Friday, June 5, 2009

Trailer - The Final Destination

Following the trend of the previous Final Destination films (this is part 4), The Final Destination follows a group of friends who manage to cheat death, only to find fate catching up with them (in increasingly gruesome ways). In the first film it was a plane crash, in the second it was a highway pile up and in the third (the only one i've actually seen) it was a malfunctioning rollercoaster. This time it's racecars, and failing that, explosions, semi-trucks, scaffolding, swimming pools, car washes, escalators, lawn-mowers and many others things can and will cause the deaths of a young and attractive cast full of unknown actors, and presumably at least one sassy black character.

If you like slasher films then it's impossible to watch this trailer and not get excited. I mean by god, have you ever seen anything so exploitative or ridiculous? You have to wonder about the mind of the person who comes up with some of those kills. This trailer has actually re-awoken two of my most primal childhood fears - drowning in the car-wash and getting sucked into the escalator. And all in glorious, gratuitous 3D. I can already see the blood spraying out of the screen!