Thursday, April 28, 2011

feliz san valentin poemas

feliz san valentin poemas

feliz san valentin poemas feliz san valentin poemas feliz san valentin poemas

feliz san valentin poemas feliz san valentin poemas feliz san valentin poemas

To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer. ~Farmer's Almanac, 1978

Life is not having been told that the man has just waxed the floor. ~Ogden Nash

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John F. Kennedy

The two rules of procrastination: 1) Do it today. 2) Tomorrow will be today tomorrow. ~Author Unknown

I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday. ~Author Unknown

The night sky is a miracle of infinitude. ~Terri Guillemets

How hard it is to escape from places. However carefully one goes they hold you - you leave little bits of yourself fluttering on the fences - like rags and shreds of your very life. ~Katherine Mansfield

Yes we are friends and I do like to pass the day with you in serious and inconsequential chatter. I wouldn't mind washing up beside you, dusting beside you, reading the back half of the paper while you read the front. We are friends and I would miss you, do miss you and think of you very often. I don't want to lose this happy space where I have found someone who is smart and easy and doesn't bother to check her diary when we arrange to meet. ~Jeanette Winterson, Written on the Body, 1992

Horses - if God made anything more beautiful, he kept it for himself. ~Author Unknown

We have grown literally afraid to be poor. We despise anyone who elects to be poor in order to simplify and save his inner life. If he does not join the general scramble and pant with the money-making street, we deem him spiritless and lacking in ambition. ~William James

Hatreds are the cinders of affection. ~Walter Raleigh

It is easier to lead men to combat, stirring up their passions, than to restrain them and direct them toward the patient labors of peace. ~Andre Gide, Journals, 13 September 1938

I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it. ~Author Unknown

And what is a good citizen? Simply one who never says, does or thinks anything that is unusual. Schools are maintained in order to bring this uniformity up to the highest possible point. A school is a hopper into which children are heaved while they are still young and tender; therein they are pressed into certain standard shapes and covered from head to heels with official rubber-stamps. ~H.L. Mencken

Each of us is something of a schizophrenic personality, tragically divided against ourselves. ~Martin Luther King, Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

Curmudgeon: anyone who hates hypocrisy and pretense and has the temerity to say so; anyone with the habit of pointing out unpleasant facts in an engaging and humorous manner (source: Portable Curmudgeon Redux, Jon Winokur).

It's easy to see golf not as a game at all but as some whey-faced, nineteenth-century Presbyterian minister's fever dream of exorcism achieved through ritual and self-mortification. ~Bruce McCall

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~Mark Twain

Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939, translated from French by Lewis Galantiere

The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires self-distrust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no disciple. ~Amos Bronson Alcott