Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Monster Vs Alien Movie Screening

Hi guys, did you all watch Monster Inc last Sunday? I didnt because I am out. But if you guys like the movie then I am sure you will love this new 3D movie.



Yes, I went for the Monster Vs Alien movie screening on 18th May (That's my Birthday if you don't know!) thanks to OMY.SG, I am able to watch this movie free and before the release date!!

I asked Sky along but he was late and ended up I have to take the photo with the ticket alone (and I couldnt find my picture on the website!)

Anyway, what's Monster Vs Alien about? Well, it's about monster vs alien lor! hahah!!

Okay, this is my review for the movie! In Daniel way!

Basically, Susan (The main character) was hit by a meteorite on her wedding day and transformed her into a giant Susan (Okay! that's her!). She was then captured by the Government and was send off to a secret holding facility where they kept all sort of monster and weird looking monster from the public.

At there, Susan get to meet Dr.Cockroach, a mad scientist that accidentally turned himself into a well, cockroach. A fish looking monster, Brainless Blue Blob and the adorable Insectosaurus!

I tell you! Insectosaurus is damn cute lah! Dont believe? I show you!

See! cute right!

Together with her friends, they fought off the villian of the movie, The Megalomaniacal Extraterrestrial Gallaxhar who tried to invade the world.

Susan and her friends saved the day and the end. Yes, typical story I know but some of the character spice up the movie!

Brainless Blue Blob


This guy here is totally brainless, you will find yourself laughing at his silly speech and retard actions. But you cant deny he is the joker of the movie!

The President


Haha, you sure burst into laughters at his lame attempt of trying to communicate with the alien using his piano. The techno stuff and all...

Plus, one of his quote: "I am brave! I am brave! I am a brave president!"

Lastly, my adorable Insectosaurus! He is just damn cute!!!!!! I so wanted to own a plushie of him! I wanted to blog something about him but I guess it will become a big spoiler!


And in addition, the 3D effect of the movie make it more thrilling!! The part when the ping pong popped out of the screen make the whole hall go: "ooooooooooooohhhhh!"

Wah, imagine this is a scary movie! sure scare to the max mann!

Overall, I rate this movie 4/5 Stars

Once again, thanks to OMY.SG, I am able to enjoy this movie before the release date! And the mini goodies!! Brainless Blob stickers! (Why dont have Insectosaurus stickers?) and also, Heeren privilege card which entitled me to have discount when shopping at Heeren!

Okay! Do catch Monster Vs Alien okay!

PS: Missed the birthday celebrations that Nicholas planned for me as by the time I reached back is already 10pm le and next day, they either have work or school. But thank you very much!

Ps2: Shall update on my birthday celebrations once I got pictures from Yin Hong together with the celebrations with classgang. :)