Still i cant wait for it to arrive. im like a 4 year old at christmas when i get a new mac :P

Dec 3, 02:18 PM
did you ever hear back from BLT??
I have heard nothing but didn't send email to them. Will do that today.
No I haven't heard back, I sent them another email this morning but they haven't replied
did you ever hear back from BLT??
I have heard nothing but didn't send email to them. Will do that today.
No I haven't heard back, I sent them another email this morning but they haven't replied

Clive At Five
Nov 26, 02:42 PM
After time-and-time-again of seeing no Apple tablet (even after following "Next MWSF, 100% for sure!" rumors) I've been convinced that there won't be one. As everyone is saying, the Tablet PC is dead... or, if anything, is being replaced by laptops whose screens turn around at the neck.
What does anyone need a tablet for anyway? If the demand is for a $300 - $600 portable, there is WAY more demand for a MacBook Mini than a tablet. Plus, how would you protect that screen?? Laptops have distinct advantages over tablets... the main ones being that they are durable and versatile. Tablets are clumsy and weak.
I would be SERIOUSLY surprised if Apple debuted a tablet
What does anyone need a tablet for anyway? If the demand is for a $300 - $600 portable, there is WAY more demand for a MacBook Mini than a tablet. Plus, how would you protect that screen?? Laptops have distinct advantages over tablets... the main ones being that they are durable and versatile. Tablets are clumsy and weak.
I would be SERIOUSLY surprised if Apple debuted a tablet

Nov 2, 01:49 PM
This seems to good to be true.
With Windows, Sophos actively discourages home users by pricing their product out of the market for single licenses �100 plus. Multiple (corporate) licenses rapidly become much cheaper, and the licenses include home use for employees.
Even though it has the reputation of being the best AV available, the price meant that once I was no longer eligible for a free license, I had to leave Sophos behind, so this is really good news that a free version is available for the Mac.
I still find it rather strange, unless it shows a change in policy. Or they are testing it out on the home market before focussing on the corporate market.
With Windows, Sophos actively discourages home users by pricing their product out of the market for single licenses �100 plus. Multiple (corporate) licenses rapidly become much cheaper, and the licenses include home use for employees.
Even though it has the reputation of being the best AV available, the price meant that once I was no longer eligible for a free license, I had to leave Sophos behind, so this is really good news that a free version is available for the Mac.
I still find it rather strange, unless it shows a change in policy. Or they are testing it out on the home market before focussing on the corporate market.

Don't panic
May 6, 08:37 PM
it's quicker because we can explore two room each round instead of one, so we gain one turn.
the draw back from the strategy is mainly that one of the groups might loose out on a treasure, but since we already explored this rooms, and we have to re-search them only for traps, that part is moot.
this will apply only fron the next round, but by the rules we have to be two groups by then.
we will still be 'together, and we can merge back in a group any time.
anyways. without further ado,
We split
ucfgrad is now his own (single) group
Loras group moves to the next (previous room).
ufcgrad, now you should move to the room with us, and as soon it's our round again, you should explore the room. after that, I will move our group to the next room, then in your second tunr you move and in our second turn we explore that room.
the draw back from the strategy is mainly that one of the groups might loose out on a treasure, but since we already explored this rooms, and we have to re-search them only for traps, that part is moot.
this will apply only fron the next round, but by the rules we have to be two groups by then.
we will still be 'together, and we can merge back in a group any time.
anyways. without further ado,
We split
ucfgrad is now his own (single) group
Loras group moves to the next (previous room).
ufcgrad, now you should move to the room with us, and as soon it's our round again, you should explore the room. after that, I will move our group to the next room, then in your second tunr you move and in our second turn we explore that room.

Nov 22, 01:33 AM
It would be fun to speculate what features Apple brings to the iPhone that could revolutionize the cell phone industry? My guess is 1) ease of use in updating contacts, calendar, emails 2) iPod music integration 3) high quality 640x480 mpeg4 videos and 4) leveraging in flash memory pricing
Ok...and the MSRP for that phone would be 800 bucks with a 10 year contract with cingular.
People need to realize that apple products are somewhat overpriced so I can see a great apple phone with great features but with a contract the phone is going to be extremely expensive.
Ok...and the MSRP for that phone would be 800 bucks with a 10 year contract with cingular.
People need to realize that apple products are somewhat overpriced so I can see a great apple phone with great features but with a contract the phone is going to be extremely expensive.

