Sunday, April 24, 2011

Athens, Greece - Three of the accused for the Revolutionary Struggle case are released from pre-trial detention


6/04/2011 - Christoforos Kortesis, Evangelos ‘Vaggelis’ Stathopoulos and Sarantos Nikitopoulos (three of the six temporary detainees charged with participating in the urban guerrilla group Revolutionary Struggle) have been ordered released, after the Appellate Judges Council’ judgment on April 5th, 2011.
They are three anarchists who have repeatedly denied all accusations, and are prosecuted with no evidence against them but only in the basis of their political and comradely relations. The legal fabrication and police frame-up which have cost them one-year imprisonment are about to be forfeited in court (as they will be facing trial in the near future).
The Appellate Judges Council with the decree No.807/2011 ordered the replacement of the pre-trial detention of Christoforos Kortesis, Vaggelis Stathopoulos and Sarantos Nikitopoulos by bail conditions. Under the specific decree, Christoforos Kortesis and Vaggelis Stathopoulos are forced to a monetary bail of 3,000 euros each, while they are banned from exiting the country and obliged to appear twice a month at a police station in their area of residence. These restrictive conditions were also imposed on Sarantos Nikitopoulos —with the exception of monetary bail.
Pre-trial detention was prolonged for the members of Revolutionary Struggle, Nikos Maziotis, his partner Panagiota ‘Pola’ Rupa, and Kostas Gournas.