Sunday, April 19, 2009

I am an Architecture!!


It's finally weekend! I am so tired repeating my work routine daily from 6.30am to 5.30pm and now I have eye bags liao lor!! knn! My mum was telling me I also got wrinkles leh! (Although, I choose not to believe her...)


Anyway lah, I want to blog more about my attachment (I dont care if you will get bored a not...) As you know, for my attachment under StarHub I have to draw maps after maps into their program which is driving me crazy, but not till so extreme lah...


But hor, yesterday while I was doing, I realised that what I am doing is unrelated to my course leh! In this case, Information Technology. Or are attachment like this de ar? I shall be doing things like fixing RAM into computers, pinging network or cloning of computers like what Thiam Yue and Yibin doing in their respective company. Not that I am good at them but I find that I shall be implying what I learn in my course on this attachment instead of drawing buildings, ma chiam like Architecture leh!


I am not ranting or what lah! I am just trying to point out what I felt about this attachment because I think I shall be doing something related to my course. You get it? You get it? Even my attachment partner (Soon-to-be-classmate...) also find that what we were told to do is totally not related to our course.


Guess I just treat this as an experience and then next time I can put "I know how to use GIS and has worked in StarHub before as an attachment student" in my resume. Buawhahaahahah!!!


You know? The company located at Paya Lebar and that will mean that I have to wake up around 6am to prepare myself and then take a 50minutes bus from Yishun Interchange. I have to fucking pull myself up of my bed in order not to be late for work! (Attachment leh! Late = minus marks!!)


On my first day of work, I seriously have no idea which bus stop to alight and guess what I did? That is to go online the previous night, count the number of bus stop from Yishun Interchange to my destination. So that day, I sat near to the window and count the bus stop but eventually lost count them. Nabei!!!


BUT!! I think I have superpower or something if not very lucky. You know why? I alighted randomly and then I went to ask around and it so happened that the person I asked for direction, work there too!! Thank god for that!

Anyway, he happened to be my colleague too...=.="


My workplace got no youngster to interact with lah, all of them like 30plus years old and I really dont know what topic to talk with them. Thiam Yue was lucky, he told me that his company got youngster and pretty Office Lady. But then again, he is damn suey to kena an irritating partner who keep singing metal music during working hour. T_T"


Seems like the rest of my friends dont seem to enjoy their new class, Wee Xiang was telling me how boring his class was.



PS: If you are wondering why there so many pictures inserted randomly that because I dont want to bored you all with chunks of words lor! That's why I inserted them randomly so that you get to see pictures too! Wheeeeeeeeee!!!!