Aug 7, 09:35 PM
You can get third party 1GB sticks for about $200 each. No point in wasting slots with more 512 sticks. You can run fine with 1GB out of the box. It will be plenty fast. I would also dumb down the HD to 160 and save another $75 which is what you can buy a 250 for IN ADDITION TO THE 160 you will get - even 400GB/300 SATA for only about $99 - $129.
I recommend base MINUS $75 HD DOWN to 160GB plus maybe ADD Bluetooth for $29 and perhaps ADD a second video card if you have three or four monitors for $150 more and that's IT.
$2603 List Retail or $2393 Educational Plus Tax.
That's less than I paid for this Refurbed G5 Quad - such a deal. ;)
RAM and HDs from third parties. Airport can be done later if you don't need it now.
I'd watch that last sentence... Airport was NOT an option you could add on LATER with the PowerMac G5's. Are you sure about that statement?
I recommend base MINUS $75 HD DOWN to 160GB plus maybe ADD Bluetooth for $29 and perhaps ADD a second video card if you have three or four monitors for $150 more and that's IT.
$2603 List Retail or $2393 Educational Plus Tax.
That's less than I paid for this Refurbed G5 Quad - such a deal. ;)
RAM and HDs from third parties. Airport can be done later if you don't need it now.
I'd watch that last sentence... Airport was NOT an option you could add on LATER with the PowerMac G5's. Are you sure about that statement?

Apr 20, 01:49 PM
I honestly don't understand where some people get their logic from.
I just skimmed through this thread and i saw posts like "The next iPhone will be an iPhne 4S/iPad 2 type upgrade, so it won't be big". Or "the next iPhone should be called iPhone 4GS or iPhone 4S, because it won't be a big upgrade".
I'm sorry but a Dual Core processor itself makes it a huge upgrade. The iPhone 3GS was the biggest upgrade internally, the iPhone 4 has more RAM.
Don't judge a book by it's cover.
Btw, why would Apple go back to messing up with their names? iPhone 3G was almost the exact same as the Original iPhone, except it had 3G functionalities. So they had to emphasize on "3G", hence the name.
In a marketing stance, it didn't make sense for Apple to go from iPhone 3G to iPhone 3, people want to see improvements not a removal of a letter.
And now finally they came back to the numerical way of naming the iPhone, and i think it'll stay just like that. It makes no sense for Apple to mess it up.
Otherwise the iPad 2 according to some people here should've been called "iPad 1S" :rolleyes:
This should make sense:
iPhone = iPhone 1
iPhone 3G = iPhone 2
iPhone 3GS = iPhone 3
iPhone 4 = iPhone 4
iPhone 5 = iPhone 5
Makes sense? Now how messed up would this be..
iPhone 4 = iPhone 4
iPhone 4S = iPhone 5
iPhone 5 = iPhone 6
In other words, don't undermine the iPhone 5. Due to the leak of the 'prototype' iPhone 4 last year, Apple has been very strict with their next device, by this time last year we knew a lot about the iPhone 4.
So we can only wait until a date closer to September (from what it seems), to see the actual features of the phone.
Keep in mind guys, Apple is going to add things to make current iPhone 4 owners upgrade, it's all marketing.
They don't have to do squat really. They can just call it the iPhone 5 and people would still buy it if it only had a slightly better camera in it.
I just skimmed through this thread and i saw posts like "The next iPhone will be an iPhne 4S/iPad 2 type upgrade, so it won't be big". Or "the next iPhone should be called iPhone 4GS or iPhone 4S, because it won't be a big upgrade".
I'm sorry but a Dual Core processor itself makes it a huge upgrade. The iPhone 3GS was the biggest upgrade internally, the iPhone 4 has more RAM.
Don't judge a book by it's cover.
Btw, why would Apple go back to messing up with their names? iPhone 3G was almost the exact same as the Original iPhone, except it had 3G functionalities. So they had to emphasize on "3G", hence the name.
In a marketing stance, it didn't make sense for Apple to go from iPhone 3G to iPhone 3, people want to see improvements not a removal of a letter.
And now finally they came back to the numerical way of naming the iPhone, and i think it'll stay just like that. It makes no sense for Apple to mess it up.
Otherwise the iPad 2 according to some people here should've been called "iPad 1S" :rolleyes:
This should make sense:
iPhone = iPhone 1
iPhone 3G = iPhone 2
iPhone 3GS = iPhone 3
iPhone 4 = iPhone 4
iPhone 5 = iPhone 5
Makes sense? Now how messed up would this be..
iPhone 4 = iPhone 4
iPhone 4S = iPhone 5
iPhone 5 = iPhone 6
In other words, don't undermine the iPhone 5. Due to the leak of the 'prototype' iPhone 4 last year, Apple has been very strict with their next device, by this time last year we knew a lot about the iPhone 4.
So we can only wait until a date closer to September (from what it seems), to see the actual features of the phone.
Keep in mind guys, Apple is going to add things to make current iPhone 4 owners upgrade, it's all marketing.
They don't have to do squat really. They can just call it the iPhone 5 and people would still buy it if it only had a slightly better camera in it.

