Monday, May 11, 2009

Trailer - Gamer

My credibility is going down the toilet. Yesterday I panned a critically beloved foreign film, and now I'm about to tell you how much I loved the above trailer for Gamer, the new film from Crank directors Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. Much like Crank or Death Race (to which Gamer can obviously be compared), this movie looks like a hand-over-your-brain-at-the-door kind of deal, and I can't wait.

The action looks excellent (except for the slow motion car flip at 0:31) and Gerard Butler is obviously a great choice for the film. As for Michael C. Hall...his performance seems a little bit cheesy in the trailer, but he is undoubtedly an amazing actor (I'm a huge fan of both Dexter and Six Feet Under) and hypothetically he could bring something interesting to the role. Ludacris on the other hand...

This is also an example of a really well made trailer; awesome music, tight editing, cool explosions and a brief summary of the concept without giving away too much of the story...although you can probably guess exactly where the story is going regardless.

Gamer will open in the US on September 4th; an Australian release date is yet to be announced