Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Albano Laziale, Italy - Sabotage at the site of proposed incinerator


6 April 2011 - In Albano Laziale, near Rome, there was an action made by eco-anarchists against a developing local open rubbish-dump where an incinerator is planned. The rubbish-dump is a huge hole of approximately 40m of great depth more than a soccer-field. The comrades were able to infiltrate the facility despite the presence of employees and security. Many different parts of the facility were sabotaged including 2 excavators, 1 truck, 1 seam compressor, various hydraulics, various electrical works etc. Sand in the tank of one vehicle. Stolen documents of the service yard, including building plans and photos of the intense activities in the yard.
“Direct Action in Defense of the Earth”