Aug 4, 12:32 PM
A chip update has NOTHING to do with any outstanding issues, sorry...Apple is fully capable of fixing those (if any) with a better design AND a better chip.

2011 Spring Short Length

Modern Short Hair Ashlee

2011 Spring Short Length

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The most trendy spring

Spring 2011 Short Celebrity

Jul 21, 02:48 PM
About MacBook... when Merom is released, Yonah's price will drop. That would help Apple to make a

Apr 18, 05:22 PM
Despite the design differences mentioned earlier and massive difference in size they're identical then?
What would you and Leguna have Samsung do to the Galaxy Tab to make it less "identical"?
Lol you're either blind or anti apple. The galaxy tab looks like a knockoff, plain and simple. As laguna (not leguna like you wrongly typed) said, there are MANY other android phones that look different enough, like the HTC ones and the motorola ones.
You didn't really provide any significant 'design differences' and massively different in size?! Lol.
What would you and Leguna have Samsung do to the Galaxy Tab to make it less "identical"?
Lol you're either blind or anti apple. The galaxy tab looks like a knockoff, plain and simple. As laguna (not leguna like you wrongly typed) said, there are MANY other android phones that look different enough, like the HTC ones and the motorola ones.
You didn't really provide any significant 'design differences' and massively different in size?! Lol.

Apr 10, 10:35 AM
hence the ambiguity, IMO, of the presentation of the equation.

May 7, 03:37 PM
There will be a free version of mobileme, if only to save people having to register for a free AIM account to video conference on the new iPhoneHD.
You know, this makes a ton of sense.
You know, this makes a ton of sense.

Jul 29, 09:11 PM
I tell my close friends everything. I doubt his friends signed an NDA. Small leaks snowball quickly.

Apr 20, 06:37 AM
I'll take it!

Jul 21, 04:11 PM
It'll be quite an action-packed WWDC, if all these rumors pan out--which of course they wont.
-Leopard preview
-Mac Pros
-new iPod Nanos
-true video iPods
-iTMS movie downloads
-MacBook Pros with Meroms
Crazy. I'm betting against the consumer-related announcements. And hoping for MBPs with new enclosure and features.
I am hoping they are going to be showing off the new pro apps. In January there were hints of something revolutionary in the FCS. The sudden price whacking of Shake leads me to be hopeful that something is imminent.
-Leopard preview
-Mac Pros
-new iPod Nanos
-true video iPods
-iTMS movie downloads
-MacBook Pros with Meroms
Crazy. I'm betting against the consumer-related announcements. And hoping for MBPs with new enclosure and features.
I am hoping they are going to be showing off the new pro apps. In January there were hints of something revolutionary in the FCS. The sudden price whacking of Shake leads me to be hopeful that something is imminent.

