Saturday, May 9, 2009

071118 - Noryangjin Fish Market

When I got off at the Noryangjin Subway Station, I’m sort of totally lost on where to go, there’s no English signboard and nobody seems able to speak simple English. I was wandering around for almost 20 minutes looking for the fish market though I could smell the flavour of the fish. So I decided to walk along the overhead bridge across the railway tracks, I tried to ask an old lady selling some household items accompanied by her grand-daughter. I was lucky that the young girl able to speak simple English and guide me to the fish market. It’s located at the open space car park building and there’s a stairway heading down.

The moment I went down one floor, I saw the bustling morning crowds and hundreds of stalls selling all range of seafood. I never saw such a huge range of seafood being displayed in plastic buckets or water tanks. Wonder why it called Fish Market, not Seafood Market.

At this floor, you will see a row of Japanese and Korean restaurants that serve fresh seafood. One can purchase the fresh seafood at these stalls and ask the restaurant chef to prepare the dishes for you with a charge. Having great communication barriers, I did not attempt try any of these restaurants or purchase any seafood from the stalls, even the price tags are all in Korean. Probably I worried being slaughter for the high price by being a foreigner here…neck full of blood!!! My advice is to bring along some locals, easier for bargaining and explanation…sigh

I went to the ground floor and check out the stalls. The moment I passed by these stalls, though I do not have the intention to buy, the sellers still welcome you to their stalls and offer you good bargain of their seafood. Too bad, none of them speak in English.

All kinds of clams arranged in a neatly order

Specializing in crabs

One of the famous fish used for sashimi. I have tried the sashimi where the fish is cut alive; the sashimi melts in your mouth.

Preparing a fresh sashimi, I wanted to buy but they do not sell in small portion.

Huge octopus tentacles

The poisonous puffer fish neatly exposed at a stall. What an ugly fish…

Varieties of prawns

After an impressive visit to the Fish Market, I took a subway to Yeouiaru Subway Station for a Ferry Cruise along Hangang River that flows through Seoul.