I’ll be honest with you, when I first glanced at the cover of this book I didn’t think it would have anything in it that I could relate to. There’s a picture of this sassy diva on the cover in a tight black dress, along with high heels and girly clichés that aren’t really me. But I opened the book to a random page and was pleasantly surprised when I glanced at one topic, ‘You really want to buy a house, but don’t know if you can afford it.’ I kept flipping through pages to find other topics like:
• Your food is so bland it could be served in a hospital.
• You’ve sprouted hairs in very unfeminine places: lip, chin, neck…
• Your bra wire is popping out and stabbing your boob
• Your boss keeps passing your over for promotions
• A colleague always takes credit for your work
• You feel you’re always super-generous to everyone, while no one is generous to you
• Your boyfriend and your best friend don’t get along
And that’s just a small sampling of over 300 pages of real life situations that we all get into and have no clue how to get out of. Sometimes you don’t have someone to help you figure out what to do in sticky situations. Then there are times when you wish you could get alittle guidance without a lot of lip from your mom or your favorite (know-it-all) gal pal, which is when this book definitely comes in handy.
I have to say, you should never just a book by its cover! Jane’s new guide is funny, informative, full of situations I can relate to, and definitely worth keeping handy (as you never know when you’ll get into a sticky situation).
Want to get a sneak peak? Browse inside the Modern Girl's Guide to Sticky Situations