Aug 11, 02:34 PM
Cheaper per chip price. Factor in all the design changes that would have to be made, and it might not be in the long run.
And those design changes still have to be made in the future if you want to run kentsfield. Since those changes are inevitable, why not make them sooner and take advantage of cheaper chips earlier?
No, my point is that I think Apple will continue to do what it's always done, and that those arguing that they'll suddenly treat product announcements differently just because their chips are now supplied by Intel are only speculating.
Since the intel switch, apple has ALREADY broken away from "what they've always done". We saw a speed bump in MPB before it even shipped, and another bump not long after that.
Correction, your both wrong...they both went intel at the same time, January 12, 2006
No, they were *announced* at the same time. iMac shipped immediately, MBP shipped weeks later. So the intel iMacs did arrive first.
And those design changes still have to be made in the future if you want to run kentsfield. Since those changes are inevitable, why not make them sooner and take advantage of cheaper chips earlier?
No, my point is that I think Apple will continue to do what it's always done, and that those arguing that they'll suddenly treat product announcements differently just because their chips are now supplied by Intel are only speculating.
Since the intel switch, apple has ALREADY broken away from "what they've always done". We saw a speed bump in MPB before it even shipped, and another bump not long after that.
Correction, your both wrong...they both went intel at the same time, January 12, 2006
No, they were *announced* at the same time. iMac shipped immediately, MBP shipped weeks later. So the intel iMacs did arrive first.
May 6, 02:20 AM
a believable rumor, but it'll be for only some lines of mac!!
Apple will likely introduce a semi portable touch screen mac, that uses an arm chip under the hood for power savings. Since all the touch based software will need to be recompiled with a rethought UI, it's no big deal to ask developers of the Mac App Store to jump on with retargeted software that's not too different from the iPad launch.
Apple will likely introduce a semi portable touch screen mac, that uses an arm chip under the hood for power savings. Since all the touch based software will need to be recompiled with a rethought UI, it's no big deal to ask developers of the Mac App Store to jump on with retargeted software that's not too different from the iPad launch.
Jul 29, 09:21 PM
Up until about a year or so ago, Cingular used to have the worst network. And the Verizon network was mint. Great signal everywhere on earth and never lost a call. Now I have to try every call 4 times before it goes through. I'd rather see Apple buy up another carrier and own them. How much does a small cellular carrier cost to buy? :-)
Apr 23, 09:41 PM
I will be honest and truthful and say for a mobile device on batteries, I'm very impressed as what the iPhone and iPad can do gaming wise.
However I will also state, and I think we all should be honest, that at the moment, Apple are bringing the games DOWN to what their hardware can do, as opposed to making Hardware so great that gaming is being pushed UP to take advantage of Apples industry leading performance.
In your first paragraph you talk about Apple's mobile products, which is where Apple will be putting most of their effort in the foreseeable future. To have successful portable products, having a long time between charges is highly important. The old brute force methods of throwing power and RAM at the gaming performance problem can not be part of the design mindset. Game designers know this and are becoming much better at coding for portable games, but they are not quite there yet. Meanwhile Apple is working to find ways to build in performance and not increase power draw.
THIS is the future as Apple sees it, and their acceptance in the broad general market shows that they are on the right track.
When Apple release GTX580 beating desktops, and/or Xbox360 / PS3 beating gaming devices, I will happily bow down to them being the greatest in graphics.
NOW you have switched to talking about desktop and console gaming computers. THIS is a whole different area. First off, it's a tiny segment of the whole computer market. It's big, but not nearly as huge as what Apple is aiming for with their products.
In a nutshell, Apple's strategy is to capture the mobile device market as completely as they can. They are being highly successful at that strategy from iPods to iPhones, to iPads, to Laptops.
Meanwhile they are growing rapidly in the iMac desktop and tower market due primarily to the halo effect of their success in the portable arena. They are doing this even while the desktop and tower markets are shrinking overall. Can you see why Apple will not be putting a lot of effort into this segment?
But right now, they are trailing by miles due to years of neglect as they just did not have products that could compete, and their one semi attempt at a console got nowhere.
Note: I would LOVE LOVE LOVE Apple to turn this around.
You are right. Apple did not have products that could compete in the desktop and console markets. This was primarily due to game developers not interested in writing games for Intel chips and PowerPC chips. Since the installed base for Intel-based computers was more then a order-of-magnitude larger than the installed base of Macs. Apple was never going to enjoy being a suitable gaming platform until they switched to Intel CPUs.
