Monday, April 25, 2011

The British Invasion leaving Epcot on April 30th, 2011

Photo: Copyright of the Walt Disney World resort. All rights reserved.

Yes, that infamous rumor that has been floating around for days was true, unfortunately. The British Invasion, one of the best entertainment bands that have worked at the U.K. pavilion (at Epcot) for the past 15 years, is going to leave very soon. Too soon. Here's what a member of the British Invasion wrote on the band's official Facebook Page:

To Our Fans.

First thanks to all the fans of the British Invasion for all their support over the years!!
It has been an honor to perform for you and Disney all these years!
We have given our notice to Disney Talent and Casting that we wouldn't be playing after April 30th some time ago. We will be back to play at Disney from time to time... and you will find those future dates posted on the British Invasion Facebook page!! Stay tuned for a british invasion fan appreciation party in May and details of our first concert appearance in downtown Orlando on May 14th. 

The British Invasion 2011


While it is very sad to see them leaving, it is certainly nice to hear that they will be coming back to the Walt Disney World resort from time to time. Of course, everybody will agree with me that this is a great loss for Epcot, that will only be added to the previous loss of the "Dragon Legends Acrobats" in the Chinese pavilion.

We will try to take a video of their very last day of performance (if we'll be able to), just as a tribute to this great band. By the way, be sure to visit their official web site to know more about their story.