Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Czech Republic - CCTV Toll Gate Generator is Blown Up in solidarity with the imprisoned Chilean anarchists



10/04/2011 - “In the early morning of April 10 we blew up a generator which supplies power to a small toll gate on the D1 highway. As a result, CCTV stationed there was cut off. The state of constant control must not leave us dormant. They treat us like laboratory rats caged in a bleak maze. Due to the public’s resignation they are free to impose an atmosphere of fear as they please. Such an atmosphere of fear and enforcement is accompanied by a ubiquitous supervision carried out by various authorities to keep an eye on those who would feel like breaking free from the vicious circle.
We refuse to come to terms with the pre-packed and pre-designed life.
We refuse to go to work so that the rich can get richer while the poor are forced to live off the crumbs from a rich man’s table.
We refuse to obey and comply.
Solidarity to the imprisoned Chilean anarchists!
Honour to Lambros Foundas!
Smash the State and Capitalism!”
Revoluční boj (Revolutionary Struggle)