Monday, April 25, 2011

The E.T. Adventure: On-ride PHOTOS

As promised some time ago, here you are some on-ride photos of one of the best dark rides ever created:

The E.T. Adventure

It is currently located only here, in Universal Studios Florida. It was originally also part of Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Studios Japan, but it was later replaced in both parks. We're very lucky to have the very last version of this fantastic ride, and we would like to keep it, at least for twenty more years.

The experience begins with a seemingly un-themed outside queue, which has some LCD televisions where guests can see some of the actors of the original film talking about their experience. Then, we move to another un-themed are, this time inside. A blast of cold air makes you feel like you're up north... then, a pre-show starts, where Steven Spielberg tells you what to do to save E.T.'s dying planet and reassures you that "you don't have to pedal".

Later, you enter a third, bare room where guests receive their "Interplanetary Passport". Just give them your first name (it can even be fictional), and that's all. After this, the real adventure begins. People now enter an amazing, ultra-themed, long queue that winds through a dark forest, with many objects used in the movies and some nice Audio-Animatronics, including the "Astronauts" and "Botanicus", from the Green Planet, E.T.'s home.

After this fantastic queue (oh, the smell is great there!!), you board a 12-people suspended vehicle (each person sits on a bike) that takes you to an adventure to save E.T.'s planet.

Here are some pictures of the ride portion.

NOTE: Never, never use the flash on a dark ride, unless there's nobody in your vehicle, in the vehicle in front and in the back of yours. We were absolutely alone, therefore we were able to take flash pictures. Thanks for noting this.

They're coming after us!

The owl.

"Hold on right there..."

"Hey, Stop!"... "They're getting away!... Look, they're flying!"

The City, from above.

We can see the bikes flying near the moon.

After a light-speed voyage, we find ourselves on the Green Planet.

Botanicus and two strange plants greet us.

E.T. Home.

A look at the planet (and the ride's track!).

Megdal says: "Thanks for saving our planet! Come, celebrate with us!"

The playful Green Planet

Do you remember the "Interplanetary Passport" that was given to you at the beginning?
Well, this is what it was needed:

E.T. can tell your own name (or at least, the one you gave to the Team Member)!:

"Goodbye, [insert name here]"

We hope you've enjoyed our voyage to E.T.'s planet, and we hope to see you again soon!