Wednesday, December 1, 2010





From Bill Raetz-

For the month of December, 2010, I’m offering my first pulp fiction novella, Strip Poker, as a free download! It’s also available as a paperback for only $5.95.

Gracing the cover of this illustrated, incredibly pulpy adventure is none other than the lovely Syd Divine, the Golden Girl of the West.

If you enjoy the novella, posting a comment/short review somewhere online would be much appreciated.  The free download is available by clicking:

Get your copy today—and be sure to tell a friend!
For more about Syd Divine, visit:

From Josh Reynolds-

Advent Day Giveaway many of you were paying attention when I mentioned a little something called "Krampsnacht"? Because if you were, you'd know that starting today and going until Midnight on Christmas Day, I'll be offering a COMPLETELY FREE 5,000 WORD SHORT STORY to anyone who contacts me either via e-mail at argus33 at hotmail dot com, Facebook, Livejournal or Blogger between now and then.

Now, what's this story business about, you ask? Well, it's a bit of a gamble, is what it is. It's both a holiday treat and an advertisement of sorts for a series of stories I'll be writing regularly, starting next year, for Fantasy & Fear Magazine. This story is a first taste, if you will, of the characters who will be starring in said series-Charles St. Cyprian, the Royal Occultist to the British Crown and his assistant/apprentice, the sharp-tongued Ebe Gallowglass.

That said, the first 'official' appearance of these characters will be in January of 2011, in a story titled "Sign of the Salamander", which concerns a murdered civil servant, a missing mystical artifact and a riverboat going down the Nile. But until that time, you should feel free to enjoy "Krampusnacht", which sees our daring duo attempt to stand in the way of the kill-frenzy of the Krampus!
From TJ Glenn's Facebook page-

Teel James Glenn I’m delighted to announce that my short story “The Jester’s Touch” is live at the Fantasy World Geographic Magazine site. Stop by, read and leave a comment:


Pro Se Productions, publisher of the monthly PRO SE PRESENTS magazine line (including the rotating PECULIAR ADVENTURES, FANTASY AND FEAR, and MASKED GUN MYSTERY titles) announces that it will begin publishing Anthologies in 2011.  Unlike the magazines, these will be in book form and will contain four 15,000 word stories per book, each book with a different theme.


"We're very fortunate," states Tommy Hancock, Editor in Chief of Pro Se Press, "to have worked with so many talented writers and artists in the last year.  The decision to continue our magazine line and then add anthologies essentially came out of that talent pool.  We have writers eager to write concepts, both their own and some that are Pro Se house concepts and artists who can't wait to bring images from those tales to life.  We have four great anthologies planned and are ready to welcome writers and artists, both those we've worked with and anyone new to Pro Se, to submit work for these collections."

The first anthology, THE NINTH CIRCLE-VOLUME ONE, is scheduled for March, 2011.  This collection focuses on a concept created by Hancock that centers around a crime ridden precinct and borough in a city that shuffles its misbegotten and forgotten to THE NINTH CIRCLE.  This anthology will include tales from Hancock as well as noted pulp authors Barry Reese, Joshua Reynolds, and Derrick Ferguson!

The other collections still have openings for stories.  The anthologies scheduled to follow this debut include-

DEAD MAN WALKEN- Yet another concept from Hancock, this western adventure has enough intrigue and mystery to choke a horse!  A town is savagely attacked by a ruthless band of outlaws and most of the citizens killed, including the promising sheriff elect, Fitch Walken.  A month after the massacre and all the bodies are buried, Fitch Walken stumbles into town, the last three months of his life gone from his memory! The mystery deepens when Walken's grave is exhumed...and he's IN THE COFFIN!  What follows is the classic struggle of a man to find out who he is, what happened to him, and just which side of good and evil he will stand on! 

THE BLACK FEDORA-A BOOK OF VILLAINS- This is just what it says it is, an anthology dedicated to stories about the bad guys we love to hate.   These stories will focus on original villains and of course the heroes they face, these tales similar in style to the FU MANCHU stories of the past.  But this isn't only for yellow perils!!  Any type of villain that populates pulp is welcome to try on THE BLACK FEDORA!

HIGH ADVENTURE HISTORY-Ever wanted a chance to write a masked man enforcing justice in ancient Egypt?  Or a larger than life genius and his team of heroes righting wrongs in renaissance Italy?  Or mad scientists terrorizing the Arizona desert towns of the Old West?  Then here's your chance!  HIGH ADVENTURE HISTORY will include stories of traditional pulp concepts and tropes plopped into our very own past, pre 1900!  Take your favorite pulp stereotype and wrap it up in ancient or not so ancient places and people and join us in HIGH ADVENTURE HISTORY!


Any writers interested in submitting a proposal for DEAD MAN WALKEN, THE BLACK FEDORA, and/or HIGH ADVENTURE HISTORY need to write up a maximum of a two page proposal and email it to Hancock at  If the concept is accepted, the writer will be given a deadline to complete the story.  If the deadline is not met, other writers who have submitted proposals and put on a list for future volumes will be moved into the now open space.  All accepted writers will receive a percentage of earnings from the book they are a part of.  Artists interested in work, which will be paid by the page, also need to send samples and inquiries to Hancock at the above address.

When asked about the move Pro Se is making into anthologies, Barry Reese, a contributing writer to THE NINTH CIRCLE and Book Editor for PRO SE PRESENTS MASKED GUN MYSTERY stated, "It seems like the perfect transition for Pro Se -- they've already shown that they can bring back the thrill of pulp monthlies and now they can take that sense of adventure and design into the field of anthologies. It's a no-brainer and I'm thrilled to see what Pro Se can do!"
For any questions, please contact Tommy Hancock at