Once Apple made the switch, they have come a long way towards being an acceptable gaming computer, but they have no desire or plans to go after the high end of this market... it's just not that profitable or large. Remember AlienWare? They had the best gaming computer, IMO, and they had to sell themselves to another company to stay alive.
As for the console market, it's crowded with established competitors and will likely see one squeezed out. Not the kind of market that Apple or anyone else should want to jump into.
They need to ditch the "Laptops on a Stand" design of the iMac for starters, but I feel they never will as they have decided they won't compete and they cannot compete in this sector of the market.
I addressed this above. As for the "Laptops on a Stand" design, it's such a bad design that the largest computer company, HP, as well as others, have copied it.
Console wise, I'm not sure they could compete against a 360 or a PS3. Let's say Apple against a PS4 or a Xbox720
Nope, can't see that happening either.
I address this above. Apple doesn't want to be in this arena. It's small and the competition is deadly.
The low power/trimmed down, casual gamers games, seems to be the only area they are going for.
Once more you are correct. There are many many times more gamers that want a short diversion while they have a few minutes away from home, then those who want to spend thousands on an immersive game experience that requires a larger block of time. "Portability with games optional" trumps "wired to the wall and game-focused" all the way to the bank.
But Again, I would LOVE Apple to turn this around and take high end graphics seriously in their future products.
The high-end gamer is not on Apple's radar at the moment and likely never will be unless a way is found to address hi-end graphics on a portable device without impacting battery life.
I know you'd like Apple to chase this rainbow, but they won't, there's no pot of gold at the end.
However I will also state, and I think we all should be honest, that at the moment, Apple are bringing the games DOWN to what their hardware can do, as opposed to making Hardware so great that gaming is being pushed UP to take advantage of Apples industry leading performance.
In your first paragraph you talk about Apple's mobile products, which is where Apple will be putting most of their effort in the foreseeable future. To have successful portable products, having a long time between charges is highly important. The old brute force methods of throwing power and RAM at the gaming performance problem can not be part of the design mindset. Game designers know this and are becoming much better at coding for portable games, but they are not quite there yet. Meanwhile Apple is working to find ways to build in performance and not increase power draw.
THIS is the future as Apple sees it, and their acceptance in the broad general market shows that they are on the right track.
When Apple release GTX580 beating desktops, and/or Xbox360 / PS3 beating gaming devices, I will happily bow down to them being the greatest in graphics.
NOW you have switched to talking about desktop and console gaming computers. THIS is a whole different area. First off, it's a tiny segment of the whole computer market. It's big, but not nearly as huge as what Apple is aiming for with their products.
In a nutshell, Apple's strategy is to capture the mobile device market as completely as they can. They are being highly successful at that strategy from iPods to iPhones, to iPads, to Laptops.
Meanwhile they are growing rapidly in the iMac desktop and tower market due primarily to the halo effect of their success in the portable arena. They are doing this even while the desktop and tower markets are shrinking overall. Can you see why Apple will not be putting a lot of effort into this segment?
But right now, they are trailing by miles due to years of neglect as they just did not have products that could compete, and their one semi attempt at a console got nowhere.
Note: I would LOVE LOVE LOVE Apple to turn this around.
You are right. Apple did not have products that could compete in the desktop and console markets. This was primarily due to game developers not interested in writing games for Intel chips and PowerPC chips. Since the installed base for Intel-based computers was more then a order-of-magnitude larger than the installed base of Macs. Apple was never going to enjoy being a suitable gaming platform until they switched to Intel CPUs.
Once Apple made the switch, they have come a long way towards being an acceptable gaming computer, but they have no desire or plans to go after the high end of this market... it's just not that profitable or large. Remember AlienWare? They had the best gaming computer, IMO, and they had to sell themselves to another company to stay alive.
As for the console market, it's crowded with established competitors and will likely see one squeezed out. Not the kind of market that Apple or anyone else should want to jump into.
They need to ditch the "Laptops on a Stand" design of the iMac for starters, but I feel they never will as they have decided they won't compete and they cannot compete in this sector of the market.
I addressed this above. As for the "Laptops on a Stand" design, it's such a bad design that the largest computer company, HP, as well as others, have copied it.
