Saturday, June 6, 2009

Knock knock. Who's there? Children with terminal diseases. Children with terminal diseases...who?

This week, many Australian's were shocked and appalled by a skit on The Chaser's War on Everything (a very popular sketch comedy/political satire program) entitled "Make A Realistic Wish", which spoofed the Make A Wish Foundation. Take a look at the clip, below.

(if the video doesn't play, alternative links can be found here, here & here)

I don't actually think that they were making fun of the kids so much as they were the Make A Wish Foundation, but it didn't really come across that way, and I'm really interested in finding out what other people think about this. There has been a fairly strong public outcry to the sketch; the ABC has put the show on hiatus for the next fortnight, and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said that the Chaser team "should hang their heads in shame." But too often the people who get outraged are those who are prone to indignant outbursts at the slightest thing anyway, and so I want to here from you. Do you think they went to far, or was this just a very funny piece of satire?

Personally...I think it's funny. It is in incredibly poor taste, and I can completely understand why people are upset, but I won't deny that I was amused. You do have to admit that as a spoof of "inspirational" commercials, it's dead on, right down to the awful music and blurred outlines. At the same time, it's not as though it had a strong political point; essentially it's just mean. I guess I'm in two minds. One the one hand I don't approve of censorship and like to think that everything is ripe for satire. But on the other hand, I hate to imagine what it would be like watching this sketch if I or someone I loved was dying of a terminal illness. Perhaps the Chaser team should have had the tact not to put this one to air. Please leave your thoughts (if you have any) below.