Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bologna, Italy - To all delinquents who have expressed solidarity


17/04/2011 - Solidarity has come strong and abundant with letters and telegrams, which have been so numerous to make the guards go into a tailspin, and some were even sent by registered post to make sure they arrived. This really warms up our heart.
The charge for those arrested, for those subjected to restrictions and for all the comrades investigated is ‘organized crime’.
Already used against the comrades in Lecce as a more appropriate charge compared to that of ‘subversive association’ and also employed in other legal procedures as in a case in Turin, now even the Digos of Bologna have pulled it out of their hat to hit at their nightmare in town. But the Bologna Digos have added something of their own and have said ‘with aims of subversion’.
After describing Fuoriluogo as a site where numerous internal and overseas initiatives are organized and depicting the link between us as strong and intense, they list a long series of ‘illegal activities’ carried out singularly or collectively, which are nothing more than well known penal procedures under way, where some of us have already been put on trial and paid a high price and others will be in the future. They are charges of resistance, damages, private violence, non authorized demos etc etc. The usual charges that weight on those who carry out struggles that disturb power.
From all this to the charge of ‘organized crime’ the reasoning becomes obscure, the noise of the crack on the mirror can be heard. But that’s it. Once they have built their structure, even if it is groundless and absurd, it will be up to us to dismantle it. So they do and so it is. Then, once again they have talked of leaders, vice-leaders and soldiers. They always try this path because it is their way to hit and because they really cannot understand that people can have different kinds of relationships. They want ‘to demonstrate’ that there is a leader because the comrade in question [Stefania, translator’s note] is very much involved in gathering data to be exposed in leaflets and to be used for the success of initiatives. During a telephone conversation with a comrade who found it hard to be present at a demo due to money problems, this comrade identified as ‘leader’ encouraged him to be present anyway by saying to him: ‘Come on, we will find the money, someone will provide it’ – of course by making recourse to her usual way of speaking that many know.
In short, a series of well known episodes and phone tagging like that just mentioned constitute the plot of the Bologna Digos, supported by a public prosecutor with some pebbles in her shoes.
We two in the female wing are okay. We are still separate and in isolation. We receive mail but maybe not all of it.
We send you a big hug and we keep on struggling with you for a world without fences, be them material or generated by induced fear and shabbiness. Without servants or bosses with their infamy and harmfulness.
We will be together soon but, as someone said in a telegram, if it is us to reach you it will be better.
Stefi and Anna

Bologna, Italy – The five arrested anarchists are being held in the Dozza prison, Bologna

we receive and publish:

26 comrades under investigation of whom 5 arrested in Bologna considered promoters of an “conspiracy with subversive purposes”.
updates soon.

to write to the arrested comrades who are being held in the Dozza (Bologna)

Martino Trevisan
Robert Ferro
Nicusor Roman
Stefania Carolei
Pistolesi Anna Maria

casa circondariale
via del Gomito 2
40127 bologna