Console wise, I'm not sure they could compete against a 360 or a PS3. Let's say Apple against a PS4 or a Xbox720
Nope, can't see that happening either.
I address this above. Apple doesn't want to be in this arena. It's small and the competition is deadly.
The low power/trimmed down, casual gamers games, seems to be the only area they are going for.
Once more you are correct. There are many many times more gamers that want a short diversion while they have a few minutes away from home, then those who want to spend thousands on an immersive game experience that requires a larger block of time. "Portability with games optional" trumps "wired to the wall and game-focused" all the way to the bank.
But Again, I would LOVE Apple to turn this around and take high end graphics seriously in their future products.
The high-end gamer is not on Apple's radar at the moment and likely never will be unless a way is found to address hi-end graphics on a portable device without impacting battery life.
I know you'd like Apple to chase this rainbow, but they won't, there's no pot of gold at the end.
Apr 26, 04:06 PM
How odd. I know a lot of people with iPhones and absolutely nobody with an Android based phone.
One thing to keep in mind is Android is just an OS and Google makes nothing on it. Meanwhile, back on the ranch, iPhone/iOS is an entire platform and Apple makes a lot on it. Android is fragmented. iOS is unified. Android is made up of many vendors each with a much slimmer part of the pie. iOS is Apple with a huge piece of the pie. So in the end, iOS is far ahead.
Besides, there's iPad and iPad2 which makes the whole thing moot.
One thing to keep in mind is Android is just an OS and Google makes nothing on it. Meanwhile, back on the ranch, iPhone/iOS is an entire platform and Apple makes a lot on it. Android is fragmented. iOS is unified. Android is made up of many vendors each with a much slimmer part of the pie. iOS is Apple with a huge piece of the pie. So in the end, iOS is far ahead.
Besides, there's iPad and iPad2 which makes the whole thing moot.
Mar 30, 11:19 PM
Application Launcher is horrendous. Moving an app each icon at a time, and restarting after command+alt+control deleting applications brings them back. If you could command+click on more than one app to arrange them, that's an improvement. Beyond that, it's an implementation that makes more sense on a multi-touch iOS device than a desktop OS. FAIL
Mission Control - I agree, an improvement. A bit buggy, but it is convenient to see Expos�/Spaces/Desktops unified (although I loathe the 2-dimensial/linear "Spaces" implementation, "Snow Leopard" had it right. An iOS Springboard "Spaces" on a desktop system is counterintuitive Mr Jobs, especially for those who use spaces on a projector for demonstrating different desktops quickly in lectures, presentations, etc.This is beta/unfinished software. What the hell do you expect?
As for the rest, applications such as "MacPilot" already have the ability to utilize those functions (and ad-hoc AirDrop is interesting but unless you are with another nearby Lion system and both are present to "accept" a transfer, it seems rather meh).'MacPilot' is a mess of multiple functions that do not replicate native API's that are always enabled for use. Wow you have to click accept? Good. Why would you want the possibility of a bunch of random garbage sent to you without your consent?
The lack of color in the system icons is god awful. Color graphics are much more easily identified than a scaled down grey icon.
Stroop effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroop_effect)
This is very relevant in working as it distracts and takes longer to identify aspects that lose inherent and easily characterized qualities. If there isn't an option for this in the GM/Commercial build there better be a patch ala iTunes.rsrc to bring back sidebar color icons.
Cool story bro, I was never talking about the actual UI elements.
Mission Control - I agree, an improvement. A bit buggy, but it is convenient to see Expos�/Spaces/Desktops unified (although I loathe the 2-dimensial/linear "Spaces" implementation, "Snow Leopard" had it right. An iOS Springboard "Spaces" on a desktop system is counterintuitive Mr Jobs, especially for those who use spaces on a projector for demonstrating different desktops quickly in lectures, presentations, etc.This is beta/unfinished software. What the hell do you expect?
As for the rest, applications such as "MacPilot" already have the ability to utilize those functions (and ad-hoc AirDrop is interesting but unless you are with another nearby Lion system and both are present to "accept" a transfer, it seems rather meh).'MacPilot' is a mess of multiple functions that do not replicate native API's that are always enabled for use. Wow you have to click accept? Good. Why would you want the possibility of a bunch of random garbage sent to you without your consent?
The lack of color in the system icons is god awful. Color graphics are much more easily identified than a scaled down grey icon.
Stroop effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroop_effect)
This is very relevant in working as it distracts and takes longer to identify aspects that lose inherent and easily characterized qualities. If there isn't an option for this in the GM/Commercial build there better be a patch ala iTunes.rsrc to bring back sidebar color icons.
Cool story bro, I was never talking about the actual UI elements.