Monday, May 18, 2009

Traveling across the tropical region

If you plan to travel across the tropical region this year, this is the best time for you. Why travelers should go now? Many travel agencies now offer various travel deals to South East Asia and the Pacific islands where the economical development is growing rapidly. Hotels, air and sea fares are affordable to any tourists who are interested to come.

Tropical region is located along the equator. It stretches from the islands of Indonesia, the beautiful coral reef of the Pacific islands, the exotic tropical rainforest of Amazon in Brazil, to Congo - a rich country in Africa. Tropical region is now entering dry season offering full sun shine, and richness of biodiversity.


Travelers from Europe and the USA will be interested in enjoying the beautiful nature of rainforest in Papua and Brazil as well as the pristine the underwater coral reef of the Palau islands.

If you have decided that you want to travel this season, you'll need to make some preparations. What you should bring when you want to travel around the coastal region. After you have arrived at your hotel, you might want to take sun-bathing. During the dry season, the temperature is very high. Tourists or travelers are recommended to apply lotion to protect their skin from burning. This is important because it can prevent you from suffering from skin cancer. The lotion is also needed to protect your skin from insects' bites that mostly thrive along the beach.

If you plan to dive around the coral reef, be sure that you bring diving equipment. Check it from any damages or defects before diving. Don't forget to fill out forms provided by the diving operator in case of any accidents happened to you so that they will be able to contact your relatives or close friends.


Traveling without recording the happy moment will be one the most stupid decision you've ever made. So, don't miss the precious moment when you are visiting certain places. Most tourists bring digital camera or video recorder. But don't forget to also bring rechargeable batteries and their charging equipment. Sometimes, when you take a vacation in remote region you will not find shops that sell them.

Suppose that you like hiking and traveling through the forest of Papua to enjoy bird watching and orchid observation will be your choice this season. If that's your travel plan then don't forget to bring portable tent for camping. In addition, you will need some medicine such as mosquito repellent lotion and anti-malaria pills.


Tourists or travelers who want to explore the tropical rainforest of West Papua and Amazon in Brazil must be accompanied with local guides with them. Also it is recommended that tourists or travelers do not bring flammable material such as kerosene, or matches with them into the forest. This is good to avoid forest fires. Bring canned food or biscuits so you don't have to cook in the forest. If your stay inside the forest is long and you'll have to cook, then you have to water the wood ember to completely extinguish it.

These are some of my suggestions to you if you plan to travel to tropical region this season. If you have finished traveling, don't forget to write me and tell some of your travel stories. by Charles Roring in Manokwari of West Papua - Indonesia Also read: Travelling with Passenger Ships;