Hi readers!
Before I get into the (semi) serious side of this post, I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank all the folks over at the Large Association of Movie Blogs for voting for me in this years LAMMY awards. I'm proud to say that I won in the only category I was nominated in: Best Overall Poster, for my piece describing my what was without question the greatest cinema experience of my life. I'd also like to offer a huge congratulations to all the other winners (check them out, there's a lot of great blogs out there).
But as glad as I am to have won this award, I can't help but feel a little bad about it. Any regular readers will have noticed how bare the blog has been lately; I'm only churning out about half the reviews I was this time last year, despite the fact that my first year of university has been so far been faaaaaaaaaar less stressful than my final year of high school. I don't have any real explanation for my laziness, other than...well...I'm lazy.
Never the less, I'm determined to turn things around. And yes, I know I wrote a post several months ago saying exactly that. But this time, I'm serious. For starters, I'm planning reintroducing several of my old recurring features including Awesome Scene Sunday and Weekly Film News, and I've had a couple of ideas for new features as well. Secondly, later today I'm finally going to post my long, long, long overdue TOP TEN FILMS OF 2009 LIST. And yes, I know, I wrote a post several months ago saying exactly that. But this time, I'm really serious.
Anyway, I'd better get to it. If everything I've just said turns out to be a load of crap...my bad.
Before I get into the (semi) serious side of this post, I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank all the folks over at the Large Association of Movie Blogs for voting for me in this years LAMMY awards. I'm proud to say that I won in the only category I was nominated in: Best Overall Poster, for my piece describing my what was without question the greatest cinema experience of my life. I'd also like to offer a huge congratulations to all the other winners (check them out, there's a lot of great blogs out there).

Never the less, I'm determined to turn things around. And yes, I know I wrote a post several months ago saying exactly that. But this time, I'm serious. For starters, I'm planning reintroducing several of my old recurring features including Awesome Scene Sunday and Weekly Film News, and I've had a couple of ideas for new features as well. Secondly, later today I'm finally going to post my long, long, long overdue TOP TEN FILMS OF 2009 LIST. And yes, I know, I wrote a post several months ago saying exactly that. But this time, I'm really serious.
Anyway, I'd better get to it. If everything I've just said turns out to be a load of crap...my bad.