Friday, June 12, 2009

Weekly Film News: Trailers for Shutter Island & The Time Traveler's Wife, Photos of Mickey Rourke in Iron Man 2 & 26 new episodes of Futurama

In order to lend Plus Trailers some much needed credibility, every Friday (Saturday) I am going to be writing a little about the week’s film news. I will only be reporting on things that interest me – fans of Twilight will have to go elsewhere. In fact, if you want comprehensive or unbiased news coverage you’re probably looking in the wrong place. But if you can stand my poor grammar and nerdish rants about whatever it is that Hollywood is screwing up this week then by all means read on. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.

The first thing I’m reporting on is actually a piece of TV news. Comedy Central has ordered 26 new episodes of Futurama, which are set to air in the middle of next year. The four direct to DVD movies weren’t very good (except for the first one), but that was mainly because they always felt like four episodes strung together (as they had to be broken up for syndication.) I am a huge fan of the show, and can’t wait for these new episodes.

Two impressive trailers were released this week. The first one is for Shutter Island, an awesome looking thriller based on the novel by Dennis Lehane (Mystic River). Directed by Martin Scorsese (Goodfellas, The Departed), the movie tells the story of a US Marshall (Leonardo DiCaprio) who is sent to investigate the disappearance of a patient from a high security mental institution. You can watch the trailer here.

The second trailer is for the romance film The Time Traveler's Wife, which tells the story of a man (Eric Bana) who has a genetic condition that causes him to jump through time, and shows the effect it has on the relationship with his wife (Rachel McAdams). I’m not usually one for romantic dramas, but this looks as though it has some potential. You can watch the trailer here.

The above photo shows Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko aka Whiplash, the villain in the upcoming Iron Man sequel. Apparently Whiplash is a female in the comics, so I’m not entirely sure what the deal is, but I think we can all agree that Rourke looks pretty awesome and it’s good to see his career picking up again.

Pixar have stating that they are developing a sequel to their 2001 film Monsters Inc. I always thought Monsters was one of their best, and I’m naturally a little apprehensive about this news. Still, Pixar has never really done anything wrong so far (cough*cars*cough) so…I guess we’ll have to wait and see. For those of you who don’t know, they are also developing a sequel to Cars.

In more sequel news, two enormous horror franchises have announced an additional three movies each. Saw star Tobin Bell has said that the franchise will continue to at least part 8, and Kevin Williamson, the writer of the Scream movies has confirmed that there will be a new trilogy of Scream films. I have only seen part 1 of both Scream and Saw; I disliked the latter and loved the former. Still, awful sequels have always been an integral part of the horror genre, so it’s not really that big of a deal.

The incredible viral marketing campaign for the upcoming Peter Jackson produced sci-fi film District 9 continues, and above are just some of the cool ads that have been popping up on bus shelters and windows around the US. I cannot wait to see this movie; click here to see all the different ads.

There is a rumour going around that Megan Fox has been approached to star in the upcoming Buffy the Vampire Slayer film. Now I think all Buffy fans would agree that this is a terrible idea, but keep in mind that it’s just a rumour, and given that there is still no script for the movie, we shouldn’t get too worried yet. In related news, it has been confirmed that Joss Whedon (the TV shows creator) was approached about the film, but had no interest in being involved.

Remember a few months ago when Woody Harrelson punched a photographer after mistaking him for a zombie? Well, the reason he made this mistake is because he was working on an upcoming zombie comedy film called Zombieland, and above is one of four newly released pictures from the flick. Take a look at the other three here.


It's been a very slow week for DVD's in Australia, the only notable releases being
Transporter 3, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and He’s Just Not That Into You.

Sources: /Film, First Showing, Aint It Cool, Collider, Hey U Guys, EzyDVD